what is competition in biology. It’s an oppositional conflict between two forces with a goal in mind. We observe the competing forces in our daily lives: fighting politicians, commercially produced markets, and competitive athletics. Whenever two parties desire the same product but not enough to go around, competition occurs, and they fight for it.

What Are Organisms Fighting Over? 

Air, water, food, and shelter are the necessities organisms strive for to exist. When these factors are met, creatures can coexist peacefully, and when resources are plentiful, the environment can boast a diverse range of species.

An individual’s possibilities of coexisting with other taxonomic and conspecifics increase with how generalist it is. Competition in ecosystems is much more challenging for creatures and plants with particular life cycle needs, such as cavity-nesting birds, flora that need a certain soil ph, or creatures with strict feeding habits.

Different Competitions 

The competitive excluding a theory is a cornerstone of ecology. Accordingly, two organisms with similar ecological niches can’t coexist. More competitive variety would survive, and the subordinated one would adjust or become extinct because one will always overpower the other. Although competition is inevitable in the physical world, it does not always occur similarly.

Competition-Inspiring Forces:-

Defensive Actions 

An animal likes hanging onto a place where it has obtained all the nutrients it must survive. Because their region contains these resources, most animals are possessive and will protect it. Animals protect their homes because they are close to a reliable source of food, an accessible supply of freshwater resources, a lot of flora, denning locations, etc.

Aggressive attitude 

Animals become combative whenever one of their sources is threatened. In a social structure, males can fight over a preexisting territory, potential females, nesting locations, or reproductive rights. If issues can’t be resolved by intimidating or frightening actions, defensive reactions frequently result in hostility.

How to Beat the Competition: Go Solo 

Now that you know what is competition in biology, you need to understand about defeating it. Nature is an incredible creature; it has systems in place that permit species to coexist in one area simultaneously while utilizing the same resources. The competition-excluding rule can be resolved in this way, which is the brilliance of niche isolation. To share resources, various species have distinct needs for survival, eat different types of food, inhabit different environments, and act differently.

Locational Isolation 

Geographic isolation, or not residing in the same location at the same time, is one way to feel isolated. Geographically dispersed creatures are more likely to find the resources they require. Animals with distinct geographic patterns or participating in periodic migrations may experience this isolation.

Isolation behavior 

This happens when animals exhibit contradicting behaviors that keep them from engaging in interspecies competition in ecosystem examples. For instance, birds control the air during the day. They compete for the finest resources by foraging, defending territory, procreating, and reproducing. 

The solution used by herbivorous rhinos is the consumption of various plant sections. Black rhinos have pointy, dexterous lips for eating shrubs, whereas white rhinos have flattened, broad lips for munching grasses.

Isolation by Machine 

Rhino lip shape is an evolution representation of a behavioral feature that long ago distinguished rhinos from other species. The physical peculiarities of many species today directly enable species to escape competing with other organisms. It is similar to giraffes, whose browse line is much higher than the other readers it coexists with.

The Compromise 

These benefits do not come without costs. Being a strong competitor in one area occasionally indicates that you are deficient in another. For instance, consider Australian lyrebirds. To entice female partners, they have ornamental long, gorgeous tail feathers. They are more competitors among several other males when their plumes are larger and more vibrant, yet this makes them more noticeable. It is not difficult to miss a beautiful bird with long, intricate feathers, especially while he is yelling and whirling to seek a partner.

Regulation competition 

One of several results can be anticipated when two organisms or communities fight with one another, perhaps either directly or indirectly. In extreme circumstances, one community (or individual) outperforms the other, leading to the extinction of the ‘losing’ creature. Nevertheless, if the competition is stretched across time and the defeated animal has enough time to react and recuperate, it might move to a different region.

Foreign Applicants 

Competition in ecosystems examples occasionally hurts ecosystems, particularly when invading or exotic creatures are present. Often non-native species are better equipped to compete with local creatures for resources whenever they invade a new location. Once they’ve managed to get through the adjustment period of the move, they may flourish and outpace native species, leading to a drop in their population or, in the worst circumstances, local extinction.

Human rivalry 

Humans and the environment compete in the number of people on earth rising. The necessities for our existence are the same as that of animals and plants. We share the same we breathe, the water we drink, and the space we occupy. We are lucky to possess intelligence, the most important competitive advantage. We can utilize our intellect to create technologies and tools that seem invincible.

The whole picture 

All in all, what is competition in biology? An important aspect of ecology is comprehending competition. Patterns of lifeforms, population trends, community organization, nutrient cycles, and social power hierarchy are all influenced by how species compete with one another.

Competitive encounters throughout time show up as cognitive and physiological adaptations that affect a species’ evolutionary course. Ecosystems are constantly under stress from human activities, introduced species, climate science, and concerns about the environment, which reduce the quality and amount of resources available, these are examples of indirect competition for resources.


In conclusion, the article has attempted to explain “what is competition in biology”. I hope the language in this post is clear and understandable regarding examples of indirect competition for resources.