Mask Up Right: Tips for Proper Wear and Care


The COVID-19 pandemic has presented unique challenges for individuals and communities worldwide. As countries work to recover from the pandemic, it is crucial to follow public health guidelines to prevent the further spread of the virus. A mask is one of the most effective ways to do this, such as with disposable face masks australia.

Masks have been a critical item in the fight against COVID-19, and many public health organizations recommend wearing them in public places or when around others outside of your household. However, not all masks are created equal, and it is important to choose the right type of mask and wear it properly to maximize its effectiveness. 

Additionally, caring for your mask is essential to ensure it stays clean and functional. Following the tips in this article can help protect yourself and those around you as we navigate the COVID-19 pandemic.

Choose the Right Mask

Choosing a suitable mask is essential for proper protection against COVID-19. Different types of masks are available, including surgical, cloth, and N95 masks. Each type has its benefits and limitations, and it is important to choose the right mask based on your needs and environment. 

Surgical masks are the most commonly used type of mask and are typically made of three layers of material, with a melt-blown layer that filters out small particles. These masks are disposable and are designed to protect against large droplets and sprays. 

Cloth masks, on the other hand, are reusable and can be made from various materials, including cotton, polyester, and nylon. They are generally less effective than surgical masks, but studies have shown that they can still be effective in reducing the spread of the virus.

N95 masks are the most protective type of mask and are designed to filter out at least 95% of small particles. These masks are recommended for healthcare workers and those working in high-risk environments, as they provide the highest level of protection. However, they can be more difficult to breathe through and can be uncomfortable to wear for extended periods.

Choosing the right type of mask is important to ensure a proper fit and comfort. A well-fitting mask should cover your nose, mouth, and chin without gaps and not slip or move around while wearing it. Masks that are too tight or loose can cause discomfort and provide inadequate protection. 

Wear Your Mask Correctly

Wearing a mask correctly is just as important as choosing the right mask. Improper mask wear can lead to reduced effectiveness in preventing the spread of COVID-19. 

To wear a mask correctly, wash your hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer. Then, hold the mask by the ear loops or ties and place it over your nose and mouth. Make sure the mask covers your chin and fits snugly against the sides of your face. Adjust the ear loops or ties as necessary to ensure a comfortable fit. Avoid touching the front of the mask while wearing it, as this can transfer germs from your hands to the mask.

When it’s time to remove the mask, do it properly to avoid contaminating yourself or others. Likewise, wash your hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer. Then, remove the mask by untying or unhooking the ear loops or by removing the ties from behind your head. Avoid touching the front of the mask, and immediately discard it in a trash can or place it in a sealed bag to be washed later. Be sure to rewash your hands after removing the mask.

Achieving a snug fit around the nose and mouth is important for the maximum effectiveness of the mask. If your mask has a nose wire, bend it to fit the shape of your nose. For cloth masks, try using a mask brace or a mask with a moldable nose piece to improve the fit. Ensure there are no gaps between the mask and your face, as this can allow germs to enter and escape.

Avoiding common mistakes like touching the mask while wearing it is crucial for keeping yourself and others safe. Touching the front of the mask can transfer germs from your hands to the mask, and touching the inside of the mask can contaminate it. If you need to adjust your mask, touch only the ear loops or ties.

Take Care of Your Mask

Cleaning and maintaining your mask is essential to keep it functioning properly. The frequency of cleaning will depend on the type of mask you have and how often you wear it. It is recommended to wash cloth masks after each use, while surgical masks should be discarded after each use. N95 masks should be used cautiously as they are designed for single-use only, but if you need to reuse them, it is important to follow proper guidelines for decontamination.

Cleaning cloth masks is relatively simple. A washing machine can wash them with laundry detergent and hot water. If a washing machine is unavailable, hand washing with soap and hot water will suffice. It is important to thoroughly dry the mask before wearing it again. On the other hand, surgical masks should be disposed of after each use. It is important to follow proper disposal guidelines to prevent contamination.

Storing your mask properly can also impact its effectiveness. When not in use, masks should be stored in a clean, dry place. Avoid storing masks in a damp environment, which can cause bacteria or mold growth. Additionally, masks should not be shared between individuals, as this can increase the risk of infection transmission.


Wearing a mask properly and taking care of it is essential in the fight against COVID-19. By choosing the right mask, wearing it correctly, and caring for it, we can help protect ourselves and those around us.

Remember to choose a mask that fits your needs and environment, and ensure it is comfortable and snug around your nose and mouth. Putting on and removing your mask correctly is also crucial, and you should follow the proper steps. Avoid touching your mask while wearing it; do not reuse disposable masks. Proper mask care, including cleaning and storing, is essential to maintain its effectiveness. 

The pandemic has affected many people, and by doing our part and following proper mask guidelines, we can help bring an end to this crisis.