7 Common Mistakes in Residential Pest Control and How to Avoid Them


Did you know that the presence of pests in your home could pose a high risk of getting infected? Because of this, it’s important to seek the best residential pest control fast.

However, not everyone knows how to look for a good contractor when getting the job done. Some people think that a “pretty guy in a uniform” would do the job, but that might not always be the case.

Do you also want to know the most common mistakes in residential pest control? If so, then this is the article for you. Here, we’ll be going over the most common mistakes that happen when providing pest control services.

Read on to learn more about the topic.

1. Not Consulting a Professional

Oftentimes, people feel that they can handle the problem on their own. This is usually the case until the problem becomes worse. The most important step when dealing with damage from pests is to consult a professional.

These trained pest control services have the best methods of extermination, both humane and effective. Additionally, they can provide solutions tailored to your specific home and situation. By consulting a professional, you can save money by not investing in unnecessary pest control equipment and products.

2. Ignoring Indoor/Outdoor Relationships

All too often, the focus is placed on controlling the pests inside the home without addressing their source – the outdoors. This is a common mistake that can lead to an ongoing battle with pest infestations.

To avoid this issue, a proper pest control plan must include both indoor and outdoor measures. For example, physical barriers, such as door and window screens, can be installed to keep outdoor pests from entering the home.

3. Failing to Eliminate the Source

Many homeowners attempt to eradicate pests without eliminating the source of the problem. For example, attempting to get rid of these pests will only be a temporary solution, as they will return shortly after as long as they have a way in. By not finding, and sealing off this entry point, you’re providing the pests with a convenient service.

To avoid this common mistake in residential pest control, you should inspect the property and look for cracks, open windows and doors, and other entry points. Seal off these openings and inspect weekly to check for signs of further infestations. Finally, contact a reputable pest control company if your attempts at home pest control aren’t successful.

4. Not Conducting Regular Maintenance

Not conducting regular maintenance is also a common mistake in residential pest control. This can be especially problematic for areas prone to pests. As the infestation can become worse and much harder to control.

To avoid this, it is important to check the area of pest activity. Both you and a professional can do this since they understand the area and the insect life it may contain. If there are signs of a pest issue, they need to be addressed as possible.

Servicing is a must at least twice a year. But, more frequent servicing may require depending on the level of infestation.

Finally, a good prevention plan should be put in place. This will reduce the chances of a full-blown infestation occurring and make it much easier to control any pests that do appear. With these steps in place, regular maintenance can help ensure a pest-free home.

5. Not Taking Precautions

It is important to use the correct safety gear when dealing with chemicals. This includes wearing long-sleeved clothes, face masks, and gloves. In the case of heavy chemicals, it is best to use a respirator.

Furthermore, homeowners should make sure to exercise proper hygiene and clean their hands before and after handling chemicals. Proper disposing of used chemicals is also essential to avoid the risk of contamination. If there is a spilled chemical, homeowners should immediately clean up the spill with a wet cloth and dispose of it following the instructions provided.

Following these safety guidelines can help homeowners to avoid any issues while performing pest control.

6. Poor Housekeeping/Sanitation

Careless food preparation and storage, not emptying the garbage, and not cleaning spills can attract pests to the home. Additionally, not vacuuming often and allowing clutter to pile up can provide the perfect place for pests to hide and breed.

To avoid this situation and infestations, it is important to keep kitchen areas and other parts of the house free of food and water sources. Frequent sanitation practices, such as wiping down surfaces, vacuuming and mopping floors, ridding of excess clutter, and ensuring to keep food is properly stored away and not left out will create a pest-resistant home environment.

7. Over-Reliance on Poisonous Chemicals

There are a variety of methods to rid homes of pests without the use of harsh and poisonous chemicals. Alternatives such as traps, baits, and organic pest control methods can be employed to avoid poisoning the home and its inhabitants.

Traps provide a physical barrier for rodents, and various types of bait can also be used. Some baits contain poisons; yet, some bait types offer chemical-free strategies. Additionally, using organic pest control methods, such as natural repellents, can also deter pests from entering the home.

With a variety of chemical-free strategies available, there is no need to over-rely on poisonous chemicals to combat pests.

Mistakes in Residential Pest Control You Must Avoid

Pest control should always be taken seriously. But with knowledge and preparation, it doesn’t have to be scary. By understanding the common mistakes in residential pest control and how to avoid them, you can take control of your home and protect it from pests.

If you need professional help, contact a trusted pest control expert today!

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