Everything About German Shepherd Husky Mix


Shepsky, a German Shepherd Husky mix, is a loyal, medium-size, and super energetic dog. The Shepsky is also known as Gerberian Shepsky, and you can even find them in dog shelters as rescued breeds. Always Adopt, don’t shop.

The adorable pups are loyal and affectionate and also become working dogs. Their high intelligence and alert nature make good guard dogs, search missions, military operations, and even police work.

A German shepherd husky mix cannot live in an apartment. They need a large home with big yards and should be given rigorous duties. Suppose under-stimulated Shepskies can become unmanageable and destructive. To keep them happy, always keep them working. 

Below we have listed their characteristics and qualities to help you figure out if they are the right dog for you.

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Shepskies have long, dense coats and are not suitable for people with allergies as they shed a lot. A german shepherd husky mix cannot live in small apartments or alone in a house for long periods.

These dogs have descendants from cold regions, so they can easily tolerate frigid weather. A Shepsky is a mix of cop and babysitter. They can be protective and gentle with children in the family.


Shepsky has been a naturally existing dog breed for many years; however, the designer breeders started mixing Siberian husky and German shepherd intentionally in the late 1990s. 

Breeders mixed two parents’ breeds to make a super-hybrid working dog. Even though Shepsky was a designer breed initially, some of them have ended up in shelters and rescue care groups. 

If you think this breed is right for you, consider adopting. You can check local shelters and lookup for rescued Shepsky.


Shepsky is relatively a new bride, and there are a few standards when you talk about dog size. You can expect this German Shepherd Husky mix to be medium to large in size.

They can weigh around 45 to 88 pounds and are 20 to 25 inches in height on average.


Shepsky owners describe their dog as a playful and active breed. They are full of energy and hail from working parents, which is why they are happy if given a job to complete.

These German Shepherd Husky mixes are pack dogs and need a pack leader to guide. They will try to test the limits and become leaders; however, you should not give in and instead assert yourself as a leader.

One best way to establish a leadership role is by making your dog wait to eat. Shepsky will see you as a keeper of good things like treats, toys, food, and other dog assets. 

They do not like being alone for a long time. They need companionship as well as exercise and the opportunity to use their intelligence, or else they become bored and frustrated. 

Shepskies, if under-exercised or ignored by the family, use their pent-up energy by chewing on objects or howling. Like other dogs, they love socializing and exposure to different objects, sounds, and people from a young age. 

Socializing a puppy will ensure that the puppy grows into a well-rounded dog.

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Shepsky is predisposed to similar conditions like a Siberian Husky and German Shepherd. While most of the dogs are generally healthy, some may be prone to health issues which is why maintaining good care of health and regular checkups with the vet are essential.


Like all dogs, keep up with regular veterinary checkups to detect any health issues at an early stage. Your vet will help in developing a care routine to keep your Shepsky healthy.

German Shepherd Husky mixes are prone to weight gain as they have high energy levels. You should start by giving them at least 1 hour of exercise every day. Take them out in wide spaces like dog parks. Check their ears for pests or debris every day and clean them as recommended by the vet.

Trim a dog’s nails before they grow too long-one-two times in a month. Pay close attention to the oral health of your Shepsky. Brush their teeth every day as they are prone to dental issues. 

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The dies of a Shepsky should be high in energy and meet its exercise needs. You can consult with a professional nutritionist or veterinarian for advice on what you should feed your dog and its correct portion.

The dietary needs of a dog change as they grow older. You should stay updated with their nutrition requirements and take special care with exercising and feeding the Shepsky puppy. 

As these are a mix of German Shepherd, they grow fast between 4 to seven months of age, making them prone to bone diseases. To avoid this, focus on high quality yet low-calorie diet.

Do not allow your Shepsky to jump, run or play on a hard surface like rock pavement upto two years until the joints are formed completely. Puppies can play on grass, and one-inch high jumps are okay. 

Overfeeding them will cause weight gain, joint problems, and other health conditions. Limit their treats and keep them active every day.

Coat Colour And Grooming

Shepsky has coats that are a mix of Siberian and German Shepherd parents. They are mostly available in black, brown, cream, red, white, and blue. You will rarely find a solid coat which is usually a mix of two or more colors. 

They have dense and long coats; therefore people with allergies should not get them. As they shed a lot, you will require a RoboVac. The pups need a good brushing every week. 

Bathe them only when needed as too much can strip their coat of natural oil.Brushing the fur also helps in even spread of oil throughout the coat. If you live in a cold climate your Shepsky will be quite happy.

Children And Other Pets

If your German Shepherd Husky mix is well-trained and is exposed to kids from a young age, then they will be great around kids. Shepsky is a mix of cop and babysitter and can be protective and gentle with family kids.

Teach your children how to approach the dog and supervise every interaction to prevent tail pulling or ear biting. Teach the kids to not disturb the dog when eating or tease them with food. As Shepsky is a pack dog they should be socialized at a young age. 

Final words:

Finding a rescue that is breed-specific for the German Shepherd Husky mix is not easy. However, you can always contact the rescue organizations to adopt a Shepsky instead of buying one from a breeder.

We hope this article from Shepsky will help you determine whether they will make the right pet for your household or not.

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