How To Get Rid of Freckles Remedies Treatment Naturally


Do you know anyone who has freckles or are you the one fed up with them?

Everyone wants to have a healthy skin and look young and beautiful always. But the coin is not always on our side. With the passage of time there has been a lot in increase in various skin problems due to whatever reason and Freckles is one of them. Medically, Freckles are little round light brown colored patches on the face which appears due to excess exposure to the sun. The harmful ultra violet rays of the sun are its main cause. Mostly, the people with fair skin are seen the victims of Freckles. They are found on cheeks, nose, forehead, arms and shoulders. They began to slightly appear from a very young age like one or two years. At times, the color of freckles may differ from person to person. Like, they might even be reddish, black or yellow but they are sure to be darker in comparison to the complexion of your skin and so they appear to be visible to everyone. In winters, somehow they get lighter but in summers they turn to be darker and denser. The usage of sunscreen is mandatory for the ones who have Freckles.

Facts about Freckles

  • Generally, one can recognize freckles as flat and tiny tanned spots on the sun-exposed skin, which are light brownish in color.
  • Freckles are the indication of skin damage which occurs due to the increment in the production of Melanin in few cells of the body. It also results in the change of color of freckles thereby turning darker.
  • Apart from dangerous ultra violet sun rays, the other cause of Freckles is hormonal imbalance or hereditary.
  • Though these are quite harmless and hardly develop into skin cancer till they are of unusual nature.
  • If anyone notices uncertain change of color in them or any sort of pigmentation, one should immediately get in touch with dermatologist or any skin specialist.
  • The medical science has become highly advanced and hence there are effectual remedy for removing freckles.

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Through this piece of information, we will share some natural remedies and few cosmetic treatments that can help you to get rid of Freckles and return your natural skin tone back. Frankly speaking, the cosmetic treatment might help you to get rid of Freckles permanently but also carry side effects along with it and on the other side, some simple natural remedies can help you by lightening or even removing freckles but no side effects are there at all. So, it is your choice completely as to want you wish to choose. We bring you both the solutions here:


The medical science has bestowed us with various cosmetic treatments for curing freckles like: Fractional Resurfacing, Chemical Peeling, Cryotherapy and many others. Though these treatments are highly effectual but are highly-priced and have equal risk of side effects too. Check few of the treatments given below:

  1. Cure through Microdermabrasion


This is one of the cosmetic cures for freckles. Very little particles are used to remove the topmost layer of the skin and in the similar ways different sessions are carried out to remove them permanently. This complete process is known as Microdermabrasion.

  1. Photofacial Treatment

Photofacial treatment done for getting rid of freckles is also known as Intense Pulsed Light Treatments in the medical world. Though, this is not a laser sort of method, but an intense light source.

  1. Cure through Laser Treatment

This is one of the most usually used treatments for getting rid of freckles with huge success results and least chances of skin discoloration. There are various types of lasers that assist in lightening the freckles or reducing their appearance safely. Laser technique is followed for this type of treatment. First of all, get in touch with a skilled and professional dermatologist and confirm back that freckles like dark spots are not the indication of skin cancer. Once you have received the confirmation, you can opt for the laser treatment which will be executed by the dermatologist himself.

  1. Cure through Retinol Solution

The cure through retinol solution is also an effectual way to lighten the freckles in case of deep dark spots or to remove them permanently if is already light in color. Through the dictated retinoid or with the help of retinol solution this treatment is carried. Mark a point that at times, negative side of this cure is also seen and as a result of which the retinols lighten the skin nearby the freckles rather than lightening the freckles themselves. This in turn makes the freckles more seeable. Again, the choice is yours.

  1. Cryotherapy

Some peculiar types of freckles are treated by this method named, Cryotherapy. A light freeze along with liquid nitrogen is performed at the dermatologist lab for this process. Mind you, not all sort of spots or are healed through freezing.

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On one hand, in order to get rid of freckles fast thereby ignoring the later side effects, the cosmetic treatment can help you but if you are the one who believes the proverb ‘Slow & Steady wins the race’, then the treatments through natural remedies is the best option. Though the cure process takes time but has no fallouts at all. These natural remedies might not remove freckles completely but will lighten them to the maximum. Go through such effective natural remedies to remove freckles below:

  1. Mint, Banana & Lemon Face Pack:


This is a quick and easy method to make a face pack on own to treat freckles. All you need to do is:

  • Take one banana and mash it properly. Then, add few drops of lemon to it with two teaspoons of crushed desiccated mint leaves. Mix this well in such a way that it turns up to be a smooth face pack. Once done, softly apply this face pack on the freckles and let it remain on them for about half an hour from the clock. The moment time is up, wash your face off.
  1. Sour Cream with Butter Milk:


