Creating Attractive Travel Blogs Is Not An Issue If You Know these 8 Tips

How to start a travel blog

Coming up with an attractive and engaging blog is not just a funny way of commemorating all the journeys you have made to date. There are different ways of monetizing a blog for creating a secondary and then eventually a primary source of earnings.

If you are a beginner in travel blogging, one thing that you need to ensure is designing it in a way to be successful. Your blog should be written and presented in such a way that it attracts the attention of travel enthusiasts and even PR companies, tourism sponsors, and travel journalists.

Some tips that can help you create an attractive and successful travel blog that garners huge traffic, in the long run, are as follows:

Plan Ahead

Staying organized is the key to grabbing success with travel blogging. As a travel blogger, it is quite likely for you to always be busy. This goes both for the professionals and the beginners into travel blogging.

Hence, one of the most significant things for you is being fully organized. Before even jetting off with the idea of writing your blog, you must create a complete list of possible information you can jot down on different locations you are looking to cover.

This list and the information contained within can be used for developing future posts. This way, you will not have to stress out every week trying to pump out new content. Or you can even sue these lists for developing blogs during those weeks when you do not have much free time in hand.

Think Out of the Box

The most important factors that will help you grab success with travel blogging are being organized and thinking out-of-the-box. Once you are successful in doing both these things, it will not be a problem for you to create sufficient content for sustaining your blog even if you are not traveling very often.

Research Extensively

Even before choosing the name of the blog and the type of content you are willing to cover, you must put in some time into researching the idea. For this, you must go through the highest-ranking blogs and even pay attention to the bloggers who have been successful in achieving success.

The new travel blogging enthusiasts gaining quick momentum can also serve as a major inspiration. Try taking down notes about everything common in the highest-ranking travel blogs and the features that make them exclusive.

Consider the writing style, imagery, and page layout. Your main objective should not be copying what the other bloggers have done. But you need to understand their ideas and what worked for them the best.

Get a Creative Name for the Travel Blog

Now, this is something quite challenging, especially for the new travel bloggers. It can take several hours of brainstorming to ultimately settle on the right name for your travel blog. Experts recommend finding names that stand out from the rest.

Names like Wandering, Adventurous, Nomadic, and Backpacking are quite common. Thus they should be completely avoided. Try keeping the name classy. If you have plans to work with well-known firms and take press trips, simply factor in how you would feel when providing your business card.

Cheap and quirky names will surely not work in making the right first impression. Also, work on making the blog URL easy by avoiding site names containing more than six to seven words. And yes, you must also avoid the use of hyphens as they make it quite difficult to describe the site address to individuals.

It works to check the name of the site for availability on all the social media channels before making the final purchase. Especially significant are networks like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

Create the Right Product

Monetizing your travel blog will be easier if you approach it as a podium for selling something else. Of course, there are ways of creating highly profitable sites with sponsored posts and banner advertisements.

Nevertheless, one of the most reliable ways of ensuring you make good money out of your travel blog is by going for products such as courses, eBooks, design work, consulting solutions, art, and photography.

Creating a product might seem overwhelming and a hell lot of work, but when you create the right product, you can constantly depend on it to make money while relaxing on the beach.

Create Engaging Posts

An attractive travel blog requires something more than just sharing general information about destinations, travel itineraries, or basic breakdowns or places to visit. If you want more traffic on your blog, you need to make it valuable, engaging, and informative.

This can best be done with the use of the best video editing software. Of course, using the software means incorporating videos in your blog so that the readers online have their heads turning towards it.

Inspire the Readers

The main objective of your travel blog should be inspiring the readers and getting them excited about traveling. Hence, videos and images are the two best ways of achieving great results. Put in some money in top-quality video recording and camera devices.

Make sure all the blogs you post have a minimum one image of the destination you are blogging about. Even better if the blog has a video of the place. This will make the blog not just attractive and informative but will bring in the readers again and again if they have at all decided to visit the place.

Writing Attractively Is the Key

When writing a travel blog, pay special attention to the length, layout, CTA, images, and videos in the content. And yes, do not forget to come up with a crisp and catch intro that holds the readers in place throughout the blog. Make sure your introduction generates curiosity among the readers.

The Takeaway

Above all these important travel blogging tips, it is necessary to market your travel blog in the right way. One thing that is very important for you to understand is measuring the success of your blog. And this is possible only if you can envision the overall experience of the reader.