How Immediately Can I Get Prescription Glasses?

Close-up of female eyes in glasses

Almost half of the world’s population wears prescription eyeglasses. In the US alone, more than 150 million people wear prescription glasses. All these people daily face the challenges associated with glass wearers. For instance, one can always have enough spare pairs of glasses until you urgently need one. 

You have an important meeting the next day and accidentally broke the only presentable pair you have. In such dire situations, you wish to get prescription glasses fast, probably the very next day, to save your event. For such situations, next-day prescription glasses are a lifesaver that you can get from Overnight Glasses,, Lens Direct, and a few more brands.

In this article, you will know how to get next-day prescription glasses fast so that you would be well prepared for certain unexpected situations.

Ways to get Next Day Prescription Eyeglasses 

Purchasing prescription eyeglasses should be a simple and uncomplicated process. Also, ensure that you get a money-back warranty in case they are not up to your expectations.

Follow these steps to get prescription glasses fast:

  1. Get an Eye Examination Done

Regular eye checkups are important. It is always best to start from scratch and get your eye examination done if you haven’t had one in more than six months to a year. It would be best if you visited a certified optometrist for a comprehensive examination. It is also smart to be prepared beforehand and list down quick points of your symptoms so that you do not waste your doctor’s time or make an error. You should also write a summary of your family’s medical history just in case. 

  1. Get a Prescription

If you have recently had an eye examination, you could request a copy of your prescription by calling the office. Your Optometrist or Ophthalmologist is required to share it with you. 

There is also another option of scanning your current eyeglasses on various applications to find out your eyeglass prescription like GlassesUSA, etc.

An eye examination can easily determine which type of glasses are best for you, based on your vision test, pupil test, and other important eye exams.  

  1. Pick the Right Type of Frame. 

The last step is to choose the right eyeglass frame, which suits you best. There is a wide variety of eyeglass types to choose from. Also, many famous brands manufacture some of the top eyeglass frames, which are highly recommended.

Moreover, you can search for the best eyeglasses that would suit the shape of your face. Many companies also offer add-ons like anti-reflective coating, polycarbonate lens, UV coating, scratch-resistant coating, anti-fog coating, etc.

Factors that Affect Quick Acquisition of Prescription Eyeglasses

Many factors determine how fast you can get your prescription eyeglasses. These include the following:

  • Complicated prescriptions always take more time to be ready. Complex prescriptions include prism-controlled bifocal lenses. However, an average prescription does not take much time. 
  • Lens add-ons and other modifications can take longer for your prescription eyeglasses to get ready, like anti-glare lenses, scratch-resistant lenses, etc.
  • The location of the place where you are buying your prescription eyeglasses also matters. If it is near, you will get your prescription eyeglasses in no time.
  • Availability of the frame that you choose is also necessary for the prompt delivery of your prescription eyeglasses. Delay is caused by the unavailability of the frames that you ordered. 
  • If the shop you buy from has in-house optical labs, you could receive your prescription eyeglasses within an hour. If an outside lab is required for the preparation of your prescription eyeglasses, it might take more time.

Is an Eye Exam Necessary for Prescription Glasses?

Before choosing prescription eyeglasses, you must have your eyesight checked and get a valid prescription from an eye doctor. If you recently had an eye exam, you don’t need to have another as long as your prescription hasn’t expired. Normally, eyeglass prescriptions are deemed no longer valid after one or two years. If your eyeglass prescription has expired, then it’s strongly recommended for you to make an appointment for an eye exam.

Even if you don’t need prescription eyeglasses and your eyesight is perfectly fine, you must get your eyesight checked once in a while. This occasional checkup might help you discover the early warning signs of eye disease.

Can you Get a Same-Day Eye Exam and Prescription Glasses?

The short answer is yes. Eyes can be examined, and prescription glasses can be made and delivered on the same day if facing an emergency. Usually, it’s not very hard to get same-day eyeglasses, but sometimes a few factors might affect same-day eye exams and prescription glasses. Firstly, complicated prescriptions can complicate the matter and delay delivery. Sometimes, the frame you have chosen may not be available and may result in late delivery. Last but not least, the purchase location might cause some problems. Some places might have a different timeline estimate for prescription eyeglasses.