Best smoke spots dust 2 [Complete Guide]

smoke spots dust 2

Best smoke spots Dust 2 – Are you tired of getting picked off by the enemy team in Dust 2? Well, fear not, because I am here to help you out. In this article, we will be discussing the 10 best smoke spots Dust 2 that will give you an edge over the enemy team.

List Of Best smoke spots dust 2 :

  1. Xbox Smoke
    The Xbox smoke is a classic smoke bomb spot in Dust 2 that allows players to safely cross from the Terrorist spawn to the lower tunnels or the B site. Just aim at the edge of the left window on the wall above the double doors, release the smoke grenade, and voila! You have a clear path to the other side of the map.
  2. CT Spawn Smoke
    The CT spawn smoke is a lifesaver for the Terrorist team when trying to take control of the A site. This smoke bomb spot covers the CT spawn, allowing players to push through without getting picked off by the enemy team. Just aim at the top of the tower from the A long entrance and release the smoke grenade to create a smoke screen that will keep the defenders guessing.
  3. B Tunnel Smoke
    The B tunnel smoke is the best smoke spots Dust 2 that allows players to push through the entrance to the B site from the lower tunnels without getting spotted by the enemy team. Aim at the corner of the wall next to the metal door, release the smoke grenade, and watch the enemy’s confusion as you make your way through.
  4. Mid to B Smoke
    The Mid to B smoke is a versatile smoke bomb spot in Dust 2 that can be used to push through the middle area of the map without getting picked off by the enemy team. Just aim at the top of the tower from the Terrorist spawn entrance, release the smoke grenade, and push through the B doors to take control of the B site.
  5. B Platform Smoke
    The B platform smoke is a tricky smoke bomb spot in Dust 2 that can be used to take control of the B site. Aim at the bottom left corner of the square window from the entrance of the B site, release the smoke grenade, and confuse the enemy team as you take control of the site.
  6. CT Mid Smoke
    The CT mid smoke is a useful smoke bomb spot in Dust 2 that can be used to block the enemy team’s vision and take control of the middle area of the map. Just aim at the top of the tower from the A long entrance, release the smoke grenade, and make your way through the middle of the map without getting picked off by the defenders.
  7. A Short Smoke
    The A short smoke is a sneaky smoke bomb spot in Dust 2 that can be used to take control of the A site. Aim at the top of the tower from the A long entrance, release the smoke grenade, and watch the defenders scramble to figure out what’s going on as you make your way through A short.
  8. CT B Smoke
    The CT B smoke is a great smoke bomb spot for pushing through the B site. To execute this smoke, stand at the entrance to the B site and aim at the top of the wall. The smoke should cover the CT spawn, allowing you to safely push through the B site without worrying about defenders.
  9. Mid Doors Smoke
    The mid doors smoke is perfect for blocking the enemy team’s vision in the middle of the map. To execute this smoke, stand at the entrance of the Terrorist spawn and aim at the top of the tower. The smoke should cover the middle doors, allowing you to safely push through or prevent defenders from spotting you.
  10. A Ramp Smoke
    Last but not least, we have the A ramp smoke. The A ramp smoke is a crucial smoke bomb spot for taking control of the A site in Dust 2. It is thrown from the top of the stairs towards the right side of the arch, blocking the vision of CT defenders on the site and allowing Terrorists to safely push through.

Best CS:GO Flash Sites in Dust 2

Other than the best smoke spots Dust 2, we bring you best flash sites in dust 2 as well. Let’s take a look at the 10 best flash sites in Dust 2 that will have your opponents seeing stars:

  1. A Long Flash
    The A long flash is a classic flashbang that has been used since the early days of CS. To execute this flash, simply throw it over the wall at the entrance to the A long. The flash will blind any CT defenders holding that angle, giving you and your team the advantage.
  2. A Ramp Flash
    The A ramp flash is a great way to catch CT defenders off guard as they try to push out of the A site. To throw this flash, aim at the wall above the A ramp and throw the flash as high as possible. The flash will pop mid-air and blind any CT defenders below.
  3. Mid to B Flash
    The mid to B flash is perfect for flushing out any defenders that might be lurking around the middle of the map. To execute this flash throw the flash over the wall towards the B site. The flash will blind any CT defenders in the area, allowing you to push through safely.
  4. Short A Flash
    The short A flash is a great way to catch CT defenders off guard as they try to push out of the A site. Stand at the entrance to the A long and throw the flash over the wall towards the short A area. The flash will blind any CT defenders in the area, allowing you to push through safely.
  5. CT Spawn Flash
    The CT spawn flash is perfect for flushing out any CT defenders that might be holding the A site. To execute this flash throw the flash over the wall towards the CT spawn. The flash will blind any CT defenders in the area, allowing you and your team to take control of the site.
  6. B Site Flash
    The B site flash is a great way to catch CT defenders off guard as they try to defend the B site. To throw this flash, stand at the entrance to the B tunnels and aim at the wall to the right of the B site entrance. The flash will bounce off the wall and blind any CT defenders in the area.
  7. Mid Doors Flash
    The mid doors flash is a crucial flashbang for any team trying to take control of the middle of the map. Stand at the entrance to the Terrorist spawn and aim at the wall to the left of the mid doors. The flash will bounce off the wall and blind any CT defenders in the area.
  8. Lower B Tunnels
    Flash The lower B tunnels flash is perfect for catching any CT defenders that might be lurking in the lower tunnels off guard. To throw this flash, stand at the entrance to the B tunnels and aim at the wall to the left of the metal door. The flash will bounce off the wall and blind any CT defenders in the area.
  9. Upper B Tunnels
    Flash The upper B tunnels flash is a great way to catch any CT defenders that might be hiding in the upper tunnels off guard. To throw this flash, aim at the wall to the left of the boxes. The flash will bounce off the wall and blind any CT defenders in the area.
  10. A Short to Long Flash
    This flash is perfect for catching any CT defenders that might be pushing out of the A site off guard. Simply stand at the entrance to A short and throw the flash over the wall towards long. The flash will pop mid-air and blind any CT defenders in the area, giving you and your team the advantage.

Wrapping Up

Mastering smoke spots in CS:GO can be the difference between a round won or lost. Dust 2 is one of the most popular maps in the game and has a wealth of smoke spots to utilize. Whether you’re blocking off sightlines or creating opportunities for your team to push through, knowing these smoke spots is key to dominating your opponents. So, next time you find yourself on Dust 2, don’t forget to utilize these best smoke spots Dust 2 and give yourself the advantage. Just be sure to use them wisely, and who knows? You might just become a legend on this iconic map.

(FAQs) About Best smoke spots dust 2:

  1. What is CS:GO?
    Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) is a popular first-person shooter game developed by Valve Corporation.
  2. Is CS:GO free to play?
    Yes, CS:GO became free to play in December 2018. However, players can purchase Prime Status to unlock additional features and game modes.
  3. What are the most important skills to have in CS:GO?
    The most important skills to have in CS:GO include good aim, map awareness, communication, teamwork, and strategy.
  4. Can I play CS:GO with friends?
    Yes, CS:GO has a multiplayer mode that allows players to join and create teams with their friends.
  5. What are the different game modes in CS:GO?
    The different game modes in CS:GO include Competitive, Casual, Deathmatch, Arms Race, and Demolition. Each mode has its own rules and objectives, providing players with a variety of gameplay options.
Read more: Best smoke spots dust 2 [Complete Guide]