9 Ways You Can Take Action on Climate Change


Lots of climate experts are here at Imperial. People often ask us what they can do about climate change and how it matters. We talked to our Grantham Institute scientists and made a list of easy things you can do to help.

You might not be able to stop climate change all by yourself, but your actions matter to make leaders and businesses care. When you use your voice as a shopper, a voter, and a citizen who takes part, bigger things change.

Speak Up to Important People

Let your local councilors, members of Parliament, and city mayors know that you care about climate change.

The UK’s good future relies on their choices about things like nature, green areas, roads, bike paths, trash and recycling, clean air, and energy-saving homes.

Reducing carbon pollution will also help with other local problems, such as better air and health, making jobs, and being fairer to everyone.

Eat Less Meat and Milk

Avoiding meat and milk is a big way to help the planet. Research says eating plant-based foods is good for the Earth and your health. Swapping meat for protein-rich foods like beans can save money too.

According to a survey by CyberGhost, the Government’s National Food Strategy from 2021 suggests we should eat 30% less meat by 2032 to stay healthy and help the environment.

Eat less meat, mainly lamb and beef, because they greatly harm the planet. Also, cut down on milk products or use non-milk options.

Pick fresh, local, and seasonal foods to lower pollution from transporting and storing food for a long time.

Cut back on flying

If you must fly for your job, consider using video calls. Take the train or use an electric car for trips in your country or nearby places.

When you must fly, you can pay a bit more to make up for the carbon pollution through carbon offsetting.

When you travel for fun, pick places nearby and fly in economy class. Business class flying makes three times more pollution than economy class, on average.

Skip the Car

Instead of using the car, try walking or biking. It’s good for your body and mind and saves money too. Look at our suggestions to start cycling in the city. For further trips, take buses or trains. You can also carpool with services like Liftshare or Bla Bla Car or consider getting an e-bike.

Cars make greenhouse gases and dirty air that’s bad for people’s health. It’s especially risky for babies and can make dementia more likely.

Use Less Energy, Spend Less

You can make small changes at home to use less energy and save money:

Wear an extra layer and lower the heat by 1 or 2 degrees to 18°C, which is healthy and comfy.

Lower your boiler’s water temperature (different from the room thermostat) to save 9% on gas bills.

Be smarter with hot water: get a water-efficient showerhead, fill the kettle as much as needed, and use the washing machine at 30°C when it’s full.

Avoid dirty wood burners and learn better cooking methods, like covering pots and using slow cookers, air fryers, or microwaves instead of ovens or barbecues.

Turn off lights and devices when not using them. Change to LED or low-energy lights.

Take Care of Nature Areas

Green spots like parks are valuable. They soak up carbon dioxide and lower air pollution.

They cool hot cities and prevent floods by soaking up rainwater. They’re homes for insects, animals, birds, and amphibians.

Green areas also boost public health. Studies show they lower stress levels.

Use Your Money Wisely

Ask your bank or pension provider where they invest your money. See if you can avoid investing in fossil fuels.

Use Less, Waste Less

Everything we buy affects the environment.

Think about what you buy, don’t get more than you need, and appreciate what you already have.

Share Your Actions

When others see you making changes, they might do the same. People feel better choosing when they see others trying.

Tell your family, friends, customers, and clients that you do good things for the Earth. Be positive and real about the challenges.

Thinking about climate issues can bring strong, tough feelings, like sadness, worry, guilt, and anger. These can hurt mental health and make it hard to act.