Alexandria Genesis is a viral internet urban legend about flawless people with purple eyes who are born. Snopes, a well-known fact-checking website, reports that claims concerning this purportedly rare genetic abnormality have been going around the internet since 2005. Learn to identify false health news.

According to the myth of Alexandria’s Genesis, which includes a few strange origin tales, individuals with this illness either have purple eyes at birth or their eyes become purple right after birth. Additionally, they have fair skin and a proportionate physique that doesn’t put on weight. They claim to have a lifespan of more than 100 years and produce extremely little waste from their bodies.

There is no such thing as Alexandria’s Genesis. However, several actual health issues can impact eye color. To discover additional information regarding these disorders, continue reading.


The iris of a single eye is distinct from the iris of the other in patients with heterochromia. You might, for instance, have one blue with a single brown eye. Smaller, distinct color variations within the same iris are also possible. For instance, the left side of your eye can have blue and brown portions.

The majority of heterochromia instances have no known medical reasons or symptoms. Several hereditary factors, such as normal eye color, contribute to its occurrence. Rarely, heterochromia may be a symptom of a congenital disorder (existing from birth) or the outcome of an illness or accident.

Birth-day eye color

Eye color is the hue that covers the iris, the vibrant ring that surrounds the pupil and regulates the amount of light that enters the eye. The existence of an amino acid called melanin determines the color of the iris, much like it does with hair and skin.

Wherever it is needed, your body’s melanin is secreted by unique cells called melanocytes. Because melanocytes react to light, your summer tan is a result of this. Newborns’ eyes have melanocytes that have not yet fully activated because they haven’t previously been exposed to light.

No matter their race, most newborns will have brown eyes at birth. However, many infants were born with either gray or blue eyes, and scientists have shown that most of these infants are Caucasian. The color of an infant’s eyes may change over the initial year of life as a result of light activating the melanocytes. For the most part, this entails changing a color that is blue/gray (with low melanin) to a hazel/green (middle melanin) or a brown (high melanin) tone.

Uveitis Fuchs syndrome

A rare illness known as uveitis causes inflammation in various eye regions. Doctor Ernst Fuchs initially identified uveitis in individuals having heterochromia (two different eye colors) in 1906. He proposed that the emergence of aberrant eye color might be influenced by inflammation.

There isn’t much information on the symptoms and indications of Fuchs heterochromic uveitis, although they could include shifting eye color. Usually, the damaged eye appears paler of the two hues. The heterochromia may vanish or change its direction, and the eye may grow darker.

This disorder may result in cataracts, vision loss, or other eye issues.

Skin-colored glaucoma

A series of eye diseases known as glaucoma affects the nerve that connects the eyes and can result in vision as well as blindness loss. Your attention is drawn to a tiny chamber in front of you. This chamber receives fluid flow that nourishes the tissue inside. A spongy meshwork that functions as a drain allows this fluid to exit the eye.

The pus drains too slowly in the most prevalent kind of glaucoma with open angles. As a result, pressure can build up inside the eye and harm the optic nerve. Damage to the optic nerve can result in blindness or vision loss.

The eye’s vibrant pigment falls off in minute granules in pigmentary glaucoma, generating a blockage that delays fluid drainage and raises pressure. The iris may change even when the eye’s natural colour doesn’t completely disappear.

The symptoms and warning signs of pigmentary myopia are similar to those of other forms. The main symptom is loss of peripheral vision. Due to this, it is challenging to perceive objects out of the corner of your eye.

A certified optometrist (eye doctor) or ophthalmologist must carefully control glaucoma. The likelihood of visual loss might be decreased with certain therapies and drugs.

Horner’s disease

A series of symptoms known as “Horner syndrome” are brought on by a blockage in the nerve supply to the opposite side of the body’s face and eye. A cerebrovascular accident, injury to the spine, tumor, or another medical condition frequently causes Horner syndrome.

A drooping eyelid, a smaller pupil (the black portion of the eye), and less facial perspiration on the opposite side of the face are all signs of Horner syndrome. For this ailment, there isn’t a particular treatment available yet.

Iris-related cancers

The eye’s colored region is called the iris. Inside the iris, as much as behind it, tumors can develop. Some iris tumours are malignant melanomas, a severe, potentially life-threatening type of cancer, but most are cysts or pigmentation growths (like moles).

Iris tumors are typically asymptomatic in their victims. The look of the eye can, however, occasionally change. Nevi are big, pigmented lesions that can change, enlarge, or drag the pupil toward a different direction.

To rule toward melanoma or start cancer treatment whenever you suspect an eye tumor, speak with an expert in eye cancer. Radiation or surgery may be used as treatment.


Eye color may be impacted by several glaucoma treatments. Latanoprost (Xalatan), a prostaglandin analogue, promotes fluid outflow from the eye and decreases pressure accumulation. They are linked to modifications in eye appearance but the absence of many systemic negative effects. These hypertension eye medications may cause eye colour changes in users.

Bimatoprost (Latisse), a prostaglandin analog, is promoted as an eyelash enhancer. A persistent blackness of the iris and perhaps changeable blackness of the eyelids are among the potential side effects of Latisse, according to information submitted to the FDA for review. If you want longer eyelashes, learn about Latisse and other options by reading about them.


Several internet claims that eating raw food can cause eye color changes. No scientific evidence supports claims of colour change, even though eating a good diet is crucial for preserving eye health. This is only one of many nutrition-related fallacies.

Whenever to visit a doctor

Consult a corneal specialist or optician (eye doctor) soon if you detect any unexpected changes in the look of your eyes. When the look of the eye changes, there may be a medical condition underneath. Consult your doctor if you notice any unexpected changes in your eyesight, like blurring or dark floating patches.


Alexandria’s Genesis is a hoax, just like other unfounded online stories. There are legitimate illnesses, nevertheless, that can modify eye color.

Color contact lenses can be a fantastic choice for you if you’re passionate about achieving the appearance of an individual with the legendary Alexandria’s Genesis. Any time your eyesight changes or you have questions about the security of your contact lenses, consult your doctor immediately.


Q1) Can someone have purple eyes? Naturally?

Ans. It is possible to have purple eyes naturally. There are numerous in-between hues as well as many different kinds of blues and grays. Some individual natural pigmentation may be as dark as violet or purple; however, this is quite uncommon.

Q2) Are purple eyes a true color?

Ans. Genuine purple eyes are quite uncommon. More uncommon over blue, golden amber, grey, or green, they are present in a little over one percent of the world’s population.