Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Dating a word that invites a mixture of various feelings within us! It makes us conscious, excited, overwhelmed and happy too, at the same point in time. A day, when the girl dreams to be the ‘princess’ and the...
Who doesn’t have a chat head open on his/her phone right now? The answer is clear. Nowadays, everyone has become chat-o-holic. People are more comfortable to express themselves while chatting than talking. That’s why people are getting more and...
Here’s five “rules” you need to think about For secular people, asking your date about their religious background is generally not a big deal. “Oh, you were raised Hindu? Interesting, my father was Jewish but my mom was Buddhist.” And...
Divorce definitely takes its toll. Regardless of whether it’s amicable or not, whether it was your decision or not, whether you have children or not . . . It will affect you emotionally. You might want to wallow in...
Going on a romantic date is something that we all love, and why not, it's the best way to spend some quality time with your special someone. The problem with going on a date is that ideas like dinner...
Do you have a special someone that you absolutely adore?  Whether you have been in a relationship for 6 months or 6 years, take the time to show her that you care for her by being attentive with little...
Ahhh… Can you smell it? The scent of love in the air. It’s just about that time of year where everyone shows love and appreciation for those closest to them. Valentine’s Day is a day dedicated to showering that...
Doesn’t matter if you’re about to go on your first date, or third, fourth, or more; a little crisp should be there always. In this world where dating has become such a common experience for everyone, you can take...
Stalking has become a broad term, which is mainly understood in one of two ways. The first is where you have yet to meet someone in person, and you check their social media to get some background information on...
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the measures that have been put in place to curb its spread, many restaurants are no longer allowing indoor dining. The precautionary measure has proved to be a huge setback for couples who...