Check Out The Right Way To Shape Your Eyebrows


Eyebrows are one of the most crucial features of our face. Right from bestowing expressions to beauty, they hold the primary role. But even after knowing these facts, we still underestimate their presence. We do not give proper attention, and as a result, we end up mis-shaping them, which further spoils the complete look of our face.

It is not a negotiable fact that the shape of your eyebrow can define the appearance of your complete look, yet at times we do not understand what will be the perfect way to determine our brows so that they can suit to your face and gives it a better dimension. Nevertheless, after reading this article, it will be surely easy for you to pluck perfect eyebrows that suits you the best.

Here, we will also give you some eyebrow shaping tips and methods which will help you to lend an appropriate shaping to your bros & get thick eyebrows. Along with this; we have also highlighted all the necessary tools and things that would be required in the plucking eyebrows process and also the ways through which you can minimize the intensity of pain.

The first step to owe an ideal brow is to determine how it should look like. To do this, you would need to follow certain steps. There are two ends to our eyebrow, the inner end that is towards the nose and the outer end that ends up at the temple of the crown. So, the steps begin by highlighting the starting point of the inner edge to the ending point of the outer edge.

  • INNER EDGE: Take an eyebrow pencil and place it in a vertical position in such a way that it touches the side of your nose and inner line of your eye. Also, notice where this straight line is formed and mark that point on your eyebrow. This is the mark of your inner edge where your eyebrow should start. Now do the similar for the other eye too.
  • ARCH: An appropriate arch or peak in the eyebrow at the correct place can drastically make a difference to the shape of your bro and hence give a distinct look to your entire face. Now to check where the arch should be in accordance to your face, what you need to do is, place the eyebrow pencil in a way that it lies between the side of your nose and end of the pupil, mark the point where the lines cut each other. This is where the peak of the eyebrow should be. One important thing to keep in mind while doing so is to make sure that you look straight into the mirror, since the measure depends upon the edge of your pupil, thus if there would be any movement it will lead to wrong judgment and can ruin the look.
  • OUTER EDGE: Again, placing the eyebrow pencil at an angle so that it touches your nose’s and eyes outer edges. Mark the point where the pencil intersects the brow; that should be the end of your eyebrow. Again, do the same with another eye.
  • THICKNESS: The last thing to be found is how thick the eyebrow should be. To do so, mark a line on the lower edge of your brow bone, this should be the thickness of your brow.

Now you know what should appropriate eyebrow for your eye look like let’s move onto discussing how to get them.

  • Using a thread or tweezer, pluck the hair that falls outside the marked regions in the definite shape.
  • Make sure that the thickness of the brow lies within the range of 0.5cm to 1cmand not more than that.
  • While experimenting with the shape of the brow, keep in mind the shape of your face. For instance, if your face is round in appearance, then to belittle its curvy look directing the end of the brow a bit upward in the direction of the ear would do the best.
  • Suppose, if your face is square, like that of Kareena Kapoor, then leading the outer edge of your eyebrow into your ear’s mid direction will work perfectly for you.
  • On the other hand of you possess a long face then keep the ear straighter with a minimal arch would suit you better.
  • If your face shape is oval, then trust us you are just so blessed because it is the most balanced face types. Shraddha Kapoor is the best example of this. Although, to highlight the fact, just try to shape your eyebrows considering to direct the outermost edge in the earlobe’ s direction with a significant peak.

However, for the first time, we would suggest you get your eyebrow shaped by a professional in the perfect way they should be. After that, you would not need to visit a parlour every fifteen days. If you give notice to your brows on frequent regular intervals, then you can clean and shape them up on your own by taking care of certain things. Let us tell you how and what.

    • TWEEZING: After a week or so, of shaping the brows, you might start noticing small growths of hair around the desired shape. What you need to do to cure them is to only tweeze the excess hair around the desired shape, and it will be sorted.8

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    • TRIMMING: In the span of 10 to 15 days, the length of the hair within the desired shape would increase. Therefore to bring them back to normal, just take small scissors and trim the growth a bit from the flat surface and then you can brush your hair in the upward direction with the use of a brow brush.9

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  • HIGHLIGHT:If your brows are too light shaded then to enhance their look and volume, shade them with a two tones darker shade of an eyebrow pencil. While doing so, stretch your temple skin with your palms; it will make the eyebrows stretch too and then shade them in an upward direction and blend it well. Even if you do not possess a brow pencil, then instead of it you can use a mate eyeshadow. On the other side if the tone is too dark then repeat the same thing using two tones lighter shade of the bro pencil.

If you stick to these things on a regular basis and develop a habit precisely a good habit then timely it would be easy for you to maintain the look without making significant efforts.


  • Make a note that eyebrows create expressions thus if you get your brow too imbalanced in a way that the outer edge levels a little too much above the inner edge then it will portrait an angry expression on your face.
  • However, if your eyes are in the shape of almonds, in that case, your natural brow line would be lower on the inner edge, and higher on the outer and this is what typically suit the eyes. Thus while shaping them, make sure you do not to do vice versa to both of the edges otherwise it can prove to be a clownish experiment.
  • Dab some concealer around the brow areas to give them a dimensional outlook.
  • If your skin is utterly sensitive and loose, then do not forget to keep an ice pack along with you while you do the tweezing and keep on applying it when you feel the pain.
  • Be very keen to notice that both the eyebrows are appearing to be symmetrically similar in both the directions horizontal and vertical.
  • While shading the eyebrow, use a lighter shade on the inner edge and darker on the outer edge and then after, just blend them well enough.
  • One thing to be considered while measuring the ends of the brow is that, if your nose is too wide (which happen with some people) then instead of using the level of the nose for marking; consider the inner level of your eye. Otherwise, if you measure it with the help of your nose level, there would be ideally a smaller eyebrow.

Keeping these things in mind and follow the above-given methods you can, in fact, you will surely have a set of desirable eyebrows. Don’t forget to mention how well the tricks helped you and to do so please shoot a comment below.
