How To Choose The Right Car Rentals

How to choose the right car rentals

Traveling and not keen on following up with the public transportation timetable? We all have been there, and renting a car is the first thing that comes to mind. While it is also a known fact that renting a car for transportation is an excellent way to beat the traffic, traveling in your own time of choosing, but let’s admit, it also saves us from that awkward sharing of transportation space with a couple of strangers. 

The challenge, however, boils down to choosing the right car. Whether it should be a small car or a big car? Whether you should pay for a daily rate or the hourly rate? And not to mention, choosing the right rental agency from a jungle of them out there.

In this article, we’ll help you out in choosing your rental while factoring in your requirements.

Car Rental Types:

car rental tips

So you get out of the airport and head to the car rental booth and choose a daily rental as it seems the most obvious option at the moment. It is halfway to your meeting although, that it strikes you that had you explored the hourly payment package, or even better, kilometer payment package, it would’ve helped you save money greatly. 

We’ve all been there, so here are some different kinds of packages you should keep in mind while exploring your rental ride:

  1. Pay per hour package – If the distance is known, and rush-hour traffic isn’t expected, it is the best car rental package out there. Some common hourly packages out there are 1 hour, 3 hours, hours, and 6-hour packages.
  2. Pay per kilometer package – A bit costly counterpart of the hourly package, it involves a simply marked fare for keeping the car to yourself for an entire day. The cost part could be neglected if independence is on your mind.
  3. Long duration plan – planning to drive the car for that long-distance, from Mumbai to Goa for celebrating that long weekend with your family, this plan is especially for people who prefer comfort over economic woes.
  4. Corporate plan – The majority of bigtime car rental agencies nowadays have established a corporate agreement with industry majors. You may also check if your employer has such an agreement since a corporate plan slashes down that huge car rental bill by a big margin. 

Car Rental Agency To Choose From:

rent your car online

With the evolution of the mode of transportation from the public to the rental segment, a variety of car rental agencies are out there offering competitive services to the customers.

While giant car rental startups like zoom car, vroom-vroom and revv are the first ones that come to the mind when looking for the rental transportation, many are unaware that in a lot of cities, local car rental agencies could also be found that provide competitive deals in renting a vehicle.

There are, however, other aspects like insurance cover, pay package and distance coverage details, etc. that are clearly defined in case of larger rental agencies and are required to be noted cautiously while renting from local rental agencies.

Type Of Car To Choose:

car rental types

These days renting a car isn’t just about traveling from one place to another, it’s also an opportunity to surprise your followers with a picture on your Instagram with a new car every now and then. 

Choosing the right car is even an easier job with most of the car agencies enabling you to rent your car online while looking at their pictures and specifications. 

While planning a longer journey of above 100km, it is always advised to use SUVs since they are designed to cover longer distances while providing a luxurious trip to the ones onboard. For the shorter distances or city travelers however, small cars such as hatchbacks or smaller sedans should be preferred as they allow you to skirt through the thick traffic easily.

While the looks and distance are some aspects of choosing the right car, the mileage is also an important aspect which should not be forgotten while choosing your car. It is suggested that in the longer intercity distance, Long sedans offer a greater mileage as compared to its counterparts.

Car Rental Tips :

car insurance

Although there are loads of car rental agencies offering various schemes and various offers to the fellow travelers to choose from, here are some tips that might come in handy to you when you venture out to rent a car next time:

  1. Gas Stations in the proximity – Check for gas stations in the proximity of the pickup point of the car rental agency since most agencies provide you with a very small quantity of fuel at the beginning of the trip, which is only sufficient enough to take you to that gas station. You must also make sure to make some calculations and fill up only the necessary amount of fuel since the excess fuel at the end of the trip is passed over to the agency and cannot be used.
  2. Payment for Renting – While the scope of options is available to the travelers for payment of their next rental trip ranging from Cash payment, E-wallet payment, UPI, etc. It is advisable to use your credit card while booking your next trip since it is reflected in your credit history, which is being increasingly considered by the car rental companies for checking the credibility of the customer and billing them accordingly.
  3. Check for Insurance – All car rental agencies are required to pay for securing the third-party insurance before the car is sent out for renting. It is highly advisable for you to check whether the proper insurance papers are present with the car along with all the necessary documents of ownership of the car. It is very important to be sure about the insurance since it protects you against financial losses in case of an accident. The terms and conditions of this insurance may also be checked meticulously.
  4. Returning the ride – The last but perhaps most important tip that may come handy to you is the checklist before you return the car. You must check the tank before returning the car back to the agency since an excessive amount of fuel in the tank is just wasted on your expense, while fuel level below the initial fuel level may incur some penalty to you.Â