What Color Does Blue and Green Make?

what color does blue green make

What color does blue and green make? It is straightforward to combine colors because when they are mixed, they will create a new color. For instance, if you mix blue and green, the colors created will be a lighter green and a lighter blue. What color does blue and green make? However, suppose you mix more of each color in the mixture together. Eventually, one of the colors will eventually dominate the other entirely, and this mixing won’t create any yellow or purple colors. When you add more than two different colors to create another color, it’s called “secondary mixing.” 

There are also tertiary mixes that are even more complicated, with three different colors mixed, but it would take an expert on what combinations produce the specific results. When a specific color is mixed with another color, they create the character of the other. For example, when blue is mixed with yellow, it creates a shade of green. When two colors are mixed, they usually produce a primary or secondary color. 

To know what color you want to create, you can look at the wheel and see which colors will be produced by mixing which ones. The wheel of primary and secondary colors is typically used in art class to teach you about mixing different colors to create new ones. For example, if you want to create orange from red and yellow, you have to mix them in equal parts, or else it wouldn’t turn out right.

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Is It Yellow?

What color blue and green make? It is the most common question that people ask. Yellow and red are two primary colors (you can tell since they must be mixed in equal amounts to produce them), and when you combine blue and green, you get yellow. It is because orange combines red, green, and yellow. It’s fundamental. No math involved, just a little logic. When you mix blue and green, they come out as a mixture called cyan (or primary white). When cyan is mixed with white, it becomes clear, but when mixed with other colors of the spectrum, it will become more of the color being mixed with it.

This mixing of colors can also go in reverse. You can use a mixture of colors to darken another color. It is because colors have different intensities of lightness and darkness in them. For instance, blue may be the darkest color in the spectrum, but the mixture of blue and yellow will be lighter since yellow has lightness. Suppose you don’t ever see any colors together that are complementary. In that case, you’re either not familiar with mixing colors, your monitor’s color setting isn’t set up correctly, or you were damaged by something else.

Tertiary Colors:

Tertiary colors are created when you combine two secondary colors. There are also tertiary colors created because the tertiary color is mixed with a primary color. For instance, when you mix red with blue, it creates purple. If you mix red with yellow, it creates orange. And if you mix blue and yellow together, then it creates green. Tertiary colors aren’t found naturally in the spectrum, but they are found in nature (at least sometimes). 

For example, combining red and yellow will get orange (a natural color). You can also get other tertiaries by combining them like purple-red, purple-yellow, etc. Tertiary colors are also instrumental when you want to create another color that has relative values to each primary and secondary color. 

For instance, if you want to mix red and blue together but don’t want it to be a dark color, then you could combine it with yellow in equal amounts, which will produce orange (since yellow is in the middle between red and blue). Or you could also add white (as long as the intensity of red and blue are the same) or black (to darken it) or gray (to lighten it) or any other color of your choice.

Shades and Tints of Blue-Green:

The shade is a lighter version of the color, and the tint is just a darker version. For instance, black is the darkest shade, but if you add white to it, you get gray, which is a lighter shade. If you add yellow to it, you get light blue, a lighter tint. It’s the same idea as green. You have darker shades of green and then lighter tints of it. You can also mix in different colors with it to alter the shade or tint further. 

If you add gray or black to a color, you’ll get the shade, and if you add white or brown to it, you’ll get the tint. Green is a variety of colors that ranges from light (like green grass) to dark greens like that of pine trees and forests. Blue is a variety of tints (shades are produced by mixing white with a color) that ranges from darker blues like those found on denim jeans to lighter ones like those found on skyscrapers, clouds, etc.

Does Blue-Green Have a Meaning?

Blue-green is used in the printing industry to represent the print as one solid color. For instance, if you print a word on a piece of paper with blue ink and then green ink directly on it, you will get a single color: blue-green. It is because blue-green is usually an exact mix of the two colors. You will also see this in computer applications when they want to represent something as one solid color. For instance, a person may have a green shirt, but their pants and shoes are also colored blue-green. Again, that’s because it’s an exact match of blue and green together.

What color do blue and green make?

You can also use blue-green in business since it represents nature and the environment. The green environmental movement uses many blue-green colors that symbolize nature. Because of this, many people will use this color for anything that has to do with the environment or nature in general. For example, many companies will have logos or figures that are colored blue-green because they want to represent their concern for the environment (and also capture more customers by using something symbolic).

RGB Tertiary Colors:

RGB has tertiary colors as well. RGB doesn’t have any primary colors since red, green, and blue are mediums and not physical colors. However, red, green, and blue can be mixed to produce other colors that have more intensity than the primary ones. These are called tertiary colors or just tertiary colors. They are created when you mix different intensities of the three physical mediums of light together (red, green & blue).

Blue-Green on the RGB Color Wheel:

When you put blue-green in with RGB it produces a dark bluish-green that is considered a shade of cyan (RGB’s secondary color). It’s light enough not to be considered a tint. But it’s still bluer than red & green (however, it is more green than blue).

Blue-Green on the RGB Color Wheel:

Often what people mistake as a shade of RGB is just an extension of another color up or down the spectrum. The primary colors are also shades of a color on the spectrum (since they are mixtures of light and darkness). For instance, mixing red, blue, and yellow will come out as “yellow-green, ” another color on the spectrum. It cannot be evident since they may think they have a different shade but don’t have any different shade.

70% green and 30% blue: 

It is a color that is split between two colors. For instance, green may be 70% and blue 30%. But this is a mixed-tone color where the two colors are divided like this instead of just one color. If the two colors’ proportions were reversed, it would be split between 50% green and 50% blue.


Turtle-skin or “lime” is similar to lime green, but it’s not as bright as it’s more of an olive green color. It can also have a bit of turquoise to make it less orange in appearance and closer to that of true green. You may also see turtle skin referred to as “canary yellow”. It is because canary yellow was the name of a color called “wet canary,” a mixture of blue and yellow. When you form the mixture, you first use yellow ink, then add blue ink to it, causing it to become more greenish-yellow (since yellow has lightness and red has darkness). 

You can also use orange, but that’s not what this specific color is called. Turtle-skin can also be used in artwork as an undercover instead of using primary colors to make it. For instance, when used as an undercover on a piece of clothing or something similar, it will represent the two colors used in turtle skin being mixed.

Type of Blue-Green: Cyan

Cyan is not considered a blue-green. It’s not even color in the spectrum! It’s an additive color you get when you mix black and white. So technically, cyan is just really, really, really really really really black. So if you think of it as a blue-green shade, it’s not even in the same spectrum as blue-green since cyan isn’t a color you can see. 

Cyan can be used to represent dark shades of blue, though. For instance, cyan can represent the navy blue color because it appears as a shade of blue when viewing it from a distance or in poor lighting conditions.

How is Cyan Used (Artistically)?

People can use cyan to create a variety of other colors by using other colors mixed with it to alter the hue (amount of red or green) and tone (shade or tint). For instance, you could use yellow to make the color more vibrant or lighter, and you could use magenta or violet to change the shade. If you add white over the color, you’ll get grey, a lighter version of the original color.

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