What Are Meth Mites & Why Do They Occur?

meth mites

Meth Mites – The health consequences of methamphetamine are catastrophic. Meth causes most of its destruction inside the body. However, the most well-known injury is on a person’s skin. Meth users are infamous for having scratches, sores, lesions and scars. 

In other words, these injuries are often caused by hallucinations, which make them believe that they have insects underneath their skin. Meth mites addicts usually scratch their skin in an attempt to get rid of the fake bugs. However, there are other possible causes of meth sores. Here is more to know about meth mites and more related topics:

Meth sores common causes include:

  • Poor hygiene
  • Hallucinations
  • Unsterile injections
  • Mouth or lips burning 
  • Itching
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Compulsive scratching

When squeezing, some people do not even know why they scratch or rub their skins hard. Tweaking refers to a stimulant-induced state of frenzied behaviour. It is meth sores and scabs that are recognized as one of the principal signs of taking meth. They may also be a sign of meth addiction. 

Besides their ugly appearance, meth sores can also cause health complications if they get infected. The application of disinfectants and bandaging can treat certain sores. On the other hand, treatment is needed in infected sores.

What Meth Sores Look Like?

Meth sores can look differently depending on the cause of the lesions, whether they are infected and how long one has had them. Meth is characterized by sores that appear as rashes, red dots, and cuts on the skin. In looks, meth sores can appear like acne. Crystal meth may also cause sores on the lips or inside the mouth. 

If a substance user with meth sores treats the wounds correctly and quits using meth, these wounds will heal in the same way as when getting over a scratch or blister. It will decrease gradually in size, become darker and slowly disappear. Whether it becomes a scar or not depends on the depth of the meth sore.

Meth Mites, Meth Bugs, & Crank Bugs

Meth mites, meth bugs, and crank bugs all refer to the same kind of hallucination. Meth users tend to stay awake for several days. Sleep loss may trigger hallucinations in physically healthy beings.

However, the cause of this hallucination is unknown to experts. However, a number of drugs users have made theories, like:

  • Meth can lead to severe itching, nervousness and paranoia. After days without sleep, people who consume meth might believe that the itching is a result of an intrinsic factor from one’s skin.
  • In meth users, the condition of the skin may be unhealthy due to an unbalanced food intake and habits like poor hygiene or even effects induced by toxicity within meth. 
  • With methamphetamines, these individuals keep scratching their already unhealthy skin, which leads to irritations or scratches during a trance state. They hallucinate and think that bugs are responsible for their skin conditions.
  • Crank bugs and meth mites are common nicknames. The vast majority of meth users have heard about the hallucination. Regular lack of sleep and meth use can make the memory of a story turns into an actual hallucination.

Meth Sores Health Impact 

Meth sores pose medical risks equal to any other open wound. Without cleaning and protecting the open sore, bacteria can easily invade the human body, resulting in infection. Infections may be mild or severe. Some of the minor infections lead to discomfort and pain. If the infection becomes severe and spreads, it leads to fever, diarrhoea, and fatigue. 

If infections are not treated, they can be fatal. It will likely worsen if the infection enlarges and fills with blood or pus. The area around the sore turns red in case of a deteriorating infection. Meth sores that are contracted as a result of unsterile injections may show contagiousness.

How to remove Meth Sores?

The easiest way in which people can get rid of meth scabs or sores is by living a healthy lifestyle and letting them heal on their own. In most cases, blisters, acne, and rashes will eventually heal unless they become infected. The most efficient method of the healing process is preventing infection of wounds. 

It is reported that some people develop acne during meth detox, but this takes away within one to two weeks after quitting the use of meth.

To get rid of meth sores that are not infected, what you should do is:

  • Stop using crystal meth.
  • Use over-the-counter disinfectant to clean the wound.
  • Wrap the wound.
  • When the wound is healed, take away the bandage.
  • Do not scratch, rub or pick at the wound.

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