Popular Street Food Every Traveller Must Try in the World

Best street food in the world

Tasting the best street food in the world is a fun and vital part of traveling. The key to understanding a countries history and culture lies in cuisine.

While many travelers book tables at popular restaurants, I believe the best way to find good food in a new place is to try main street food.

Street food is not only inexpensive but also introduces you to different flavors of the country. Often, the best local cuisine is made on the local street rather than a popular restaurant chain.

We have included the popular main street food around the world that every traveler must try. 

List of Best Street Food In the World:

  • Aloo Chaat

Aloo chat is a popular street in South Asia, particularly India and Pakistan. This dish is made with boiled and fried potatoes mixed with chutney and spices. This dish is eaten as a snack or light meal and side dish. Aloo chaat can be customized according to different regions by using different spices and chutneys.

  • Arepa

Arepas are the popular street foods of Venezuelan and Colombian diets. These thick and soft patties are made with maize flour or ground maize kernels, which are mixed with salt and water, and also with eggs, butter, oil, or milk. 

These can be boiled, baked, grilled, fried, or even steamed and are often stuffed with meat, eggs, tomatoes, and salad. These are also served as a sandwich sometimes with cheese, cuajada, and avocado filling.

  • Asinan

Asinan is a famous Indonesian street food made of vegetables or fruits that are pickled, vinegared, or brined. Asinan means salty food. The most famous asinan are Betawi and Bogor. This is a specialty food of the Betawi people who belong from Jakarta. 

Asinan Betawi is made with preserved cabbage, tofu, bean sprouts, and lettuce served in a hot peanut and vinegar sauce with Krupuk and peanuts. 

On the other hand, Asinan Bogor is teh main street food that originated from the city of Bogor. It consists of preserved fruits like mango, pineapple, papaya, water apple, and more. This is served in sweet-yet-hot-and-sour chili and vinegar sauce topped with peanuts.

  • Banana Cue

Banana cue is one of the popular street foods of the Philippines made with saba bananas, a variety of bananas that are mainly used for cooking in the island nation. The bananas are deep-fried and then coated in Caramelized brown sugar and served on bamboo sticks.

  • Banh mi

Banh mi originated as a result of baguette introduction to french occupied Vietnam during the 19th century. The french bread became a staple food at the Vietnamese dinner table in the early 20th century. By the end of the 1950s, Banh mi became a famous street food of Saigon.

The sandwich is made with Vietnamese Baguette- thin and airy rice or wheat flour bread with a thin crust. It consists of different meats like grilled chicken, pork belly, Vietnamese sausage, canned sardines, or pork liver pate in tomato sauce.

Usually, vegetables are also added like cilantro, cucumber, pickled carrots, and radishes along with spicy chili sauce, Maggi seasoning, and mayonnaise.

Banh mi has become one of teh best street food in teh places around the world where Vietnamese communities have settled.

  • Beguni

Beguni is popular street food in Bangladesh and Bengal. This dish is made with eggplant. Sliced eggplants are dipped into battered and then fried in oil. 

Beguni is a well-loved Bengali snack found in Bangladesh and Bengal, which is served rice. This is the main street food which is enjoyed by people throughout the year. This is also a Ramadan staple dish of Bengali Muslims residing in the Indian subcontinents.

  • Bungeo-ppang

This popular street food is found on the Korean streets during winters. Bungeo-ppang is a fish-shaped pastry filled with red bean paste. The batter is made of wheat flour, water, egg, and mild and then grilled into a bungeo-ppnag grill, which is a fish-shaped mold. It is similar to a waffle iron.

The red bean paste is sweetened, which is filled inside the pastry.you can also find the filling of pastry cream, chocolate, and pizza toppings.

  • Bunny Chow

Bunny chow is a South African street food that originated by the Indian community living in the Durban City. The bread loaf is hollowed and filled with curry. The curry is usually made with lamb, mutton, bean, or chicken.

The dish is eaten by hand and is accompanied by a salad on the sides made with grated carrots, chili, and onion. 

  • Calzone

Calzones are basically folded pizza that was invented by Naples. This street food is made with salted dough and stuffed with ham, vegetables, salami, different types of cheese, and then baked in the oven.

There are many different varieties of Calzone available across Italy, with ingredients varying from pizza toppings to foods like potatoes and eggs. Calzone can be quite a heavy and large meal. Italian street food vendors sell Calzone in smaller on-the-go eating sizes.

  • Crepe

Crepe, the popular thin pancake pastry originated in Brittany, French.

This street food is popular all across France as well as Belgium and Canada. Crepe can also be found in North Africa, Europe, South America, and the United States.

This dish is made with various types of fillings and is major of two types: Sweet crepes (crêpes sucrées) and Savory galettes (crêpes salées).

Sweet crepes are commonly made with Nutella, fruits, custard, and whipped cream and dusted over with powdered sugar. Savory crepes popularly have the filling of eggs, cheese, artichokes, mushrooms, ratatouille, and meat.

  • Vada Pav

This is a popular and best street food in India. Vada Pav is a deep-fried, spicy potato patty that is stuffed into a bread bun. Boiled and mashed potato is mixed with spices, peas, green chili, and then coated into a better od gram flour and then deep-fried in oil before putting it into a bun.

This street food first originated in Mumbai and is also referred to as Bombay burger. It is mainly served with chutney and green chili. If you the spicy kick, then a vada pav is food that every traveler must try.