How to Save Yourself from a Piercing Blister?


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We are often asked how to get rid of piercing blisters fast and how to prevent them from happening in the first place. If you have ever had a piercing, you are probably familiar with the painful, unsightly, tingling sensation it can cause. A piercing blister is also very hard to remove and can get very sore and infected.

Piercing is a great place for dermatophytes to grow because it allows them to access the body’s sensitive areas and to infect and create a breeding ground for their fungus friends. So how can you keep a piercing clean and free of skin irritation and the fungi that cause it? What are some home remedies for fungal nail infections? Here are a few:

Don’t Avoid the Piercing Blister Pain

Most people are so used to the pain associated with an ingrown toenail that they quickly ignore it as a symptom of a more common fungal infection. Fortunately, there are many home remedies for common fungal infections, such as ringworm.

Piercing Pimple Caused Due to Piercing Pimple

It’s a fungal infection caused by fungi known as dermatophytes. Dermatophytes are microscopic fungi that feed on the dead skin and connective tissue on your skin, the nails being one of the places they particularly like to feed.

Don’t Apply Pressure on the Pierced Area

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Blisters can be caused by pressure applied to the area, especially where the piercing was performed. Using a water-absorbent glove, one can avoid having their hands glued to the counter while carefully applying antibacterial ointment or antiseptic cream. Be it a bump on belly piercing, bump on nipple piercing, or blood blister on piercing, these all would be caused due to putting pressure on the pierced area.

Keep the Piercing Blister Area Clean

Ensure that the area is cleaned thoroughly before any preparation for the piercing. Never try to go it alone, as you may be applying too much pressure, causing the bus to increase and the surrounding skin to become tender. There are plenty of products on the market that can help with this, but you have to be careful not to get any of this into the body, as the consequences could be very serious.

Apply Anti-Bacterial Ointment on the Piercing Pimple

If the area is infected or has already broken open, ensure that you apply an antibacterial ointment. Using ointments that contain tea tree oil or some other medication is highly recommended, but be careful not to get any of it in the mouth, as there is no telling when it might end up there. You can also use Aloe Vera, but it has a tendency to burn a bit, so remember to wear gloves during the application process.

Choose a Suitable Lotion to Get Rid of Piercing Blister

Always ensure that you use moisturizing lotions or gels on the area as the result of having your piercing done will be sore and painful, so choosing a suitable lotion should be a priority. Although there are plenty of self-care products available, many people tend to be a little scared of them and won’t necessarily use them as they don’t think they will be able to find something that will work. However, with a bit of searching, you should be able to find a moisturizing lotion that will help the area heal without leaving you feeling uncomfortable.

Prefer to have a Warm Bath

After washing your hands, having a proper warm bath is very important. The process can be somewhat stressful for many people, particularly those with body piercings. It’s a good idea to get into a warm, relaxing bath to release any tension and pain. Be it a bump on belly piercing, nipple piercing, or blood blister on piercing, these all can be treated with the same.

Apply Tea Tree Oil to the Piercing Blister

Applying tea tree oil to the affected area at least three times daily. The tea tree oil works great when applied to your skin because it penetrates the pores and provides the needed relief. Even if you manage to get a fever from an infection, the tea tree oil will soothe the pain and relieve you while also adding to the healing process.

Keep on Changing or Moving Your Jewelry to Keep the Area Airy

Make sure that you change your jewelry regularly. Of course, you would need to consider how frequently you would like to change the piercing, but always make sure that you follow the recommendations in the packaging.

Use an Anti-Inflammatory Gel

Finally, consider applying an anti-inflammatory gel to the area as a preventative measure. You may feel this would be strange, but the skin damaged and irritated by the piercing will eventually heal, even with such an analgesic system. Try to make sure that you only use them for a few days to monitor any inflammation that may occur.

Don’t Let the Blood Vessels be Clogged.

The main cause of an infection of the skin is the clogging of the blood vessels around the piercing area. This can be easily remedied by removing foreign material and keeping the skin clean. While many have not considered this an option, it can save them from serious and expensive damage.

If You’re a Bumper, Then Choose to Cure It Properly

Bumping your piercing is a common problem. You can even avoid this with a simple trick: taking care of a piece of rubber. If you do not know how to do this, the best way is to pop the “bumper” of the rubber and attach a bandage to it. You should then dip the rubber into a cup of a compress of the breathable tape. Use as little as possible of the compress because too much will slow down the healing process.

Pay Heed If You Feel an Irritant

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If you don’t sit for a long time after piercing yourself, it can cause problems. The warm water can irritate the skin, but it is just rinsing your mouth with the rinse out of a baby bottle. Some people even use a body sponge to dab the cuticles to help smooth them over.

Don’t Rub the Skin Again and Again.

One way to prevent how to take care of blisters caused due to piercing is to refrain from rubbing the skin of the piercing. The skin surrounding the piercing can become inflamed and cause the tattooed area to swell up. It can also leave a mark behind, which is not the best thing to be stuck with when trying to get rid of a very painful piercing.

Always Wash Your Hands Before Touching the Pierced Area

Always wash your hands before putting on any material to your piercing. Many substances that come off the jewelry can be painful, so it’s always best to do some research before you use anything. The tattoo can cause swelling and pressure around the piercing, so the last thing you want is to harm yourself or get an infection from a piece of metal that was meant to be used only for healing.

There are other ways to prevent how to take care of blisters caused due to piercing. These methods are not always cost-effective, but they work if you stick with them. Bacteria are always there, even at high-acidity levels, so watch what you eat and how you work. This is why it’s so imperative to see a doctor to have your piercing repaired—done correctly.

Keep in mind that the best thing to do is take the proper precautions and know how to take care of blisters caused due to piercing.