How To Clean A Suede Couch?

clean a suede couch

A couch is one of the most used and abused furniture pieces in our homes. It is a snack site, bed, playground and is subjected to various spills and stains created by kids and pets. One of the most loved covers for the couch is suede because of its luxurious and cozy vibes. Nevertheless, it has a bad reputation of being difficult to maintain. However, if followed the right methods cleaning a suede couch is not an impossible task to do. Here are some tips on how to clean a suede couch.

How Often to Clean a Suede Couch?

No matter which type of suede couch covering you have, it will have to be cleaned at some point. Stains and spills need to be treated properly, and the suede couch needs to be vacuumed at least once a month to get rid of soil and dust. A thorough cleaning two times a year will make sure your couch looks good year-round.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

Things To Know:

If you do not know whether your couch has a natural suede finish or is made from 

It is important to figure this out or hide or microfiber before you begin to clean your suede couch.

  • Natural suede fabric is made of animal leather with a fuzzy and napped finish. It is porous and thin dyed leather which comes in variations of hiding grain.
  • Microfiber suede is made of nylon and polyester fiber woven and cut to mimic the plush and soft feel of natural suede. Thanks to its tightly woven fibers, the microfiber suede is resistant to dirt, dust, and stains as compared to natural suede.

If you are having trouble identifying the type of suede upholstery on your couch, you can look for an attached care tag. This will help you understand the right way to clean a suede couch.

  • Code W: fabric needs to be cleaned with a water-based suede couch cleaner.
  • Code S: fabric requires using dry cleaning or water-free solvent to remove soils and stains. Using these chemicals needs a well-ventilated room with no open flames like candles.
  • Code W-S: you can clean the fabric with water-based or solvent-based products.
  • CodeX: avoid using any cleaning agent. The fabric can only be cleaned with vacuuming or the help of a professional. Using any home cleaning product can cause shrinking or staining. 

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How to Clean a Natural Suede Couch?

  • Vacuum Away Loose Soil

Maintain a weekly vacuuming routine to remove soil and dust as they can damage the suede. Using upholstery brush attachment and service tools can help to reach every surface. 

  • Treat Stains

Stains and spills should be immediately treated. Cornstarch is a great oil absorber, and commercial glue remover can get rid of damp spills and sticky residue. Using a suede brush will help in restoring the finish after removing any stains. 

  • Call a Professional

When your couch needs cleaning, it is a sign that you need to call a professional to do the job. They are trained to clean natural suede and prevent any shrinkage or watermarks. 

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How to Clean a Microfiber Suede Couch?

Microfiber suede couches are manufactured differently. Some can be cleaned with water-based suede couch cleaner, while others require a solvent-based cleaner. A couch that comes with W-S or W tag can be cleaned using water or soap. 

Water can stain the couches with an S tag so they can be cleaned with rubbing alcohol. Both microfiber suede upholstery can be vacuumed once a week to remove loose soil and treat stains promptly. Also, it is best to do a thorough clean at least two times a year. 

How to Clean Microfiber Suede Using with Soap and Water

  • Remove Loose Soil

Vacuum using the upholstery attachment to get rid of loose dirt on the surface of microfiber suede covering. 

  • Make Cleaning Solutions

In a bucket, add four cups of warm water and one-fourth cup of dishwashing liquid. Using a handheld mixer or which creates soapy suds. Fill the second bucket with plain water. 

Scrub with Suds

Dip scrub brush in soap suds. Begin at the top of the cushion of couch arm sand back to prevent dirty suds from dripping on cleaned areas. Spread the suds evenly and also scrub well. Rinse using a brush in clean water and let it dry while you repeat the steps again using fresh soap suds. Work only in one area at a time.

Rinse Away the Suds

When the couch area is cleansed using a damp microfiber cloth, wipe away the suds. When done, move to the next area and repeat the same suds, scrubs, and rinse process. 

Air-Dry and Vacuum

Let the fabric dry completely. Use a vacuum upholstery brush to fluff fibers.

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How to Clean Microfiber Suede Using Isopropyl Alcoho

  • Vacuum and Prepare Alcohol

Start by vacuuming the couch thoroughly to remove all the loose dirt. Pour isopropyl alcohol into a spray bottle. Fill a small bucket with cool water.

  • Spritz and Scrub

Start from the cushion, lightly spray the fabric with alcohol. When the fabric still feels a little damp, scrub it with a sponge. Rinse the sponge clean with plain water frequently.

  • Dry and Vacuum Again

Let the couch air-dry, and once dry, vacuum using an upholstery brush to lift away any matted fabrics.

Final Words:

Cleaning a suede couch may seem a tricky task; however, with the right tips and tricks, you can do it at home without the help of a professional cleaner. We hope this post was helpful to you. If you like this article, do not forget to leave comments down below.