5 Signs Your Baby Needs a Hypoallergenic Formula


Parents choose between two options to provide their babies with the required nutrients – breastfeeding and formula feeding. What should parents do if a baby is allergic to lactose or milk protein? Fortunately, popular baby food brands produce hypoallergenic formulas to satisfy the needs of vulnerable tummies. For example, the HiPP PRE HA formula is among the best options for allergic kids. But how to find out that the baby needs it? Here are five signs to consider.

Persistent Digestive Issues

If your baby is experiencing persistent digestive issues such as frequent diarrhea, constipation, gas, or bloating, it may be a sign that their current formula is not agreeing with them. Hypoallergenic formulas are designed to be easier to digest and may be beneficial for babies with sensitive digestive systems.

Skin Rashes or Eczema 

If your baby has developed skin rashes or eczema that are not improving with topical treatments, it could indicate an allergic reaction to their current formula. Hypoallergenic formulas are specifically formulated to minimize the risk of allergic reactions and may be recommended for babies with skin issues.

Excessive Spitting Up or Reflux

While some spit-up is normal in babies, if your baby is excessively spitting up or experiencing frequent episodes of reflux, it may be indicative of an intolerance or allergy to their current formula. Hypoallergenic formulas are designed to be gentle on the digestive system and may help reduce these symptoms.

Persistent Colic or Fussiness

If your baby is persistently colic or fussy, despite other interventions, it could be due to an intolerance or allergy to their current formula. Hypoallergenic formulas are formulated with proteins broken down into smaller, more easily digestible molecules, which may help alleviate colic and fussiness in some babies.

Family History of Allergies

If there is a family history of allergies, such as eczema, asthma, or food allergies, your baby may have an increased risk of developing an allergy to their formula. In such cases, a hypoallergenic formula may be recommended as a preventive measure or if allergy symptoms arise.

Where to Search for Hypoallergenic Formula?

If a baby’s relatives are allergic, a baby spits up, suffers colics, or baby poop does not look healthy, it’s better to look for hypoallergenic formula. The European market is famous for special formulas, including those for sensitive tummies and allergic babies. The most popular baby food brands are HiPP and Holle. So, parents usually buy the following formula:

  • Holle Goat Formula
  • HiPP Hypoallergenic (HA) formula 

Both formulas are made of goat milk, which is considered to be less allergic than cow’s milk. Moreover, one can look for a vegan formula if a baby is intolerant to animal proteins. However, caregivers should add the lacking supplements to a vegan formula, like vitamins and minerals, to guarantee the best nutrition. 

It’s essential to consult with your pediatrician or healthcare provider if you suspect that your baby may need a hypoallergenic formula. They can evaluate your baby’s symptoms and provide appropriate recommendations based on their individual needs.