How To Handle Long Distance Relationship?


Handling the long distance relationship ultimately depends on the way how you look towards it and how you feel it. Every relationship needs time, devotion, sacrifice, sincerity, trust, care and above all; never stop loving. These all imply especially in the case of a long-distance relationship. It might be as happy or as annoying as any other relation could be. Everyone has his or her point of view on this. Here in this article we will go through some of the simplest yet ways to survive or deal with long distance relationship with much of ease,and they are:

1. DON’T BE POSSESSIVE: It is good to be caring, but anything that is in excess does not do any good instead turns out to give a negative impact. Stay in touch, but that does not mean you need to be in contact for all 24 hours of a day as it might create unnecessary complications. It will decrease your love of speed and build exhaustion. So, give ample space to each other and don’t turn out to be sticky and possessive. It will not only keep your love live but also the anxiety of talking to each other at day end.

2. LOOK IT AS AN OPPORTUNITY: Long distance relationship acts as a learning phase so look towards it as an opportunity. Feel lucky to be blessed with such a chance where you will get enough time to know and understand each other. You will be able to acknowledge the positive and negative aspects of one another. With the passage of time, the distance between you two will strengthen the bond of your love and trust if handled maturely. Remember the famous proverb – “If you want to live together, you first need to learn how to live apart.”

3. BE OPEN AT HEART: It is always good to be open at heart especially when the distance is long. Do not hide talks and things in your heart and assume anything that is baseless rather be open with each other. If you have any confusion or your heart is struggling with any such thought that might create misunderstanding amongst you then just don’t delay and share with one another. You will quickly relax your mind and avoid any misinterpretation.                                                                                            

4. COMMUNICATE SMARTLY: Be a smart communicator. Always share your life and its happenings that you think your partner should know with one another. The daytime, once or twice you can even send small audio recordings or any beautiful pics that expressed your love for him or her.It is a smart way to stay in touch with each other and without causing any disturbance.

5. BE CLEAR TO EACH OTHER: There is no relation that can last forever on the basis of long distance, so it is better to be clear on things like, when will you be returning, how long you will be far from each other, what about your plans, at the end of the day, what are your final plans etc. Such questions need to have an answer among both of you because a goal for any target and the plan to achieve it is critical. The more you are clear to each other about your thoughts and opinions, the more it is easy to handle such relationship.

6. PLAN DOING THINGS TOGETHER: At times you feel a little closer even being far at a distance you can plan to do some activities together like watching an ordinary movie together, doing online shopping for each other, reading any romantic novel, cooking same stuff etc.It will give you matter to gossip and talk, and you guys will surely feel closer to each other. Remember, things done together are fun.

7. GIVE SURPRISE VISIT TO EACH OTHER: Whenever possible, do give each other this lovely surprise by visiting each other’s place. It turns out to be one of the best gifts, especially in long distance relationships. Do not forget to carry a gift for your beloved. Go for lunch or dinner and spend quality time with Men or Women. Nothing else than this can make you happier!

8. BE UTMOST HONEST: Hiding anything which your partner should know is something that can spoil all your efforts and end up your relation in few seconds. So, be very honest with each other so that there is no place for any misunderstanding. In case of any problem, do share with each other because it is your partner who will be there for you to support you. After all your honesty will be reflected in your character and increase your trust and love for each other.

9. KEEP YOURSELF UPDATE ON EACH OTHER’S SCHEDULES: Keeping each other updated about the schedule of one another will save your relation from getting affected by any unnecessary anger and irritation. You can even drop a message if there is anything urgent so that one can respond back immediately once Men or Women is free. It will make your life much more straightforward and a lot happier.

10. BE ACTIVE ON SOCIAL PLATFORMS: Express your love and feelings to each other by tweeting or messaging each other on social media platforms as well. Liking each other pics and also complimenting on them gives a special feel and add three stars to your relationship. Be chill and cool and don’t miss any chance to show that how much you love one another.Read more: How to Impress Someone on a First Date?

11. USE ROMANTIC IDEAS: Right from writing handwritten love letters to arranging surprise gifts through online shopping captures some of the most romantic ideas to impress each other and convey the hidden love. Sending flower bouquets, greeting cards or any love gifts on events like birthday, valentines etc. will surely boost up your passion.

