Spider Veins- Causes, Treatment and Prevention Methods

spider veins

Spider veins are the most common issue faced by individuals above the age of 50. Some of you must be wondering what is spider veins are and what causes them? In this article, we explained the meaning and causes of spider veins in detail. We have also included natural home remedies for treating spider veins and other treatment options available.

 If you want to know how to get rid of spider veins, don’t look further, in this article you will get answers to all your questions. We have also mentioned some tips to prevent spider veins.

What are spider veins?

Spider veins or telangiectasias are the dilated veins found on the skin surface. These veins appear like spider webs. These spider veins usually appear on thighs and legs. 

This is very common among men and women above 50 years of age. In certain conditions, even young adults can also get affected by spider veins.

Spider veins are accompanied by a series of symptoms like:-

  •         Aching legs
  •         Itching
  •         Ulcer on the skin
  •         Restlessness in the legs
  •         Painful veins
  •         Rashes
  •         Skin color changes around the calves or ankles

What causes spider veins?

These occur due to weak valves in the vein, which help in the blood flow through veins. When these valves get damaged, veins start to swell and develop spider veins.

Some common causes of spider veins are as follows:-

  •         Heredity
  •         aging
  •         Standing for longer time
  •         Pregnancy
  •         Contraceptive pills
  •         ObesityX
  •         Tight clothes
  •         Prior history of blood clots
  •         Constipation
  •         Exposure to excessive heat
  •         Sitting for longer durations
  •         smoking

what are the Spider veins treatment options

To diagnose spider veins, the doctor will do a physical examination to check for any swelling on the legs. Doctors may ask you to get an ultrasound done to check the vein valve functioning and any signs of blood clots. Some treatment options to improve spider veins appearance are:-

  •         surgery to remove wide blood vessels
  •         laser therapy
  •         Sclero-therapy

Home remedies for spider veins/ How to get rid of spider veins?

This comes under cosmetic concern and treatments rather than medical. People usually undergo surgical procedures to get rid of these veins. However certain changes in your daily lifestyle and natural home remedies can help you get rid of spider veins without going under the knife.

Witch Hazel– Witch hazel is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It is a natural astringent. With the regular application of witch hazel oil, the veins will become less visible and will heal the inflamed veins.

How To Use:-

  • Take a cotton pad and soak it properly in witch hazel.
  • Dab this on the affected area and leave for 25-30 minutes.
  • Repeat this process 2-3 times every day to see effective results.

Apple Cider Vinegar- Apple cider helps by improving the blood flow, and eventually getting rid of spider veins.

How To Use:-

  •  Take a clean piece of cloth and soak it in vinegar.
  •  Wrap the cloth around the affected area and leave for 20 minutes.
  •  Do this routine 2-3 times every day.

Coconut Oil- Coconut oil is a great antioxidant. It improves the blood in the affected area which helps in treating the spider veins. Use cold compressed coconut oil because it has refined composition.

How To Use:-

  • Take some coconut oil on your palms and warm it up a little by rubbing the palms together.
  • Massage the affected area for about 10-15 minutes. Repeat this method daily.

Turmeric- Turmeric contains Curcumin, a phytochemical. Curcumin is a good source of antioxidants and has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, which help in treating spider veins.

How To Use:-

  • Mix 1 teaspoon of turmeric to 1 glass of hot milk and consume this milk daily.
  • Drink this daily to see effective results.

Tea Tree Oil-  Tea tree oil has antiseptic and antibacterial properties. It relieves discomfort and inflammation in the affected area.

How To Use:-

  •  Massage the affected area with tea tree oil. You can also add any other carrier oil or aloe Vera with the tea tree oil.
  • Do this massage once, every day.
Oak Bark tea

Oak Bark Tea-  Oak bark tea is a rich source of minerals and vitamins. White oak bark tea is known for its healing properties. It strengthens and stabilizes the veins.

How To Use:-

  • Boil oak bark tea extract in one cup of water. you can add honey to the tea for adding some flavor. 
  • Consume the tea immediately, drink this tea once daily.

 Ginger-  Ginger has a compound called Gingerol., which is a good source of antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties. This makes ginger one of the best natural remedy.

How To Use:-

  • Take a 1-inch piece of ginger into small pieces and boil in a glass of water for about 10 minutes on low flame.               
  • Strain the water in a cup and add honey, if desired.
  • Consume this immediately. Drink this water 2-3 times daily.
horse chestnut

Horse Chestnut- Horse chestnut contains a compound called aescin, which reduces the inflammation in the affected area and strengthens the vein walls tissues. It also helps in the regeneration of damaged and weak veins.

How To Use:-

  • consume Aescin supplement (50 mg) every day.
  • have this supplement twice daily.
How To Prevent Spider Vein
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Regular exercise to improve blood circulation in the legs
  • Avoid sitting for longer durations
  • Avoid standing for a longer duration
  • Eat healthy foods like onions, garlic, and fruits. They are rich in flavonoid which helps in relaxing the muscles and reduce blood pressure
  • Avoid wearing tight clothes. They cause a hindrance in proper blood circulation
  • Wear support stockings
  • Do not wear heels on a regular basis and for longer durations
  • Include high fiber in your diet and consume oats, flaxseed, wheat, nuts, whole grains and seeds in your diet.
  • Keep the sodium content low in your diet.
  • Keep your legs on an elevated surface to reduce pressure in veins. This will enable smooth blood flow to the heart.
  • Massage the affected area regularly to improve blood circulation.