How Disability Insurance Works in Canada


You never know when an unexpected event can happen. If you ever find yourself suffering from an illness or injury, you’ll be glad you decided to purchase disability insurance.

While you may have heard of auto insurance or home insurance, disability insurance works similarly in protecting your family’s financial interests.

In case of an injury, disability insurance helps replace some of the income lost from your inability to work.

It also covers certain severe illnesses that may sideline you from your duties and hinder your ability to earn a living.

What is Disability Insurance?

Most insurance policies are designed to protect certain things. Disability insurance ensures that you are protected in case of lost income due to disability.

It is usually offered through your employer group benefits plan, especially if your line of work carries a risk of harm or exposure to disease.

It is also usually available from the government in the form of social security or similar programs. it can also be subscribed independently through an insurance company.

Policies like disability insurance have become crucial over time. This is because they provide comprehensive coverage of a person’s financial needs in times of tragedy.

Since most people live paycheck to paycheck, having disability insurance can put food on the table. It can also help pay for medical expenses if you have no savings and can’t earn a living.

How Does Disability Insurance Work?

Like any insurance policy, disability insurance is an agreement between you and your insurance broker. You will pay a monthly premium fee to subscribe to the contract. In return, the insurance company will pay you a monthly allowance in case of your inability to earn.

Your monthly allowance is usually determined by statistical analysis. It takes into account the amount of income you are losing due to a disability.

This money can then be used to provide for you and your family and take care of any debt obligations or medical expenses you may have.

There are certain criteria that are examined when first drafting the policy. These include:

  • The amount of money you will need to pay in monthly payments to stay subscribed to the policy. This works like any other insurance policy.
  • What the policy considers as a disability worth the payment of monthly benefits. Some policies will replace any lost income. Others will be hesitant in the case you are eligible for alternate employment.
  • The amount of money you will receive in monthly benefits. an aforementioned analysis of your income is done to determine this. it usually comes out to around 60-80 percent of your lost income.
  • The length of time the policy will provide benefits. This can be set up to a certain age or time like months or years.

The Disability Insurance Underwriting Process

In addition to the details and benefits of the policy, some other factors are also considered when assessing your risk of disability. These include:

  • Age

Naturally, the older you are, the more prone your body is to breaking down from illness or injury. This may increase the cost of your insurance policy substantially.

  • Gender

Even when buying the same policy, women can expect to pay up to 40 times more than men. This is because historically women file heftier and lengthier claims than most men.

  • Health History

It only makes sense that how you take care of your body and your risk of illness will be a factor in your risk of disability in the future. Chronic diseases and results of recent bloodwork are all taken into account.

  • Job Occupation

If you have a risky job like being a firefighter, it will make your risk of injury or disability higher. this may increase your premiums.

  • Annual Income

As mentioned, your income will play a part in the number of benefits you receive monthly. This means that the higher your paycheck, the more the insurance company will need to pay you back in case of disability.

  • Location

Your area of residence will be assessed for the cost of living and risk of injury or illness before a decision is made.

Real-World Example of Disability Insurance

Disability insurance is varied in its definition and flexibility depending on the person it is for and how expensive it is.

A person who specializes in a lucrative field may purchase an expensive policy that is lenient with what qualifies as a disability.

While someone earning a minimum wage may opt for something more strict but cheaper to get coverage.

Whether or not disability insurance is worth it largely depends on your personal circumstances and financial situation. For some, it’s a crucial safeguard, while for others, it may not be as necessary. To determine if it’s right for you, here are several factors to consider:

1. Health and Occupation
If you have a family history of chronic illness or work in a high-risk job—such as construction, manual labor, or other physically demanding or dangerous professions—disability insurance is likely a wise investment. It provides financial security if an injury or illness prevents you from working, offering peace of mind that you won’t be left without income if the unexpected happens.

2. Financial Preparedness
For individuals with substantial savings or other financial safety nets, disability insurance may not be essential. If you have enough in savings to cover your living expenses for months or even years without income, you may feel confident that you can manage without this added expense. However, it’s important to assess how long your savings could realistically last if you were unable to work for an extended period.

3. Income and Family Considerations
Disability insurance can be especially valuable for low-to-middle income families who rely heavily on a single income. In the event the primary breadwinner becomes unable to work, this type of insurance can provide a steady source of income, ensuring that bills are paid and the family’s financial stability is maintained. This is particularly important for those living paycheck to paycheck, where a sudden loss of income could lead to severe financial hardship.

4. Policy Flexibility and Affordability
Disability insurance policies come in various forms, offering flexibility to accommodate different budgets and needs. There are short-term and long-term options, and the cost of the policy can vary depending on factors such as age, occupation, and health. Many insurance companies offer customizable policies, allowing you to choose the coverage duration and monthly benefit amount that aligns with your financial situation.

5. Protection for Self-Employed and Freelancers
For self-employed individuals or freelancers, disability insurance can be particularly important. Without the safety net of employer-provided benefits like sick leave or workers’ compensation, an unexpected illness or injury could result in a complete loss of income. Disability insurance ensures you have a financial cushion in place if you’re unable to work for an extended period.

Ultimately, disability insurance is a smart investment for those who may be vulnerable to financial hardship if they were to lose their ability to work. It can be a crucial safety net for people in high-risk professions, those with limited savings, or families that depend on a single income. With flexible policy options available, it’s a valuable consideration for anyone looking to protect their financial future.

Online services like Dundas Life can help answer any questions you may still have.