Helpful Home Remedies for Spider Bites Treatment

home remedies for spider bite

Growing up, we all thought that spider bite would convert us into some superhero, but now we know that it is not true. Spiders also want to stay away from humans as much we want to stay away from the, but spiders bite whenever they feel threatened. A spider can bite you if you step on it, startle it, or swipe your hand in its direction.

Spider bites can be treated at home, but if the spider bite symptoms are severe, then it is better to rush to the hospital. House spider bites are usually harmless; hence they can be treated at home. Here is an article with some home remedies for spider bites treatment.

Spider Bite Symptoms

A spider bite can cause swelling, redness, and itching. Nevertheless, if you are bitten by a brown recluse, it can cause sharp pain, and there can be abdominal cramps if the bite is caused by a black widow spider. Here are some of the common symptoms of the spider bite.

  • rash or itching
  • swelling around the bite
  • muscle pain
  • redness
  • skin blisters
  • blisters
  • pain or numbness
  • nausea
  • fever
  • restlessness

As compared to other bites, spider bites take more time to heal. Hence, it is important to keep the infected area clean in order to avoid infection.

Home Remedies for Spider Bite

In case of serious spider bite symptoms, rush to the hospital. But if the bite is mild, then here are some home remedies for spider bite treatment.

  1. Ice Pack

Spider bite leads to redness, pain, and swelling. An ice pack or cold compressing is highly effective in treating the spider bite symptoms. Ice work as an analgesic, and it helps in reducing inflammation and pain in the affected area.

How to Use

All you need to do is place an ice pack on the affected area by the spider bite 15 minutes daily. You can repeat this remedy until the pain reduces.

  1. Baking Soda

Baking soda is one of the commonly utilized natural solutions for inflammation and itchiness. It is one of the best home remedies for spider bite treatment as it prevents further infection and reduces itchiness caused due to spider bite.

How to use

All you need for this remedy is one teaspoon of baking powder and water. Make a thick paste by mixing one teaspoon of baking soda with a few drops of water. Apply the paste on the affected area. Leave it for ten minutes and then rinse it with water. Do this once a day until the itching and redness subside.

  1. Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera is loaded with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, which help in reducing the infection and swelling caused by the spider bite.

How to Use

All you need to do is apply aloe vera gel on the affected area with the help of a cotton ball or finger. Massage the gel gently for five minutes on the affected area. Apply the gel twice every day for better results.

  1. Chamomile Oil

Chamomile oil has significant anti-inflammatory properties, which are beneficial to reducing the swelling that is caused due to spider bite. It is also effective to promote faster healing.

How to Use

Mix three drops of chamomile oil and coconut oil. Apply the mixture on the affected area with the help of a cotton ball. Place the cotton ball on the affected area for some time. Repeat this remedy 2-4 times in a day daily for better results.

  1. Potato 

Potato is loaded with anti-inflammatory properties, which help in reducing the inflammation caused by a spider bite.

How to Use

Wash a potato and grate it. Add the grated potato on sterile gauze and place it on the spider bite. Repeat this remedy twice every day until redness subsides.

Methods to Prevent Spider Bites

It is better to avoid spider bite rather than treating one. Here some precautions that would help you to avoid spider bite in an effective manner.

  • Maintain a clean and clutter-free environment
  • Follow the habit of wearing slippers or shoes
  • Before using blankets or clothing shake them out
  • If you are planning to go to a wooded area, then wear long pants, gloves, and long-sleeved t-shirts
  • If you are planning to go for trekking, then spray insect repellants on your clothes

These remedies can help you in treating the spider bite symptoms. Mosquito bite is another common issue faced by all of us. It can lead to swelling and itching. Home remedies for mosquito bites can help you in treating the symptoms caused by mosquito bites and get some relief. I hope the above mentioned remedies help you in dealing with the symptoms caused by spider bites.