Write Small Business Thank You Cards


This article will show the importance of small business thank you cards.

On hearing this phrase, many doubts might come to mind. 

Like, What is business thank you cards?

Why are they necessary to grow business? And so on…

We will deal with all the doubts one-by-one…

Let’s first see…

What are the small business thank you cards?

It is a written appreciation letter to acknowledge another person’s support in the growth of a business. The person might be customer, co-worker, vendor, or your business partner. It is slightly different from the ordinary thank you email or letter because it shows the appreciation of extra efforts that recipients put into growing the business.

Are small business thank you cards necessary?

Sending thank you cards to those who helped you make your business is an effective and simple way to show appreciation.

Research shows that 92% of the customers trust a business based on positive comments and words. 

On behalf of the company, it is something simple you can do for a customer, vendor, and whoever is supporting you. 

Rather than typing a note and printing it off, handwritten appreciation words matter a lot to one.

Why is it necessary to waste time writing thank you cards for someone?

It is a genuine question to be asked why it is significant to get into trouble writing appreciation handwritten letters?

There are some points which you should know:

  1. Build loyalty with your customer

Appreciating customers in a timely manner is key to the company’s success. Thank you cards help in building loyalty and close relationships with your customers.

There are several ways to appreciate the customers; however, sending thank you appreciation notes is one of them.

Sending thank you notes to customers can, in turn, boost your company’s revenue because customers will buy more when they are happy with the service and appreciation you gave to them.

Thanking customers can enhance the chances of future deals and lead up to repeat clients like never before.

2. Takes very less time to write

Writing an appreciation note to a customer would not take time. If you take out a few minutes for them, it will pay you off someday.

Writing a thank you note, not only refers to others but also will they patronize your business for any future purchase.

A happy customer is loyal rather than a one-time customer on any special occasion. A loyal customer can reduce the number of new customers needed for trade relationships and bring cash-flowing business.

3. Send cards to the loyal customers who have purchased.

Don’t be afraid to thank those customers who have purchased anything from you. Sending handwritten appreciation notes to customers is the best way to gain customers for life.

A small business person, who has a new startup, could be the best way to increase sales and customers. 

Moreover, giving appreciation makes them feel special, and you get good returns from your business.

Research shows that those companies which pay attention to customer service and often regard them have extremely loyal and repeat customers.

Some frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

1. What should a small business thank you card include?

There is some small business thank you messages to customers that are effective and attractive as well.

  • We know there are a lot of choices, thanks for choosing us.
  • We are lucky enough to have customers like you. On behalf of [Company Name], we want to thank you for your purchase.
  • We truly look forward to serving you again. Thank you for your (regular)support.
  • We hope we meet your hopes and expectations. Thank you for being our loyal and valued customer.
  • We want to say thank you for shopping at [Company name]. We hope to have the pleasure of doing business with you soon.
  • We hope you are happy with our product and service. Thank you for being an extremely loyal and regular customer of ours.
  • We hope your experience with us was awesome, and we will be happy to see you again.
  • Thank you for doing business with us. We value your belief and sincerely appreciate you.
  • We are so glad to hear that we meet your demands. We can wait for your further visit.
  • Thank you for purchasing from[Company name]. Please let us know if we can do anything better for you.

2. What information should you put on the small business thank you cards?

    It would be best to mention some thank you business card ideas and important points to make your card look attractive. 

There are:

  • Logo of company
  • Name of the company
  • Tagline or any quote of your company
  • Your name and title
  • Your company’s contact detail, along with your email address
  • Address of your company, mention branch if any
  • Don’t forget to mention the social media handles
  • You can add a QR code scanner for your company

3. What should not you put on a small business thank you card?

  • Don’t put any outdated information.
  • Don’t over-decorate the card.
  • Don’t miss the important information like Your name, job title, address, contact information, and others mentioned in the above question.
  • Don,t use multiple fonts and the uneven space on the card. It should look formal.
  • Try to make cards as simple as you can. 

4. What should you put on the back of the business card?

Apart from the front view of the card, the back of the card is equally important to be designed. Here are some of the ways to make it attractive: 

  • Mention a QR scanner that can directly reach your website.
  • Social media handles, where you have already posted about your products, are another way to make them aware of your products.
  • Put referral offers, like 25% on the first purchase, or it can be any other.
  • More importantly, show the map of your company’s address if it is hard to find. For the ease of customers, you can do this.

5. What makes a business card look good and attractive?

The points mentioned earlier help you make a good business card, apart from that there are some other things about which you must be careful. These are:

  • Organize your card in a formal way
  • Maximize the logo, don’t make it too dark
  • Settle the size and shape of the card.
  • The font must not be too large
  • Leave some white and light space
  • Don’t overwrite anything.
  • Don’t forget to mention the important points.

The Takeaway

We have mentioned everything about the small business thank you cards. We hope you do not need to visit any other page to collect the information. Understand the significance of small thank you cards for business and appreciate the customers often if you have not started yet. Whether a customer, vendor, or coworker, don’t be afraid and hesitant to thank those who have supported and helped you do your business. It is a good way to give a thank you note for customer appreciation.

We hope you liked the information we have given.