How to Find the Right Julia Hair Wig for Your Face Shape


When buying a wig there are many things to consider like the wig cap, hair type, hair colour and so much more. Another main factor that can influence  choosing the right wig is your face shape. Using your face shape as a guide to finding the right wig can be helpful when shopping online on those good wig deals. In this blog we will discuss different face shapes and the right kind of wig to suit those faces.

Oval face shape

An oval face shape is usually on the longer side with length of the face being one and half times more than the width. The forehead in this shape is wider than the chin.

If you are born with an oval face shape you can go for any type and style of wig. Oval faces are a blessing as almost all haircuts and hairstyles suit them.

Round face shape

 A round face shape is one with little or zero angular structure. This face shape has large cheeks which give a rounder appearance. The best wig styles to choose for a round face are the ones with a lot of layers, wavy volume.

Go with a shoulder length wig or longer style with layers that add texture and structure to your soft jawline. The styles that you should avoid is short bobs, pixie cuts and layers that face inwards.

Heart face shape

People who have heart shaped faces have wide foreheads, prominent cheekbones and a chin point. There are a wide range of hairstyles that suit a heart face shape like short or chin length hair, side swept fringes, inward facing layer hairstyle. You can also style your baby hair on forehead giving modern look. Here is all baby hair knowledge you would need.

Square face shape

People who have square faces tend to have wide and pronounced chin and forehead. The jawline and forehead are often the same width. As square face shape has angular jawline avoid going with chin length hairstyles. Hairstyle with tapered bangs, long locks soften the sharpness of face shapes.

Diamond face shape

People who flaunt diamond face shape tend to have narrow forehead, wide cheekbones and small chin. Diamond face is different from a heart face shape because the forehead is not wide. Many wig styles suit diamond face shapes however short and long bobs look the best.

Oblong face shape

Oblong face shapes have rounded chin and forehead with long features overall. If you are someone with an oblong face avoid sleek hairstyles as it elongates your face further.

Go with voluminous layers as they look great on oblong faces and also widen them. Styles with thick bangs and hair length longer than chin flatters an oblong face.

Its okay if your face shape does not fit into the above listed categories. It is common to have a face that has a combination of different features. While knowing your face shape can be a helpful guide for choosing the wig style. Above all its important to choose a wig style that makes you feel confident and comfortable.