7 Reasons Why You Should Consider Taking Bridal Portraits


You know the saying, “There’s not enough time in the day”? That’s like quadruply true for your wedding day. Just do the math on grabbing a quality moment with each of your guests so that every one of them can urge you to take time to “take it all in.” Except, time has already gotten away from you. Traffic delayed the wedding party photo shoot and you fear most of the pictures are candids of you tracking down an errant flower girl.

Want to know how to get more time on your wedding day and ensure you’re able to appreciate everything to the fullest? Accomplish some of those wedding day activities ahead of time. It sounds like we are setting you up for a magic riddle, but it’s really just a list of reasons why you should consider taking bridal portraits.

  1. Select the Obvious Solo

If you look at a wedding day schedule, most of the entries are going to be pretty difficult to square away in advance. The dance floor and the ceremony require other participants. The wedding cake can only be eaten once — there’s a frustrating saying about that, too.

It makes sense that there aren’t many solo activities in a day dedicated to joining people together. But if there is such a moment, it’s usually dedicated to capturing the bride in her wedding dress. Coincidentally, that’s something you can do beforehand. A couple of months before the wedding, the cake is still a collection of ingredient jars, the venue is hosting that antique auction and most of the guests are a hundred miles away. But the dress is (potentially) already hanging in your closet.

  • Get the Most Out of Your Wedding Outfit

You’ve put a lot of thought (and money) into your wedding outfit. But while you might wear that bridal necklace again, the wedding dress only gets a few hours to shine. So why not seize the opportunity to give the whole ensemble a bit more time. This doesn’t mean there won’t be any pictures of you in your wedding dress at the wedding! But on the day of the wedding, you might only pause for a couple of close-ups, instead of rushing through 10. Doesn’t that math sound a bit better?

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  • Practice to Make Perfect

That also gives you the chance to see what you look like in your dress in pictures. Maybe evaluate the neckline or reconsider the shoes. That’s one reason that brides often schedule their portraits a few months in advance. That way, if they want to change anything up (or if, heaven forbid, the dress gets damaged somehow), there is time to adjust accordingly. And it also gives you a chance to get used to moving in your dress; otherwise, you might be figuring out how to manage your train as you go down the aisle.

  • Collaborate with Your Photographer

This is also a chance to get some quality time with the photographer. That’s a really valuable resource. If you are using the same photographer for the portrait as you are for the wedding, they can be more strategic in their own preparation. And even if they aren’t going to be there that day, they can still offer you good advice. Believe it or not, they’ve probably seen a lot of weddings. So if you are still deciding on accessories, group photo backdrops or even the timeline for the reception, they can likely give some guidance.

  • Avoid the Stress of Your Special Day

All eyes might be on you at the wedding. It’s your special day! But the fact of the matter is that your own attention (and that of your photographer) will often be directed elsewhere. Here’s an example: You are getting ready. The photographer is there (of course). You start to remind her to take some shots of the reception centerpieces later that evening, only to remember that they are still locked away in a supply closet! All of a sudden, the serene series of makeup shots has morphed into documenting your frantic texts to the janitorial staff.

A bridal portrait gives you a chance to get your own photos exactly the way you want them in a stress-free situation, without worrying whether you are losing ground elsewhere on the wedding day. So it’s not just a matter of saving time — it’s also a matter of offloading stress. Remember, you’ll still be in plenty of pictures on the day of the wedding itself, but you can rest easy knowing that you’ve already got a flattering picture stowed away.

  • Control Your Environment

Despite the loveliness of the church or the beach where you might be getting married, it might not be the best place for portraiture. Maybe the forecast predicts a light drizzle, or those “getting ready” shots take place in the church’s nursery. The flickering fluorescent lights of the designated “bridal room” don’t exactly play up things like that set of unique pear-shaped engagement rings.

Now imagine that you can have a studio at your disposal or you can select the ideal setting you want for a portrait (hello, rustic barnscape!), even if it wouldn’t work for a wedding venue. Be sure to prepare ahead of time, and bring multiple accessories.

  • Provide a Special Gift

Finally, while having a flattering picture of yourself is a gift for you, it can also be a gift for the lucky groom. It might seem strange to give him a portrait of yourself, but you didn’t expect him to start tearing up when he first saw you in that dress either.

Source metamorworksShutterstockcom

Don’t spend your wedding day wishing you had more time and your marriage wishing you had more pictures. Like seriously, don’t do that. That’s wasting time and energy you could spend taking in the present with the one you love. But if there is a way to give yourself more time and preserve more special moments, why not do it?