Come up with the “Difficult Person test.”


“Difficult Person Test” is an online quiz that determines how difficult someone is to get along with it. After various well-regarded research and studies, many theories have come up for the personality checkup. Based on these theories, some tests determine how difficult a person you are. For that, you must know some determining factor of the personality test:

Determining Factors Of Difficult Person Test

Out of many difficult and complex personality checkups, there are mainly seven factors in conducting the Difficult Person Test.

1. Callousness

2. Grandiosity

3. Aggressiveness

4. Suspicion

5. Manipulativeness

6. Dominance

7. Risk-taking

For more understanding, let us discuss all these factors briefly.

1. Callousness

It is defined as unkind and cruel behavior without sympathy or feelings for others which may sound insensitive to others. 

This quality in any person makes others feel unsafe or defensive. Constantly being callous might make other people annoying.

2. Grandiosity

In the psychological field, Grandiosity refers to the superiority (that is not real) over others. 

This term is characterized by a view of considering one’s self better than others. In other words, praising self qualities and belittling others. It sounds quite disdainful to believe one is above all the limits and rules.  

Grandiosity never points to healthy self-esteem, but it is an assertion of the superiority of considering oneself capable and unique over others. 

It is a Narcissistic personality disorder, which can also fracture one’s well and relationships.

3. Aggressiveness

Psychologically, aggression is defined as violent or hostile behavior that can cause physical and psychological harm to oneself and others. 

Those who have aggression can never seek happiness, peace, and harmony with other people. 

Miller, a researcher, had given an example to understand this term.

He asserted, “In my Academic days, I argue with people in my field, and I disdainfully criticize others’ ideas and work without any reason, but if I behave the same way in my house and any other context, it would surely result in any trouble or problem.   

4. Suspicion

Suspicion is a belief or idea that something may be true or the thought that something is possible or likely.

You can relate it to suspecting anything with any proof or actual evidence.  

Suspicion might be helpful or cause harm; it depends on its quantity. 

To a limit, it is helpful while suspecting one’s trust, and when it spirals out of control, it may arise issues such as conspiracies, pseudoscience, and harm to others.

5. Manipulativeness

This term is defined as influencing others selfishly or unfairly for their purpose, especially to own one’s advantage. Docile people, those who trust easily, are being manipulated by others. It is considered opponent (antagonist) and problematic to influence and pressure as per influencer’s wishes.

6. Dominance

This term is often defined as the controlling, prevailing, or powerful position over others. It can be used both altruistically or to suppress weak people.

When used altruistically, a dominating personality can persuade others for a good purpose and seek their peace and support. On the other side, if used negatively, it might cause harm to the fragile section of society. 

7. Risk-taking

This term is defined as the act or fact of doing something that involves danger or risk to achieve a goal.

Therefore, to get the desired result, if you are willing to take risky actions, you can consider yourself a risk-taker. 

Risk-taking can be harmful or beneficial, depending on the matter, subject, and impulsive actions. 

It should be noted that Miler, a researcher, denied adding Risk-taking to the list of “Difficult person tests.”

Is it reasonable or accepted?

According to the studies and research that various researchers have conducted, and as per these studies, different results and theories have come out.

Sleep Miller emphasized various points. One of them is that:-

“Fixed personality is a problem, and flexible personality is a healthy personality.” Further, he explained, based on situation and circumstance, if you shift your personality to some more degree, it is a problem if you do not shift your personality to meet certain needs.

GinaMarie Guarino, LMHC, a licensed mental health counselor, asserted that difficult people do not care about the statement or views of others in their lives.

Regardless of people’s boundaries, it is OK to overpower others. These people seek radical honesty with themselves. 

So, in the Difficult Person Test, getting attached to the result is not always helpful. Rather, consider them as a guild and improve yourself as it illuminates the areas where the improvement is required and the adjustment needed. 

It should be noted that judgment, shyness, and shame can never help personal progress.

What if you are a Difficult person? 

Assuredly, it must be doubt of every person.

What if the Difficult Person states that you are a difficult person or if it is only your suspicion. What would you do, and where do you go from there?

According to some researchers, it is asserted that to come out of the cycle of difficult behavior is quite difficult.

According to Guarino, it is helpful to consult any therapist if you want to learn how to change or improve your difficult behavior.

A mental health therapist can help you figure out your difficult behavior and what purpose they will serve for you. It can help you get out of the behavior that is causing stress to you and your close ones. It would help you learn a good healthier skill that you can use on the place if bad ones and also it would help you teach tolerance skills and minimizing reactivity over the banal topics. 

Along with consulting a therapist, Miller added the phrase, “Fake it until you make it.” 

To mitigate the difficult behavior, try to show yourself in a healthier phase.

Show sympathy even if you do not feel it and behave nicer even if you do not feel empathy for others.

These simple steps can help you get out and improve your self-worth and behavior.

The Takeaway

Do not fret if you have ended up the difficult person test and get the undreamt-of results. Your dedication to participating in the test shows that you have tried something to get out of your antagonist behavior and want to be kind and generous to the people around you. 

Know your tendencies and yourself and figure out where the problem is. It is the first and best step to changing your personality towards something positive and balanced personality.