How to Stop Feeling Tired? – Here is All You Need to Know Fatigue Treatment, Causes, and Symptoms

how to stop feeling tired

Do you feel tired most of the time? If yes, then trust me, you are not the only one facing these issues. Fatigue is one of the most common health complaints involving physical as well as a mental state of feeling tired. Feeling tired all the time is frustrating and demoralizing. Fatigue makes a person feel like that life is passing out rapidly and are unable to keep up with it.

Mental and physical fatigues are different things, but often they occur together. Long-term physical tiredness can result in mental fatigue. Now you must be thinking, how to stop feeling tired? Or, how to fix fatigue? Here is all you need to know, including fatigue causes, fatigue symptoms, and fatigue treatment.

Read – Natural Supplements to Combat Fatigue

Types of Fatigue

There are two types of fatigue:

Physical Fatigue – In physical fatigue, a person finds it difficult to do normal things like climbing stairs. It comprises muscle weakness.

Mental Fatigue – In mental fatigue, it becomes difficult to focus on things. Moreover, the person also feels sleepy and finds it difficult to stay awake while working.

What are Common Fatigue Symptoms?

The common fatigue symptoms include tiredness with physical or mental activity. It leads to a lack of feeling refreshed even after sleeping or resting. Fatigue often makes it difficult to carry out daily activities like office tasks or household chores. The fatigue symptoms and signs may be physical, emotional, or mental. Below mentioned are some of the common fatigue symptoms.

  1. daytime drowsiness
  2. sore muscles
  3. irritability
  4. moodiness
  5. vision problems like blurriness
  6. lack of concentration
  7. gastrointestinal issues like constipation, or bloating
  8. headache

What are Fatigue Causes?

Fatigue is related to a wide range of health conditions. Below mentioned are some common fatigue causes.

  1. Sleep Issues

Insomnia, sleep apnea, working late, jet lag, and narcolepsy can result in a lack of sleep, which in turn leads to fatigue. Sleep issues are one of the most common fatigue causes as lack of sleep results in tiredness.

  1. Mental Health Problems

Mental health conditions like stress, anxiety, and grief can also result in tiredness. Other issues like drug abuse, eating disorders, and alcohol abuse also contribute to fatigue. Fatigue also occurs from clinical depression or due to related problems like insomnia.

  1. Medications

Some drugs like steroids, antidepressants, antihistamine, and anti-anxiety drugs lead to the issue of fatigue. Any change in medications can also contribute to fatigue.

  1. Metabolic Conditions

Conditions like kidney disease, diabetes, pregnancy, anemia, hypothyroidism, and electrolyte problems can cause fatigue.

  1. Lung and Heart Issues

Heart and lung conditions like asthma, pneumonia, acid reflux, valvular heart disease, congestive heart failure, and congestive heart failure can lead to fatigue.

  1. Chemicals

Poisoning, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, consuming access to alcoholic or caffeinated beverages disrupt normal sleep, which in turn leads to fatigue.

  1. Being Underweight or Overweight

Being underweight makes a person feel easing tired due to their condition. Eating disorders and overactive thyroid can also result in weight loss, which in turn leads to fatigue and excessive tiredness. Similarly, being overweight also increases the issue of fatigue. Carrying more weight leads to muscle and joint pain; this, in turn, contributes to fatigue.

  1. Too less or too much activity

People who feel fatigued do not exercise much, and lack of physical activity causes further fatigue. Lack of physical exercise eventually leads to deconditioning, which makes it harder to perform physical tasks. Staying awake for long hours without appropriate rest also leads to fatigue.

How to Fix fatigue?

If you are wondering how to stop feeling tired, then here are some amazing fatigue treatments to combat tiredness.

  1. Exercise Regularly

A wide range of benefits are associated with regular exercise, and it is one of the most effective fatigue treatments. Exercises help in releasing endorphins, which boost natural energy levels. Moreover, regular exercise also helps in getting high-quality sleep. Regular exercise reduces the symptoms of fatigue by improving energy levels. It is an effective solution to the question of how to stop feeling tired or how to fix fatigue.

  1. Drink More and More Water

Staying hydrated is an effective fatigue treatment as it helps in keeping the body running. Dehydration contributes to lower energy levels and develops a negative impact on sleep. Increasing water intake contributes to increased energy levels.

  1. Eat a Balanced Diet

One of the best parts about following a balanced diet is that it boosts the energy, which in turn helps in feeling less tired. Make sure that your body is getting sufficient nutrients. You can combine proteins and unrefined carbs to enhance energy levels. Include anti-inflammatory and high fiber foods in your daily meals.

  1. Get Sufficient Sleep

In order to maintain energy levels, it is essential to get sufficient sleep. But always try to relax before going to bed. Keep your sleep area clean and maintain the proper temperature to improve your sleep. Practice meditation or yoga to get good sleep and it is an effective solution to how to fix fatigue.

  1. Reduce Caffeine Consumption

Lowering the amount of caffeine consumption can help you in boosting your energy in the long run. Caffeine provides you with an initial boost of energy, but after fading the caffeine’s impact, you might feel more tired. Reduce your caffeine intake slowly, and it will help you in balancing your natural energy levels.

  1. Say no to Alcohol

Alcohol contributes to poor sleep and leaves your body dehydrated. Alcohol might help you in falling asleep easily, but it affects sleep quality. If you are planning to have alcohol, try to consume it in moderate quantity and try to have more alcohol-free days. It will help you in managing your energy levels.

  1. Reduce Stress

Stress develops a negative impact on your mental and physical energy levels. Moreover, it also impacts your sleep patterns and quality, which in turn leads you to fatigue. Reduce stress by pampering yourself. Go to the spa, have a massage, or you can also opt for meditation. It will not only help you in reducing stress but will also help in managing the energy levels.