The sour cream and butter milk are highly rich in lactic acid and has hence proved to be very successful in removing freckles naturally. This face pack is the best one for all the ones with delicate skin. You can apply it daily once a day to derive the maximum result. Follow these steps:

  • Take some sour cream and put it on the part highlighting freckles. Now let it dry for about a period of ten minutes and then immediately wipe it away using a wet sponge or cotton. Then with some buttermilk, massage your face for two to three minutes and finally rinse off your face with water. If you feel dryness after this application, you can use moisturizer. In case, if you do not have sour butter, you can use yoghurt.
  1. Yogurt, Honey & Turmeric Face Pack:

freckles remedy at home

Here comes, an awesome natural remedy for removing freckles which can be prepared at home with much of ease. In this combo, Honey is rich in a special type of enzyme which works to lighten up the pigmentation and so this works superbly. You are advised to strictly continue this for a month at least once each day and looking at the results you can continue further. The process is:

  • Take equal proportions of yogurt and honey in a bowl and add a pinch of turmeric to it. Now blend them well and apply it gently on the freckle impacted area. Once applied, let it remain and dry for few minutes. When completely dried, wash this pack with moderately warm water. Also remember that in case, if your skin results to darkness due to turmeric, you can avoid it and make a face pack of the rest of the two.
  1. Potato & Buttermilk Face Pack:

potato for freckles

This is a sort of Ayurvedic face pack which not only helps in curing freckles but also makes your skin look rich. There is no sort of side effects at all of this. For the desired results, you should make the repetition of this natural remedy to remove freckles thrice a week. The process is:

  • Pick a potato and cut into slices. Now take a bowl and pour buttermilk in it and soak all the slices in it. Let the slices be soaked for the complete night. When you wake up the next morning, rub and gently massage these dipped potatoes slices on the freckles for about five to ten minutes. When your face dries, wash it off with lukewarm water.
  1. Magic of Onion:


Have you ever known about the wonders of Onion? You will be shocked to know that Onions can help you a lot in curing Freckles because of the rich sulfur content that is naturally bestowed within it. It has superb exfoliating property. If you follow this treatment twice in a day on regular basis you are sure to love the change. It is advisable to keep this treatment continue till the time freckles disappear completely. Here is the process:

  • Pick an onion from your vegetable basket and cut it into dense wedges. Take any of the wedges and softly apply of the freckle affected portion. The other way to make the use of onions to cure freckles is to extract the juice of an onion by grating it and put that juice on the freckles. This is all that you need to do. Isn’t it really simple? Well, as per your choice, you can try either of the two.
  1. Marvelous Caster or Almond oil:


Almond & Caster oil is also one of best gifts of nature which helps thoroughly in the treatment of skin problems like: mars, sports, freckles and many more. It adds moisture to the dead or dry skin and gives you an even skin tone. You can follow the below given remedy to remove freckles on daily basis until you get the desired results.

It is really simple and quick to be done. Take few drops of Caster oil or Almond oil on your palm and apply it in the massaging way on the freckle impacted area lightly. Let the oil be absorbed by the skin so leave your face as it is for the whole night. In the morning, clean your face with lukewarm water or soft towel. That’s it.

Fruit Face Masks for the treatment of Freckles:

face mask

For the ones, who is in love with the fragrance of fruits and would prefer fruits face packs rather than any other, then here is an easy option for you, which will need least of time and effort. At least, give a try before coming to any conclusion:

Ingredients that you will need:

  1. A) Tomato pulp B) Papaya juice C) Cucumber slices D) Pineapple pieces

Process – Take all the above four ingredients and blend them together so well that the mixture can be applied as a face mask. Once it is ready, apply it on your face and let it remain for fifteen minutes. As soon as the time is over, wash your face with normal water. This is all that you need to do at least twice in a week till you get the desired result.

You can choose any of the above natural remedy to remove freckles and begin the cure immediately and as mentioned earlier, for any sort of cosmetic treatment you should hire a professional and trustworthy skin specialist (dermatologist). Apart from all this, you should also take few preventive measures which targets at the protection from sun exposure. They are:

  • Before going out, make sure you apply Sunscreen cream SPF 50 and lotion as well.
  • If it is urgent to go out in the sun, you can either cover your face with soft cloth or wear wide hats which do not let harmful rays of sun reach to your skin.
  • Make sure that you wear sun protective things like: Summer coats, full sleeved tees or long lengthen trousers etc.
  • Try avoiding going out in the sun during peak sun hours that is from around 11a.m. to 4 p.m.

The prevention of freckle is far more important than the freckle removal. So, stay safe from the sun as much as you can. Do share if this piece of information helped you or not and also share if you have any other effective solution to this bothersome freckle problem.