LAUSD Launches Daily Pass App to Keep Students and Teachers Safe

rrh daily pass

RRH Daily Pass – The Daily Pass app is a mobile solution that supports anyone who comes in contact with children, whether they are parents, grandparents, volunteers, or staff members. The rrh daily pass provides essential information and resources to support health, safety, and vaccination records. It also lets users register their school vaccinations to stay informed about disease outbreaks.

Users can enter their vaccination data and a list of all vaccines received by those under their care within the last year. Daily Pass can then create an immunization record for each user’s entire group of contacts. Furthermore, the rrh daily pass allows users to keep track of their health records and communicate with schools and doctors directly via email or phone. The app also features a mapping feature so users can locate their nearest clinic or hospital.

“The Daily Pass is like an electronic medical record for all the people you care about most,” said Director of LAUSD Health Services Dr. Ramon Cugigan. “It gives them a quick and simple way to access immunization records and stay informed about safety and health issues that are important for their kids, family, friends, and community.” Daily Pass is available as an iPad app in the App Store or via Google Play for Android devices. Here is everything you should know about the daily pass. 

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App version of lausd.daily pass

The Daily Pass app is an individualized identification system that allows students, staff, and visitors into schools and other locations within LAUSD. The app uses biometrics to confirm identity by matching your facial features to previous photos taken at each school or location. Additionally, the app allows users to upload their barcode for schools and locations where it was previously scanned, making “remember” and “forget” options.

The Daily Pass App is available in seven languages: English, Spanish, Korean, Chinese (traditional), Vietnamese, Tagalog, and Arabic. Users can also register their language preference via the soonest survey.

App security of land daily pass app

LAUSD has provided encryption software and enhancements to keep the Daily Pass app even more secure. The software encrypts all sensitive data that is sent over the internet. The Daily Pass app also encrypts and securely stores all users’ data on a secure cloud server. 

App users can also manually encrypt their data if they choose. This feature allows the Daily Pass app to cache each user’s profile information, which is then decrypted only within the app itself using a passcode that the user chooses. The passcode is not stored in plain text, and only the user has access to decrypt this information.

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Daily Pass App: Information:

The Daily Pass app was designed with simplicity and ease of use, especially for parents and guardians of children entering childcare or pre-K school environments for the first time. The app may be used while entering a school or location on a mobile device, by a person with health information, or as a resource. For example, the app can be used to keep track of immunization records for the user and others with whom they are in contact.

Schools on-board:

More than half of Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) schools use the Daily Pass app. LAUSD schools include those with older children and pre-K programming, as well as new elementary and middle schools built all over the district. The district plans to continue to expand throughout the year and reach more than 1 million students by 2022. 

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COVID tests:

One way lausd daily pass app download can help keep students safe is through its new COVID testing requirement. Beginning in the fall of 2018, all LAUSD high schools will be required to conduct a visual inspection for mumps, measles, and rubella on new first-year and transfer students. Schools are also encouraged to use the Daily Pass app for this process, which will include taking and uploading a photo of the student’s face and name to ensure that each student’s identity is verified correctly. In addition, this process will occur during school registration for each student before starting classes.


COVID vaccinations:

All LAUSD public schools must offer immunization assessments to students and staff. Daily Pass can help keep these records updated. The app also allows users to keep track of their health records, such as those of their children, and communicate with schools and doctors directly via email or phone call.

LAUSD is updating its immunization policy so that all new students entering grade 9 are fully vaccinated against at least ten diseases, including chickenpox, rubella, tetanus, diphtheria, and polio.

QR Code:

Every user’s facial image is stored on a cloud server. So, for example, if the photo contains a QR code or barcode, the school’s staff can scan it and access the data. Then, the user will be prompted to enter the information directly into the app or email it to themselves.


The rrh daily pass lets users connect with other users through their profiles. For example, one parent may want to invite another to join their child’s “team” so that both parents can follow immunization and school requirements. The app also features a mapping feature so users can locate their nearest clinic or hospital.

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