Family Guy Lois Grifin Dead Hoax, Explained

family guy lois grifin dead

Family guy lois grifin dead – “Family Guy,” the beloved animated TV show, has a history of surprising fans with unexpected plot twists. Remember when they briefly killed off Brian in 2013, only to bring him back a few episodes later? Lightning struck again when a new hoax started, claiming Lois Griffin, the show’s matriarch, had met her fictional death.

Usually, if the voice actors stick with the show or if they find someone who sounds like them, animated characters stay on the show. But sometimes, rarely, a character gets killed off or taken out of the show. In Family Guy, though, sometimes a character’s death is just a trick.

In this article, we are going to discuss if family guy lois grifin dead or not and related topics:

The Origin of the Hoax

It all started with a tweet from user @minasdemon on Christmas Day 2022. They boldly declared, “family guy lois grifin dead at 43,” accompanied by a clip from the show where Stewie repeatedly shoots Lois. The post went viral, racking up over 20 million views and plenty of engagement. But here’s the twist: it was all a prank.

The Internet Reacts

While many savvy fans are known as the hoax for what it was, others took the bait. Social media erupted with memes and reactions. Some genuinely believed that Lois’ voice actor, Alex Borstein, had passed away. Borstein is alive and well, and she has no plans to leave the animated sitcom anytime soon.

TikTok Takes It Up a Notch

But wait, there’s more! TikTok user @arabellaalexis0 decided to take the prank to the next level. In a video, she informed her family that Lois Griffin had died. Their initial confusion turned into amusement after a quick Google search revealed the truth. Little did she know that her video would leave a disturbing trend on TikTok.

The Dark Side: Celebrity Death Pranks

Around the same time, the “Celebrity Death Prank” challenge surfaced on TikTok. Younger users told their unsuspecting parents that their favourite celebrities had passed away, recording their shocked reactions. 

One particular example involved Angela Bassett’s son telling her that her “Black Panther” co-star, Michael B. Jordan, had died. Bassett’s real-life loss of Chadwick Boseman was a painful reminder of how memes can sometimes cross the line.

Have Other Family Guy Characters Died?

In Family Guy, there were times when characters died or left the show. One memorable moment was when Lois, Stewie’s mom, was killed by Stewie in a two-part episode from season 6 called “Stewie Kills Lois”.

Fans know that Stewie, the little baby, wanted two things: to rule the world and to kill his mom. It took six seasons, but Stewie killed Lois on a cruise ship. But surprise! In the first part, the Griffins wondered where Lois went, and Peter was blamed for her murder until Lois showed up and revealed Stewie did it.

The second part shows Stewie being evil and planning world domination. Eventually, Peter seemingly kills Stewie. But it turns out, everything after family guy lois grifin dead was just a game Stewie played to see what would happen if he killed his mom. So, it didn’t really happen.


So, there you have it! The “family guy lois grifin dead” hoax shook the internet, even though it was quickly debunked. But it serves as a cautionary tale, what starts as a harmless joke can take on a life of its own. 


What was the family guy lois grifin dead’ Hoax?

In December 2022, a tweet by user @minasdemon falsely claimed that Lois Griffin, the matriarch of the Griffin family, had died at the age of 43. The hoax trended on social media, leading fans to believe it was true.

Was family guy lois grifin dead?

No, Lois Griffin is not dead. The show confirmed her survival when it returned after a mid-season break. The hoax was perpetuated by an internet troll, not the show’s creator, Seth MacFarlane.

What Happened During the Hoax?

Fans filmed their friends and family reacting to the news of family guy lois grifin dead, creating a viral TikTok prank. Some people who hadn’t seen the show were genuinely confused, making the reactions even funnier.