Get Rid Of Swimming Pool Algae Quickly With Easy 13 Steps

how to get rid of algae in pool

Despite our best and hard efforts, it is impossible to prevent the swimming pool from green, yellowish, or pink sneaky and slimy substance. 

There might be chances that you don’t find enough time to maintain and clean your swimming pool, or your filter may get clogged, and you didn’t notice that. The layer gets deposited on the walls, corners, cracks, or algae on bottom of pool surface. 

Any kind of issue you are facing with your swimming pool, now you are searching for how to get rid of algae in the pool. We have created some easy 13 ways to get rid of swimming pool algae quickly and squeaky-clean your swimming pool surface. 

Removing algae from the surface is not a game of five minutes, but it requires some effort, time, and hard work, but if you do so with proper equipment, it will become a matter of seconds. 

Get ready to find the easy and quick ways to remove any type of algae from the swimming pool surface.

green algae in pool

1. Check and Balance The Water Chemical Composition

To prevent your swimming pool from algae deposition, it is important to check the chemical consistency of the water supply and keep your swimming pool free from algae.

Test the pH and chlorine levels of the water with the help of a test kit and keep the pH levels about 7.8. To balance these chemical levels, you can add sodium carbonate in case you want to increase the levels. To keep Chlorine levels maintained, you can add sodium bisulfate to at least about 1 ppm.

2. Keep The Pump On

When you are cleaning your swimming pool, it is also important to turn on the pump for 24 hours.

This helps in keeping the water from contaminating and prevent the algae from growing and depositing.

3. Clean The Debris

Regularly remove the debris from the water daily as much as you can with the help of the net, including dried leaves and floating algae.

4. Frequently Brush Swimming Pool

It is important to clean the surface of your pool regularly. If your pool is made from plaster or concrete, you need to use wire or stiff brush for the pool. 

Perfectly do the scrubbing of the steps, surfaces, corners, and the walls of the pool.

5. Vacuum The Surface Of Swimming Pool

Always vacuum the surface of your swimming pool surface thoroughly as might be there a probability that there might be debris left while brushing or removing algae. To remove any algae or debris loosened while brushing, again making sure to clean under stairs, along the pool wall, and on steps.

While I love a good robotic pool cleaner, it’s not the best for cleaning algae, so you’re better off doing it manually.

6. Clean Filters

The filters installed in your swimming pool are an essential part of removing dead algae, cleaning the pool water, so it is important to clean filters and backwash them for D.E. or sand filters to keep the filters working properly.

To backwash or clean your filter, you need to do these following steps:

  • Let the multiport valve handle to clean and backwash or slide the push & pull valve.
  • Turn on the filter pump.
  • Keep it running till the water gets clear for about 2 to 3 minutes.
  • Now, turn off the filter pump, and move the pump valve back to the pool filter, turn it on

7. Shock The Swimming Pool

After these 6 steps, you shock your swimming pool with calcium hypochlorite. You can also granular chlorine. 

You can do the process weekly, but getting away from the intense algae growth may require much more time and effort.

Black type of algae requires multiple times of shocking multiple to get rid of it and clean the pool surface.

Always make sure that you wear gloves every time you go to clean the swimming pool surface during this step. 

8. Brush your pool again

Do not skip this step. It will help in the next steps to completely remove algae blooms from the pool.

9. Floc The Swimming Pool

The flocculent to the pool help in further getting rid of algae that do not get out in the shocking process. It helps in removing algae from small spores that might be left in the shocking process.

This is an essential step or process if the pool gets a large amount of black and mustard type of algae.


10. Vacuum The Surface of Pool

The next step is to vacuum the surface of your pool from the bottom and sides very thoroughly to get the algae out from the pool.

11. Clean Pool Filters Frequently

After this performing step, your swimming pool filters might get clogged with debris and algae. 

Thus, it is important to clean your pool filters and backwash it so that it maintains the recirculation of the water.