12. BE POSITIVE ABOUT EVERYTHING: This is one such factor that can keep your any relation alive forever. Though it is understandable that staying away from each other at long distances is not an easy task, but if you are confident in mind and at heart about each other, the gap won’t become the hurdle in your love life. If you think this way that you have someone who loves you so much, is also something that will revive you with immense positivity. Here comes a piece of advice that ‘Being positive serves as the strength of any relationship especially the long distance ones.’

Apart from the above factors, you can also happily handle your long distance relationship by giving each other with any cute names which you can use to call each other. It will surely give you a feel. To add on, do not miss on the chances of video-calling and chatting also. Sitting at a distance but still able to see each other, lost in each other’s eyes is like a cherry on the cake. Always share things with each other’s family and friends because this takes you closer towards him or her. There is a right saying that “If a long distance relationship survives, it’ll only grow stronger”. So, now it’s up to both of you to make it work in the best way and be together forever.


  • Well, there is nothing to worry about fights till the time you hold on love and trust for each other. No relation can remain healthy without fights or arguments because if we don’t then, it means that we are suppressing our feelings and this is no good at all. Use words in limitation and don’t let that fight turn out to be a disaster. If one is high at temper then probably other can remain chill, and this will settle down the argument soon. Later, you can put up your words when things are settled down. This trick will give your relationship a sense of maturity and stay healthy always.
  • Make sure that issues that you are raising up for your fight are a fair and nothing that highlights the past of one another because this turns out to be the most pathetic. Also, question yourself that what will you get by being against your beloved rather be together and sort out the matter mutually with little patience, softness and love. Mind you, it just takes few seconds to mess up or end up any relation but the life to keep it safe and happy.
  • Don’t just go on speaking and speaking, also listen to each other so that you do not misinterpret the talks. If you still find the fight not ending up, then better give some space to each other so that when you sit calm, you can think with all senses and then do the needful. Never include any third party to solve your fight because this will only worsen the whole situation. Let the things stay between you two and explain it together. No one else can understand your feeling better than you guys yourselves.
  • For instance, you fought yesterday and did not end up on a good note.Does not mean that you stop communicating with each other like not picking the call, avoiding each other or banging down the phone. Understand the fact that fight is equally painful for both of you and don’t make it more painful by doing such immature acts. Act mature and be sensible enough to handle it with utmost care and love again. Soon, everything will become beautiful, and you will cherish smiles on your faces.

  • Every fight that happens is a lesson for you to understand and learn that what went wrong and what should not be repeated in future. Do discuss with each other and lay down your perspectives so that you both get to know each other in a much better way. Fights are good if they are within their limitations, but they turn out to be a tragedy when it crosses its boundaries and goes far away. Don’t let it increase in any way; end it up as soon as possible. Remember, after all, you love each other.

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  • Enjoy your togetherness by understanding the fact that you lucky to be loved by someone so passionately.
  • Pull out the best of the time that is available between you two and that could be either when you are together over phone, webcam or before each other.
  • Never be suspicious and shower the maximum trust, unconditional love and care over your partner. This is something which will always bind him or her to remain yours forever.
  • Let go small things or fights. Do not give them any importance. Remember that at the end of the day all that matters are, you two being together, love amongst you and faith.
  • Do not mix the professional and personal life as it will take you nowhere and unnecessarily create havoc in both the fields. Respect each other in every aspect of life.
  • Time when you are together, enjoy to the fullest. Do things which you love in common as this will increase more of understanding. If possible, plan out a day or two outing with each other or close friends so that you both can have a quality time spent in a refreshing way.

Nobody denies the fact that handling and carrying a long distance relationship is not as easy as it is advised because there is nothing that can take the place of the presence of your beloved. A physical presence of your loved one is totally incomparable. But true examination is when you are at distance. So, maintain your love, faith and bestow him or her with care and see the magic. Little patience, few adjustments and some sacrifices, this all that is needed for a happy relationship and this is the only advice. Have trust on yourself that you will never give up and give your best to your relation!!
