How to prevent ticks on your pet: a step-by-step guide

pet care

When the weather is nice in the summer, there’s nothing better than sitting in your backyard basking in the sun while cooking dinner on the grill. Your pet will likely want to be close to you when you’re outside, not only to enjoy the beautiful weather with his best friend, but also to help you clean the crumbs off the grill.

However, summer brings in insects, some of which can be pests. Mosquitoes and flies are known to germinate in warm, humid conditions. While we humans can simply brush away pesky bugs, our four-legged companions have a hard time getting rid of mosquitoes and flies.

Why are insects such as mosquitoes and flies attracted to pets?

Flies and ticks can be harmful to your pet, although they are only mildly annoying to humans. Flies in particular are attracted to dogs’ ears and can cause bleeding. The flies can then lay eggs in the open wounds, causing a blood infection in your pet.

Infections are not something to laugh at. They can compromise your dog’s health, especially if he is older and has a weaker immune system. It is possible that your dog will not be able to fight the disease or will require expensive medications to recover.

How to get rid of ticks and fleas on pets

Ticks are scary little creatures that can cause great harm to your pet. By purchasing natural tick and flea protection from Marsavet, you are choosing a quality product from a certified German manufacturer. Spot-on is produced by us to the highest standards. Regular checks throughout the entire production process in our own production ensure that you can rely on first-class quality. In addition, we the manufacturer uses the most environmentally friendly packaging and manufacturing solutions to protect the environment as well as your pet.

By following these simple steps, you can prevent ticks from infesting and harming your pet. Remember to protect your pet from ticks each season by doing the following:

  • Ticks and fleas are tiny parasites that feed on blood.
  • Get rid of ticks and fleas on your pet before they infect him.
  • Protect your pet from ticks by using anti-tick products.
  • Check your pet regularly for ticks and remove them if found.
  • They like to live in warm and humid environments, so they are often found among pets.
  • Fleas can also be a problem because they spread diseases such as Lyme disease and sarcoptic mange.

Ways to protect your pet from ticks and flies

Why risk having your pet bothered by insects? Here are some effective ways to fight back the armies of insects that have declared war on you and your pet.

Keep your pet and his area clean

Pets love to roll around in smelly objects, trying to mask other people’s odors with their own. However, as every dog ​​owner knows, this makes them smell bad to people and flowers smell bad to mosquitoes and flies.

Be sure to wash them regularly with a good shampoo and keep their water and food bowls clean. There will be fewer pests in their habitat if it is kept clean.

Keep your garden free of debris and dirt

Another way to protect yourself from pests is to remove fly food supplies from your yard. To begin a new life cycle, flies must lay eggs. Flies are attracted to trash and other debris. Trash cans should be kept as empty and clean as possible to avoid attracting flies and mosquitoes.

Use homemade mosquito repellent recipes

Mix apple cider vinegar and Dawn dish soap in a small jar or container. Cover with saran wrap and secure the plastic lid to the container with a rubber band. Using a toothpick, poke a dozen or more holes in the top, more or less depending on the size of the hole. The mixture will attract mosquitoes and get stuck inside until they drown.

Raid traps for fruit flies

These tiny traps use the same technique as the above DIY repellent in a jar. On the other hand, these traps will do all the work for you. These are apple-shaped traps that attract and capture mosquitoes and fruit flies, and are equipped with a food-based, non-insecticidal attractant.

It’s as simple as filling them with bait, adding a little water and covering them with a lid. The rest is up to them. The kit includes additional baits that will last approximately 6 months. They are suitable for indoor and outdoor use. After cleaning with soap and water, the apple-shaped traps can be reused.


Mosquitoes and flies can be a headache for a pet owner and a literal pain for a dog. They can be dealt with in different ways, depending on the severity of the problem they create. Prevention is crucial to keep them out of your dog’s territory, but if they have already invaded, more stringent measures may be necessary.All of the methods mentioned here are safe and effective to varying degrees, depending on the situation. To determine whether home treatments can solve the problem, we suggest testing them first. If mosquito and fly problems persist, try some of the products suggested above.