12. Add Algaecide To Pool 

Add a good type of algaecide so that it helps in preventing and removing the form in the future. 

  1. Test your chemistry

Finally, the lapool st step is to restore the swimming pool’s chemistry levels to normal.

To maintain the normal or average chlorine levels, the recommended levels too are 1 – 3 ppm, and average pH levels are 7.4, 7.5, and 7.6. That is ideal if you want to prevent algae.

Whereas the alkalinity pool water is about 80 to 140 ppm.

Algae – What Is It and What Are Its Type?

what causes algae in pool

As per the sources, “algae is a type of multicellular organism that name is given to the diverse and large group of phototrophic, eukaryotic microorganisms and oxygenic. Algae is a type of eukaryotic that means they consist of the nucleus.”

Algae are of various forms like pond cum and seaweed. Algae come in different forms like seaweed and pond scum. In other words, algae are like a plant, which are part of our biodiversity and influence our existence, but it does not mean that you require to harbor them like fugitives in the swimming pool

You may find algae in your swimming pool, ponds, lakes, and other water bodies in which the water remains still and unclean for so many days, months, or years. Algae is a green color layer that gets deposited on the wall, corners, bottom, tap, and above the swimming pool. 

Algae is slimy and grossy that can make the water dirty that makes it impossible to swim in the pool. 

If you have algae in your swimming pool, there are very less chances that you and your kids step in the swimming pool that make your investment totally wastage. It is important to remove the algae from the pool so as the water makes the water clean. 

Some so many people do not take any actions earlier regarding removing the algae from the pool. 

You may also be mistaken if you think that you don’t need to clean your pool if you find no green algae in the swimming pool. However, there are several other types of algae with different colors that you must put your attention:  

There are 7 types of Algae:

  • Chlorophyta (Green)
  • Pyrrophyta (Fire)
  • Phaeophyta (Brown)
  • Chrysophyta (Golden-brown)
  • Euglenophyta (Euglenoids)
  • Rhodophyta (Red)
  • Xanthophyta (Yellow-green)

However, there might be these several kinds of Algae species, you have to only worry about some specific types as they may ruin the water and the walls of your swimming pool. 


Green Type Of Algae

There are 7,000 different types of green algae species that are found, and it is the most common type algae that can be quickly developed taps, pool walls, rivers, and ponds. Some of the types of green algae can be found only in saltwater. 

One can easily get rid of the green type of algae and the only requirements to treat it with extra algaecide or chlorine solutions. Mostly there is green algae in pool that most people get face off.

Mustard Type Of Algae (Yellow Algae)

Yellow color algae or Mustard Algae consist of beta carotene that gives them a yellow color appearance.

This type of algae is more difficult to remove and than that of the green algae as it can resist chlorine reaction. Mustard algae are also hard to detect because one can resemble it like sand or pollen as it has a light shade appearance.

To get rid of yellow or mustard type of algae, one has to perform little extra steps like brushing and shocking. 

Black Type Of Algae

This type of algae is known as blue-green algae too, but in reality, it is not at all a type of any algae. Black Algae is a type of bacteria, Cyanobacteria that grows in the large mass and deposited on the surface wherever they find humid conditions to survive. 

Black algae are the most frustrating type of algae to get rid of from the pool. It grows in the roots of the crevices and cracks, thus making it difficult to remove. Black algae have a hard protective layer called the head of the algae that make it hard to remove and resistance to chemicals. 

There is a lengthy process to get rid of black algae in pool and sometimes involve the draining of entire pool water and requires acid wash to surface. 

Pink Type of Algae

Pink algae is a type of bacteria that appears in cracks and on the corners of the swimming pool and spread all over quickly.

Pink algae are resistant to chlorine but can be easily treated even it gets spread in the more massive amounts.

To get rid of the pink type of algae is not as hard to remove like that of a black kind of algae. But you have to brush the affected pool area with the cleanser repeatedly.