When should I put a sleeping bag on a newborn?


Whether it’s your first or second child, we are always in doubt whether we are doing things right or not? We all want to get it right the first time, and that’s okay. If you are thinking of furnishing your child’s bedroom, I know you are probably gazing at several online catalogues or spending most of your time at stores trying to find the best products your child may need.

If this is you, then you have no doubt come across numerous baby sleeping bags or even purchased one already? But what is the appropriate time to put a sleeping bag on your baby? Does your baby need to wear any baby sleepsuits before going in a sleeping bag? Well, let’s find out.

When is it safe to start using a sleeping bag?

Babies are different. Babies’ sleeping bags are designed and sized from birth onwards. However, most parents wait until their baby is at least six weeks old before allowing them to sleep in one. Don’t get me wrong; there are sleeping bags that are safe for the baby to start sleeping in from day one. So long as your baby’s head can fit perfectly through the neck hole, you are good to go.

What’s the appropriate sleeping bag size?

When selecting your baby’s sleeping bag, choosing the right size is a very important factor to consider. The wrong size means that your baby won’t be safe. Your sleeping bag should fit your baby snugly at the top to prevent them from slipping down.

Safety should be your priority. If the sleeping bag is small, there might be no room for your baby to stretch its legs. It could also be too tight for your baby around the neck, making them uncomfortable. Bags are available in the market in different sizes, the most popular ones being 0-6, 6-18, and 18-36 months. 18-36 months are the longest, and therefore, you will be able to get the most out of them even if your baby grows pretty fast.

Warmth rating or the tog weight?

Your baby’s room temperature should be anywhere between 18-19 degrees at all times. Be sure to choose the correct tog for your baby using a tog index. The lower the sleeping bag tog index, the cooler the sleeping bag. If the room is at temperatures between 18-19 degrees, go for a sleeping bag with a tog 2 index.

Tog 3.5 sleeping bags fit a room with temperatures under 14 degrees but must be accompanied by cotton baby sleepsuits. During summer, when temperatures are between 22-24 degrees, go for a tog 1.5 index sleeping bag. For temperatures over 25 degrees, go for a tog 0.5 tog sleeping bag with short-sleeved baby sleepsuits.

What are the available designs?

There are numerous designs available in the market with fun patterns, organic materials, and colours. Some styles will have a two-way zip in front and some slits at the back. Their sleeping bags come with poppers at the top for younger children, making it easy to put on your baby and remove when it’s time for a diaper change.

A quick tip: never use a duvet to cover your baby’s the sleeping bag as this may cause overheating. Some sleeping bags come with hoods, but this should be avoided since they are a significant cause of sudden death infant syndrome (SDIs). Sleeping bags come in different sizes and shapes, and there is something for any baby.