How much do braces cost? Is Getting Braces Costly?

How much do braces cost?

How much do braces cost?

Average braces cost is one factor that prevents adults and teenagers from getting braces and seek medical treatment. Usually, medical aid does not cover orthodontist expenses. The cost of braces for adults highly depends on the type of braces you want and your insurance cover. At-home solutions are the cheapest option and the average cost of braces (at home solutions) is around $2000. If you do not have insurance cover, the cost of braces on average will be $2,500–$7,500.

Types of Braces?

Teens wearing braces often feel conscious about their looks. But it does not mean that as an adult you don’t worry about your appearance. You become more self-conscious as an adult. And a “train track” look is the last thing you would want when you grow up, making it obvious that you are getting your teeth straightened.

People dislike wearing braces because of people’s judgments and perceptions. As an adult, if you have a professional life it becomes even more difficult to get braces on. Gone are the days when metal braces were the only option available in the market for getting a perfect smile. Now you can get ceramic braces to match the exact color of your tooth. There are also braces which are hard to detect like Invisalign. This makes the person wearing the braces comfortable as it does not get noticed. How much do braces cost will depend on the type of braces you want? Let’s discuss the different types of braces in brief.

  • Traditional Metal braces- The traditional metal braces have undergone renovation too with improved technology. These are not like the old braces that your parents must have worn. These are lighter, smaller and comparatively less noticeable than the old one. High-grade stainless braces brackets are joined to each tooth and have a flexible metal wire.metal braces

It takes 2 hours to get these attached. Your teeth can feel sore a little after fitting and adjustments.  The treatment takes 18-24 months and to avoid tooth decay it is important to take care of your teeth properly and regularly clean braces. The fun part is that you can choose the color of the elastic band and make a statement.

  • Invisible braces for adults-  if you planning to get invisible braces, the dentist will first scan your mouth and create a 3D image of the teeth. This helps in making tailor-made aligners to fit your teeth and is ready within a month of consultation. The average treatment of braces takes 12-18 months but can be longer or shorter as per the need. You will have to wear retainers every night to stop them from moving back to the earlier position.
  • Ceramic Braces- These braces are made of a material which is of similar color as teeth or either clear. This makes the appearance of these braces less obvious than the standard metal braces. These are equally effective as traditional braces and cause the same amount of discomfort as well. Ceramic braces are made of expensive material than metal which means ceramic braces cost more than traditional metal braces.
  • Lingual Braces– These braces are also called incognito or hidden braces. Lingual braces are not complete invisible braces. These braces are fixed behind the teeth. Braces behind teeth are less visible than the braces that are fixed on top. Lingual braces are hard to notice.  These can be molded to fit each tooth shape. Lingual braces cost more than the standard braces. These Braces for adults are visible when opening mouth wide.  These are hard to clean because they are not visible properly. Also, you may face speech problems because of these braces. These factors make them a less popular kind.

lingual braces

  • Self-Ligating Braces- self-ligating braces are like traditional braces, they use a wired system and bracket. These do not use metal ties or elastic bands. No rubber bands mean that they are hygienic than traditional braces. These offer faster treatment and require a few checkups. These affordable braces for adults with low income.

Finding an Orthodontist

Finding an experienced, well-qualified dentist or orthodontist is very important. This is the first step when you want to get your braced done. Ask family and friends for a good dentist recommendation or you can Google braces dentist near me to find the available options of orthodontist centers and check reviews.

The price of braces will vary across dentists and different regions. So it is necessary to talk to a few dentists to get an idea. The dentist will examine the teeth and then provide a final quote which will also include s small fee.

Make sure you check what services and things they include in quotation charged and what charges are excluded.  Consider asking about retainers, tooth extractions, mouth guards and regular checkups after getting the braces removed. You can also look for nonprofit organizations program for free adult braces near you.  Don’t look for cheap orthodontist services just to save a few bucks, you should focus on getting good services.

Some frequently asked questions when getting braces?

  • Does dental and health insurance cover braces?

Does insurance cover braces? This will be the first question that will pop in your mind. If you have insurance you must check with the insurance provider about what all is included. Most health insurance plans do not pay for orthodontist treatments, for all the people above 18 years.  In case your existing health insurance does not cover orthodontic expenses, you can get separate orthodontic insurance.

Whenever you buy an insurance plan, always make sure to ask about what percentage of expenses they cover and what is the longevity of the insurance plan.  The coverage amount varies significantly. But 50% is a common coverage figure with a $1500 lifetime maximum per child.

You should keep the same plan during the entire orthodontic treatment. Most orthodontic coverage plans do not cover braces charges if they have been applied earlier to the teeth before the effective date.

  • What changes to expect while wearing braces?

After you get your braces, you will have to see your orthodontist every month to check if you need any adjustments with your braces and how are your teeth moving. Some people are usually given elastics so that they can hook onto brackets of lower and upper teeth. In case of requirement, a headgear device can also be used for upper teeth alignment.

In the beginning, eating with the braces on will be a little weird for you. You will be required to pay attention to. There are certain foods that cannot be eaten while you have braces on. These foods should be avoided:

  1. Foods that require biting down- corn on the cob, apples
  2. Hard foods- nuts, raw carrots and pretzels
  3. Chewy foods- gum or caramel

Your teeth require proper cleaning if you are wearing braces. Spend more time on cleaning the teeth. Food gets trapped between and behind the wires or brackets which can cause tooth decay. Use a toothbrush shaped like a Christmas tree that can easily fit between teeth spaces. Also, make sure to do regular flossing and regular brushing.

  • How are braces helpful?

Braces are used to align the teeth. They use constant slow pressure to move teeth to get them in proper alignment.  Braces also reshape jaw bone and ensure that teeth stay intact even after the braces are removed. Teeth straightening process takes more time in adults compared to kids.

A pleasing smile is one reason to get braces but there are also some health concerns attached to these.

When teeth are crowded, it is easier to get gum diseases and tooth decay. If the teeth are not properly aligned, closing mouth, swallowing and chewing can cause problems. Saying certain words or making sounds also becomes problematic.

  • Do getting braces hurt?

Yes, it is normal to feel pain and discomfort when you get braces. Getting braces as adults mean that you are forcing your body to change the jaw bone structure. This will be a little hurtful in the initial day, especially when you for regular checkups and dentist visits for adjustment of these braces. You may also get mouth sores because of cheek tissue irritation.

does getting braces hurt

Some effective tips for dealing with pain:-

  • Take painkillers to ease pain and soreness.
  • Eat foods like eggs, soups, pasta, yogurt, and mashed potatoes.
  • Rinse mouth with warm water and salt to ease the pain.
  • Use anesthetic mouth gels to numb the pain at night when you are finding it difficult to sleep.
  • Use Orthodontic wax to cover wires and brackets that cause irritation in your mouth.
  • Don’t touch mouth sores with fingers or even tongue this will make the situation far worse.