10 Easy Steps To Paint A Bathroom


Painting a bathroom could be a little tricky due to the presence of moisture in the environment. However, you may paint your bathroom aptly if you follow few easy steps that we will take you through in this article.

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Everyone feels the need to remodel their bathroom from time to time, and painting it could be the perfect way to give it a new look. But wait, do not jump into it just yet. Read through this comprehensive guide where we elaborate on ten easy steps to paint your bathroom. Let’s have a look at them.

What Supplies Do You Require To Paint A Bathroom?

Some crucial supplies that you may require to paint your bathroom are as follows:

  • Paint roller
  • Paint suitable for bathroom
  • Sash brush
  • Goggles
  • Towel
  • Plastic or canvas sheets
  • Bleach or trisodium phosphate
  • Painter’s tape

A Step-By-Step Guide To Painting A Bathroom

Here we will walk you through a step-by-step guide to paint your bathroom successfully. Read below to know how you should do it:

  1. Pick The Right Color

The first thing that you need to do to paint your bathroom is picking the right color. Try picking a color that complements the theme of your entire room. Having your bathroom interior aligned with your room will provide a pleasant overall appearance.

Also, some paint vendors offer apps allowing you to upload pictures to try different paint colors virtually. It makes it easy for you to pick the color that best suits your theme and gives you a fair idea of how the chosen color will make your room appear.

  1. Pick The Right Paint Product

After choosing the color, move on to the step of picking the right paint product. Due to the moist atmosphere in the bathroom, it is imperative to get the paint that will last for a long time.

When picking paint for your bathroom, make sure to get products that are water-resistant and mildew-resistant. Opt for a semi-gloss finish instead of matte paints. Semi-gloss paints are more resistant to damp environments.

Refrain from compromising on the quality of the paints to save up a few bucks. Inferior quality paints would not last long and will require you to repaint the bathroom in much less time.

  1. Remove Pictures And Other Decorations From The Wall

Once your paint is ready, the next step is to clear up your walls of any wall hangings or decorations that may hinder the progress of painting your bathroom. If you feel the need, you may also remove the toilet or maybe remove the tank only. 

For the tank removal, make sure to turn off the water supply and flush the toilet to empty the tank. Doing so will make it convenient for you to paint the wall behind the toilet.  

  1. Ensure Walls Are Clean

Make sure to clean your walls thoroughly before you begin painting the walls of your bathroom. Unlike other rooms, bathroom walls are a little trickier to clean due to the challenging surroundings of the bathroom.

If you paint on dirty walls, the paint may not stay for long, especially in the bathroom with a damp environment. To clean the wall effectively, you may make a mixture of one portion bleach and three portions of lukewarm water. Scrub your walls using the mixture.

Besides, Trisodium Phosphate (TSP) is a potent cleaning product that cleans the walls thoroughly before they are painted.

  1. Fix Any Damage On The Walls

Your wall may have any damage or holes that need to be taken care of before you start painting. Fix the damage with fillers and cover any holes that the wall might have. This technique will make the paint stay for a long time.

  1. Cover Unused Areas

Make sure you cover any areas that will go unused or require protection during the execution of the job. It may include a bathtub, sink, walls, cabinets or furniture, the floor, and vanity. Use plastic or canvas sheets to cover all the unused areas in the bathroom. 

Also, using painter’s tape is a great way of keeping the sheets in place and prevent them from moving while you are doing the job.

  1. Begin With Painting The Ceiling

Start painting the ceiling first if you plan on doing it. Use painter’s tape to cover the ends of the walls and use a small brush to paint the edges of the wall.

Then, paint the rest of the ceiling using the roller. Pour the paint into the tray and roll the roller onto it. Then, roll off the extra paint into the tray and use the roller to paint around a 2ft x 2ft area.

Move onto the next section once you are done. Apply paint to the roller and repeat the step for the entire ceiling. 

Also, when painting the ceiling with the roller, make sure to wear goggles to protect your eyes from splashes of paint getting into your eyes.

  1. Use A Roller To Paint The Walls

Repeat the same technique used for the ceiling to paint the walls. Make use of rollers to paint the walls as you did for the ceiling. 

  1. Finish It Up With A Second Coat

To give your bathroom walls a perfect finish, you must apply a second coat. Check instructions on the paint container to know how long it takes to dry before you get on with applying a second coat to the walls. Keep in mind that painting in the opposite direction when painting the second time will give you the best outcomes. 

  1. Clean Up

Let the paint dry before you clean up everything and put all the things back in their place. Once it is dried, put away all the protective sheets, place wall hangings back on the wall, and fix up the toilet. Lastly, look around the bathroom and appreciate how nicely you have executed the job single-handedly!