Ultimate Guide to Writing Numbers in Expanded Form 

writing numbers in expanded form

Writing numbers in expanded form is a way of writing a number by writing the place value of its digit. The different place values are like Ones, Tens, Hundreds, Thousands,  and so on.

For easy and convenient expansion, refer to the place value chart.

2,311 is in standard form.

We can use different ways to express numbers in expanded form.

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#Method 1

 To expand the number 2,311, we separate a number by their place value and expand it to show the value of each digit.

  • The value of digit 2 at Thousands place =2000,
  • The value of digit 3 at Hundreds place =300,
  • The value of digit 1 at Tens place = 10,
  • The value of digit 1 at Ones place =1,

If you add the place value of each digit then you will get a total of 2,311

2000+300+ 10+ 1= 2,311

So, the expanded form of 2,311 is 2000 + 300 + 10 + 1

Another method that can be used for writing numbers in expanded form is to write the digits one by one and convert all the c9ming numbers to zero.

Method #2

This method works by multiplying the digit with its place value.

Example: 2,311

  • 2 x 1000
  • 3 x 100
  • 1 x 10
  • 1 x 1

(2 x 1000) + (3 x100) + (1 x10) + (1 x 1) = 2,311 is the expanded form of 2,311.

Method #3

In this method, the first digit is written and then its place value is written adjacent to it.

Example: 2,311

2 Thousands + 3 Hundreds + 1 Tens + 1 ones = 2,311.

In this way you can write the expanded form of any number. We hope that you liked this article. Make sure to tell us how you liked these mathematical tips and tricks.

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