Should You Get a Hot Tub this Season?


As we rapidly approach summer this year, a lot of us are wondering whether we should finally invest in the hot tub we’ve been considering for a while.  After all, they are definitely a high value item and something that require a lot of consideration.  They require a lot of space and careful planning.

Don’t let all of this scare you from looking into one, however.  If you are able to, I think a hot tub makes a great addition to many homes.  While they are something that requires some time to think about and decide upon, the process is well worth it in the end.  Even Forbes agrees – you can read an article they published on the topic here:

Types of Hot Tubs for a Home

Before you make the decision, I think it’s a good idea to understand the different options available to you.  There are several variant types of hot tubs available, after all.  Each of them has their pros and their own cons. 

First, I will discuss blow up options.  These are not very durable, but can be an affordable choice.  They are usually made of either vinyl or latex.  Obviously they are an above ground style – you can put them on most surfaces, including grass or a patio.  While they can be convenient and inexpensive, they often do not last.  They are not a permanent addition to a home.

Next, I’ll talk about in-ground choices.  As the name implies, they are generally built in the ground – typically either connected to or next to a pool.  They are fairly durable and last awhile, but require upkeep.  To build one, you will usually need to get a permit and hire a contractor.

Of course, there are also portable versions.  These are probably the most common choice for most people.  There are a variety of them, including the classic 4 man hot tub, and due to all the different styles you can really personalize what you want.  Whether you choose jets, whirlpools, or something else, you can probably find a model with your desires.  They are also quite durable, and relatively energy efficient.

If you’re a fan of fitness, you may want to choose an exercise or swim spa option.  These are usually bigger than other models, because of the nature of the activity you’ll be doing in them.  After all, it can be quite difficult to work out or swim in a cramped space.  They are a nice option if you have a lot of space and can splurge, because they are quite specialized units.

Finally, I will discuss custom made tubs.  This might be more of a bath than a hot one, but may function the same.  This is a choice to consider if nothing else sounds appealing, but be ready to spend quite a bit of time and money.  That being said, they will be catered specifically for you – which is only natural, given that you are having it custom made for your needs and desires.  Whatever material and features you want will help determine overall cost and energy use.

Other Considerations

If you are not sold yet on getting one, I understand.  Sometimes, all of these choices can feel very overwhelming.  We need to take into account the amount of space that we have, first of all.

If your patio or yard is small, this will of course have an impact on the type of hot tub you will want to get.  You should always inquire about the different model sizes and take measurements of your space before pursuing the purchase.  For more advice on this, you can check out this article that I found helpful as I made my decision.

You will also want to think about what you will use it for.  Maybe you live alone and you want to have guests and throw parties or other get together.  A medium sized one with minimal required upkeep might be best for you.  The ability to easily provide that entertainment and relaxation for friends and family is certainly appealing.

If you are a couple, a smaller tub might be the choice for you – especially if you do not have a child yet or are never planning on having one.  They’re a great way to have a nice, romantic evening – you could watch the stars or the sunset with your partner while enjoying the warm bubbles of a Jacuzzi tub.

If you’re planning on having family over, a durable option is probably best.  My grandparents had a hot tub on their patio for many years – I have a lot of fond memories of hanging out with it with my parents and my aunt and uncle.  They were usually sipping a beverage while my cousin and I had fun splashing around. 

However you’re going to use it, try to plan ahead as you think about your purchase!  Best of luck!