Be Free from Chapped Lips by Eliminating 5 Popular Mistakes!

Close-Up of Mouth

If you have been religiously following a strict facial care routine, you will attest to the fact that the lips require a substantial amount of tender loving care. There is no denying that the lips are the most utilized facial feature. It is essential for functions such as eating, speaking and even kissing.

Ironically, the lips are protected by an impossibly thin layer of skin. The impact of this skin layer is such that its existence is often negligible. Due to this unfortunate characteristic, the lips endure a heightened sensitivity and become extremely vulnerable to damage.

Chapped Lips

Due to the lack of adequate protection and in the absence of oil glands, the lips can be easily dried out, and exposure to external elements can cause symptoms such as irritated lips. Within the beauty industry, this phenomenon is commonly referred to as chapped lips.

Although a multitude of factors can lead to the occurrence of chapped lips, a majority of them can be prevented by implementing certain tried and tested solutions including the regular use of lip balms. On a more personal level, chapped lips can be avoided by eliminating some bad habits. Listed below are five frequent mistakes that stand in the way of healthier lips condition.

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  1. Dehydration

The best method to hydrate the lips is to provide it with the necessary moisture through regular water consumption. The symptom of chapped lips is a clear indication that the body is not receiving enough intake of liquid. On a daily basis, at least, eight glasses of water are recommended. This guideline should be adjusted according to the weather as well. For instance, a higher water intake would be required during the winter when the weather becomes dry. It is also important to note that beverages such as coffee, tea and any drink with alcoholic content actively promotes chapped lips and should be avoided at all costs.

  1. Dry Environment

In a specific study, researchers tested out the prevalence of chapped lips on soldiers who trained in the open desert. Essentially, the researchers were interested in how a dry environment and a lack of hydration correlates with the onset of chapped lips. Conducted in Fort Irwin, California, a total of 1,053 soldiers were enlisted for this experiment. After the testing period of 4 weeks, it was conclusively provided that a dry environment positively correlates to chapped lips. Up to 33% of the soldiers suffered from varying degrees of chapped lips. Although the statistics do not overwhelmingly associate dry conditions to chapped lips, it does prove the existence of a relationship. Similar to dehydration, chapped lips can be prevented by increasing the amount of water intake.

  1. Lip Plumpers

This is probably the newest factor that is attributed to the development of chapped lips. The best lip plumpers in the beauty industry market themselves as alternative ways to enhance facial features. However, individuals should tread with caution towards the use of these products. Lip plumpers use harsh ingredients to stimulate the lips, giving it more volume and making it appear fuller. These strong ingredients tend to make the lips dry and promote chapped lips. Other than a higher water consumption rate, lip moisturisers are also required to correct the damage done by these lip plumpers.

  1. Licking lips

The act of licking the lips comes almost naturally to many people whenever their lips feel dried out. This instinctive reaction is understandable. It makes sense that when the lips lack moisture, the tongue bails it out by hydrating it with saliva. The problem with this solution is that in the long run, the saliva does more harm than good to the lips. Firstly, constant friction between the tongue and lips can easily wear out the thin layer of skin protecting the lips. Next, when the saliva evaporates, the natural moisture is also carried away with it. Lastly, saliva contains enzymes that are effective in breaking down food to aid digestion. Applying these enzymes to the lips would disintegrate the skin, leaving it exposed to the harmful elements of the environment. Based on this three distinct disadvantages, individuals should actively work towards eradicating this subconscious habit.

  1. Orange/Lemon Juice

Oranges and lemons have no lack of admirers, and many people actively include these fruits in their dietary plans. Unknown to them, eating or drinking these fruits have a negative effect on their lips which can promote the development of chapped lips, due to the high citrus content in them. For those are reluctant to eliminate these great tasting fruits from their diets, higher daily consumption of water is necessary to balance out the harmful effects.




The prevalence of chapped lips can be quite disconcerting to some people, especially if they are persistent and constantly present itself as a problem. Although viable solutions are readily available to cure chapped lips, a few preventive measures can be taken as well. The next time your lips start to feel dry, consciously make mental notes not to lick them and hydrate yourself immediately. If you are searching for tips on how to plump your lips, bear in mind that the harsh ingredients in these products will most definitely worsen the condition of your lips. By keeping this list handy, you can significantly reduce the chances of sustaining chapped lips.

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