Explore the Most Popular Types of Dog Training for the Betterment of Your Dog


Dog training, if not well conducted, can be an exhausting task. Having all the right tools and knowledge, to begin with, is a plus for all those who have to let their dogs undergo dog training. If you want to know more about the most popular types of dog training, then this article will give you a good start.

A long time ago, in those days when dogs were only domesticated by man, dog training was made up of many different methods. Some were performed with sharp collars, some with traps and other stuff like that. It really was hard to get a trained dog because they do not respond well to any type of physical contact or the other methods used to train them. For that reason, those people were more concerned about not hurting the dogs. However, there are different ways of training dogs today. The most common methods are the leash, verbal commands, and treats. Each one of the training methods has its own advantages and disadvantages, so you have to determine which ones suit your needs best.

Let’s See Some of the Essential Attributes to Dog Training

  • Collars 

While collars are now less commonly used in dog training, they still play a crucial role in training. If you have a dog that has wandered out of his territory, your hands cannot reach it fast enough without the use of a collar. On the other hand, if you have a dog that does not understand how to behave around people, you will have a difficult time trying to catch him.

Dog training collars are generally made of plastic, and they fit the dog’s neck. To use it, you simply push the button, and a signal comes out on the collar that you are supposed to give.

  • Signs

This is one amongst the most common and accepted ways of communicating with your dog. It involves using a whistle, a command, or a tone of voice. A professional trainer would try to use all of these methods, but he would probably start with the commands.

The trainer makes a strange sound, and if the dog makes any sort of noise that matches the command, he will be trained. In some cases, the trainer may hold back when he gives the command, while in other cases, he may teach the dog to make noise without making a sound.

  • Verbal Commands

Another training method is verbal commands. This involves teaching the dog to understand what you want him to do.

In dog training, you can use the phrase “sit-heel” to command your dog to sit. The dog will not know what he should do but will learn to understand what he should do. You can do this training with your dog even when he is far away from you.

  • Physical Contact

Physical contact in training is not recommended. What makes it perfect for training dogs is that it can be done in a safe manner, and also you can catch the dog when he is out of place.

Using a dog lead is the most effective dog training tool for this purpose. The dog simply follows the leader and will not even realize it. Most of the most common dog training methods are widely used today. In order to get the most out of your training, it is important that you choose the right training method. 


Various Dog Training Methods

  1. Behavioral Training

This type of training is something that is responsible for making your dog behave properly. It will help your dog to learn the behavioral characteristics to be followed while being with other animals and people. Sometimes this training involves a few commands, but the only purpose is to make the dogs cultured and civilized enough to share the same home with their owners. Behavioral training comprises issues like housebreaking, excessive barking, and chewing, etc. It the most basic type of training that you need the dog to put into and the most appropriate for younger dogs. 

  1. Dog Obedience Training

The dog obedience training follows the main motive of making the dog obedient enough that it follows your command, as you say. To make your dog do the same, you need to use some specific commands to make him do some specific tasks. You can use commands like stay, sit, come, and lie down, etc. it is slightly advanced training methods when compared to behavioral training. This training works appropriately for younger dogs, also.

  1. Dog Potty Training

If you want to potty train your dog, then first you need to understand the actions of your dog. If your dog sniffs, squats differently, or circles, tails out straight, then understand it is about to go blunder to your clean space. As soon as you notice such signals, immediately bring your dog outside, and soon it will turn into a habit for it. In case your dog has already gotten used to pee or poop inside the house, then you can begin to interrupt him within the process, by creating sounds like “Ahah!”, and soon, your dog will start to understand your command.

  1. Therapy Dog Training

Have you ever seen your dog and thought that it does the best therapy for you? Even if you are extremely exhausted and tired, you see your dog, and you smile for no reason. If it happens to you, then your dog is a therapy dog in itself. All you need is to put it into some training. After getting proper training, your dog will be able to please people and other animals all around. This way, your pooch will be able to comfort nursing home patients, and children admitted in the hospitals. All your dog has to do is to pass the CGC test, and it will officially be a therapy dog.

  1. Aggressive Dog Training

If your dog is young enough that its behavior can be molded, then being an owner of the dog, you can train your dog accordingly. Also, limiting your dog’s exposure to the things that trigger its aggression will help you a lot. In some cases, it’s not possible to cure an aggressive dog completely, because, in some dogs, it comes innately. In such cases, you can use a sort of behavior medication on your dog by consulting with a professional veterinary doctor. 

  1. Dog Agility Training

If you want your dog to turn into a sporty one, then you need your dog to put into dog agility training. Dog agility training helps your dog to participate in extensive dog sports and other obstacle training programs like racing and jumping, etc. It is an advanced training course for dogs, and it is necessary for our dog to be interested in such things before it undergoes this specific type of training. This training develops a strong connection between the trainer and the dog through physical gestures and voice commands only. 

  1. Vocational Training

When you hear about dogs’ training, you would think that it’s limited. But dogs can be trained as much as possible. They can learn many skills if you allow them to. You would have heard of well-trained dogs who herd, hunt, and go for a variety of rescue works. There are dogs that can actually help law enforcement and help the disabled. Such things come under vocational training methods, which are dogs are trained in such a manner that they can help people in some ways. While doing the same, dogs are trained to use their senses in the best possible manner, to communicate with people, and solve the assigned issues. 

  1. E-Collar Training

An E-Collar is a remote dog training instrument, which includes a wireless remote, as well as a wireless receiver. With the help of an E-Collar, you can track the activities of your dog every time. The modern and full-equipped E-Collars comprise safety mechanisms through which your dog doesn’t get hurt at all. To train your dog using an E-Collar, you can use various tones and vibrations to make your dog distinguish between them.

  1. Clicker Training

As the name suggests, clicker training is something that is done through the sound of a click. In this type of training, the dog is trained through the “click” sound. It encourages the identifying capability of the dogs. To train your dog through this training method, you’ll have to associate the “click” sound with a reward to which your dog gets attracted. All you require to do at first is to make the sound using a clicker and give the reward to your dog if it responds to the sound.

  1. Walk on Leash Training

This is a training method that includes a method through which you put your dog on a leash, and command it to follow what you say. At first, you will have to make your dog wear a collar, or leash, or and harness so that you may control it whenever you want. At first, you’ll have to start out by letting him get used to wearing a collar or harness and a leash. Let your dog wear it for a short span of time only, and play with him, and represent your dog with fun moves while the dog is on a leash.