Saturday, April 27, 2024
Compost is the answer if you want to improve the soil in your garden and help your plants grow better. However, do you have to spend money on it? Not. Free compost near me just like you can find free mulch near...
Today, we are talking about holiday cacti. You might have heard of Christmas Cacti, Thanksgiving Cacti, and Easter Cacti, but did you know they are not all the same? Let us break it down in simple terms so you...
Have you ever found yourself enjoying a peaceful afternoon in your garden, only to feel a bit uncomfortable knowing that prying eyes from the neighbours can see right through your fence? We all value our privacy, especially in our...
INDOOR GREENHOUSE  - Not everyone has a large backyard to satisfy their desire to cultivate. However, if you want to cultivate fresh herbs, fruits, veggies, and flowers, you may get by with even the tiniest living areas. How? The...
MAJESTY PALM  - An indigenous tropical tree to Madagascar, the Majesty Palms (Ravenea rivularis) can reach around 100 feet. Although it is becoming less common in the wild, it is currently generally grown as an indoor tree, where containing...
You’ve more than likely heard the phrase “going green” before, right? If you haven’t, it basically means that you’re consciously implementing eco-friendly habits to better the environment, whether at home or work. Now, this green lifestyle has levels to...
The best plants for the rock garden allows you to make a beautiful display of alpine or small plants. It is simple to make – all you need are large stones or rocks, a mix of rockery plants, and...
As we all know by now, the secret to staying well throughout the COVID-19 pandemic is to spend as much time at home as possible. So, how can you maximize the enjoyment of spending a night in when you...
When you go outdoors just for a minute, especially at the dusk time, you may have noticed there is a Mountain of mosquitoes buzzing over your head. The mosquitoes, when you go outside, start buzzing around your ears, stick...
When you’re ready to take your home exterior to the next level, a water feature will do the trick. Adding a water feature to your garden can increase the enjoyment of your garden. As it will help bring a...