Passed Cisco 200-201 CBROPS Certification Exam? Then Know How To Keep It Active!


Maybe, it’s been one, two, or three years since you passed the Cisco 200-201 CBROPS certification exam and obtained the CyberOps Associate certificate. Or possibly, it’s right now when you’re preparing for such an exam and going to take it soon. Basically, it doesn’t matter which trail you’re in, in particular, you should bear in mind one thing, and that is how to keep your designation active and updated after the certification period is over, which in the case of the Cisco qualifications is only 3 years. So, this post will break down the essential details on which steps candidates need to take to recertify and continue to enjoy the benefits that this designation bestows.

Why Recertify for 200-201?

If you’re assuming that the process of recertification is useless and only brings hassle, you’re badly mistaken. You ask, why? Well, let us explain. All recruiters really appreciate and reward correspondingly when the employees are on a par with the changes in the industry and do not lag behind with the newly-appearing technology trends. And this is only possible if you gain new skills by passing the original exam again or do the relevant activities equal to its essence. And if the stint of your 200-201 test is calling it a day soon, we will cover how you can keep it alive below.

Ways to Keep Your Cisco 200-201 CBROPS Skills Updated by Recertifying

First and foremost, you need to launch the process of recertification before the CyberOps Associate qualification actually expires. As a rule, when keeping your skills on par via Cisco, you have several options for doing so, and these are accelerating to the next level of certification, achieving CE (continuing education) credits, or combining both. And when it comes to the recertification process for the Cisco 200-201 CBROPS certification exam, in particular, you may upgrade your knowledge by passing the 200-201 evaluation again or can take the professional-tier concentration exam instead. More than these, you may pick to sit for and clear the core tech test, expert-level written evaluation, or the expert-pillar lab exam. At the same time, another way of recertifying, as you remember, is earning the CE credits which are 30 in number for the CyberOps Associate designation. And if you’re wondering how one gains these credits, get to know that you can do so by attending Cisco Live training sessions, becoming an author for the items of an exam, or passing the online and tutor-led training courses. Thus, in the case of the Cisco 200-201 exam, you can attend the Understanding Cisco Cybersecurity Operations Fundamentals (CBROPS) v1.0 class that in the long run will earn you the 30 CE credits necessary for recertification.


Achieving an IT certificate is really difficult and requires lots of hard work but keeping it up-to-date is no different at all. Therefore, it’s highly recommended that you strictly follow the process of recertification for your Cisco 200-201 CBROPS certification exam to use the perks of its related designation. Indeed, it’s not complicated to update your skills when you know why and how to do it. All the best!