The Ultimate Student’s Guide to Packing for the Whole Term


In your imagination, a college dorm might be fabulous enough to hold in all the excitement of your college days. However, chances are that it will not contain even your entire wardrobe.

Packing for your college is a tall task. You might need to choose between your favorite box of childhood nostalgia or a second pair of shoes.

Fortunately, many have come before you. Below you will find all the tips.


First Things First: Get Your Self-Care

While exciting, the college days also turn out to be rather challenging. Homesickness, academics, and peer pressure will take their turn to test your perseverance and patience.

Thankfully, as long as EssayPro is available, you can easily deal with essay assignments. But you might still need that familiar comfort to get through tough times and cheer you up.

So make sure that you pack your self-care items, be it a teddy bear or a family photo.

Find Out What Your College Provides

While dorm rooms come in standard dull versions, they certainly differ from one college to another. Check what facilities are included in yours before you pack. Some rooms even come with a mini-fridge.

Coordinate With Your Roommate

If you have the means to connect with your roommates, do not hesitate to talk to them about what could be shared. This can undoubtedly save you both money as well as space.

Moreover, you can also plan out the decor of the room, and decide how to make the best of the storage facilities.

Make a List of Essentials

As there are going to be too many items on any list, your best bet is to divide them into categories. Educational, recreational, toiletries, wardrobe, food items, and decorative should suffice to get you through.

Don’t Go Overboard

As tempting as it is to pack every item in your wardrobe, you are not going to wear most of them while in college.

Get fewer things – remember that you are not the only one to be using the kitchen or the restroom.

Prioritize Your Hygiene

As you are going to be sharing the bathroom and toilet, you might want to prepare sufficiently for maintaining hygiene. Consider how you would carry your toiletries, and how you are planning to find a place in the shower.

A hangable shower caddy would be a good choice. Make sure you have sanitizers ready to keep any contamination away.

Get Packing Dividers

Managing to pack everything efficiently is as challenging as figuring out what to pack. You have to consider the possibility that you might even have to use your suitcases as storage if need be.

The best alternative is to use packing dividers or boxes that could quickly transform into a storage option to keep items organized.

The Checklist

Take a look at our list of essentials that you would need to perfect your packing.

  • Bedding, pillows, and a topper for your bed. Add in some throw pillows and linen to make the place cozy;
  • Laptop, mobile, memory cards, hard drive, and a power bank so you can always be online;
  • Take a single plate, glass, bowl, mug, and cutlery;
  • Wardrobe and makeup – casual, formal, and a few dazzling ones. Do not forget to include hangers;
  • Important documents, educational and financial. Always have a digital copy saved in your cloud or drive for backup;
  • A first aid kit with medications, wipes, and other required items;
  • Kitchen essentials – focus on easy to store items such as rice, pasta, and canned goods along with a few quick recipes;
  • Stationary, books, and a laptop stand, you are going to spend a lot of time straining your neck over the laptop.

Final Words

Use this time as a means to clean out your closet. You could donate some of the items and make a fresh start altogether.

Now, keep in mind that once in the dorm, you will have a better idea of what you really need. Moreover, you could always purchase items while at college. So there is no need to stress over tiny details.

Meanwhile, look forward to enjoying one of the most thrilling journies you are about to embark on.