Timeless Phantom Troupe Tattoo Ideas to Recreate This Year

Phantom troupe tattoo

PHANTOM TROUPE TATTOO  – Since the discovery of it, anime has amassed a sizable fan base and played a significant role in people’s lives for the past many decades. It initially became well-known on a global scale due to the inventiveness of the plots they all usually have. The tales are simultaneously intriguing and wretchedly apathetic, making them suited for both a mature audience and children.

Even though practically every anime show has been a hit on watching television, just a few of them haven’t made an impact in other fields. But Hunter x Hunter is one of those anime that has maintained its popularity since it was first released. It has two essential elements of every successful anime.

A strong narrative and stunning images. The dazzling artistry produced by the Phantom Troupe, the other of the TV show’s key clans, further explains why the tattoo industry highly praises it.

A-class bounties are placed on the active robbers known as The Phantom Troupes. They’re additionally referred to as The spiders since each individual in the team has a tattoo of the twelve-legged creature. The meaning of the number tattooed on each group remains to be determined.

In this article, you will read about “PHANTOM TROUPE TATTOO” .

Ideas for Phantom Troupe tattoos

Perhaps you don’t need any more justification for getting a tattoo about the Phantom Troupe tattoo anime if you’re already an anime lover considering Hunter x Hunter one of your favourites. It is undoubtedly one of the most well-known anime clans with enduring characters. Each character’s foundation is distinctive and has a colourful aesthetic, which will stand out if realized on the skin.

Nevertheless, the Phantom Troupe tattoo designs below will help you remember your youth and bring back a few beautiful experiences.

☆ Chrollo Lucilfer Tattoo

Every group’s leader is where things begin. Similarly, Chrollo Lucifer should be the first name on a Phantom Troupe tattoo. Chrollo Lucifer is not only the clan’s commander but also its most vital member; thus, if he is your favourite character, he should unquestionably be your top choice for a design.

You can imitate and apply Chrollo Lucifer to the skin in different ways. You can either have a detailed tattoo of his body or a drawing of his distinguishing features. If you enjoy the attention to detail and want a modest tattoo, you can even have an ink tattoo of his spider’s emblem. Due to the painless nature of the cross tattoo, beginners may find it an ideal choice.

 Chrollo Lucilfer Tattoo

☆ Phantom Troupe Spider Tattoo

Get the customary spider tattoo and join the Phantom Troupe. The pattern is quite straightforward and can be a great choice if you want a minimalist tattoo.

Additionally, you can use your imagination to design your tattoo for the phantom troupe spider tattoo logo. You can look through the pictures included with this post for ideas or contact the tattoo artist for help.

 Phantom Troupe Spider Tattoo

☆ Hisoka Morow Tattoo

Hisoka is the show’s antagonist, one of the greatest well-liked Phantom Troupe spider tattoo members, and prominent figures in the anime community. He is famous for his intricate features and easily replicable facial tattoos.

Additionally, the character’s natural style can make for an intriguing tattoo. His attire, together with the vivid colour of his hair, will certainly make a standard tattoo stand out.

Additionally, there are numerous ways to depict Hisoka in tattoo form. You can get a tattoo of his likeness, a tattoo of a figure, or you can even make your replica of his star & tear face tattoo.

Hisoka Morow Tattoo

☆ Phantom Tattoo with Numbers

Phantom Troupe tattoos became more relatable when coupled with numbers, largely because each member had a unique spider tattoo with a particular number. Empowering oneself to have this tattoo will help you join the troop. Add “13” for a more thorough version to join the Phantom Troupe as the newest member.

Phantom Tattoo with Numbers

☆ Phantom Troupe Arm Tattoo

An anime-style tattoo which is as intricate as possible looks great on the arm. There is plenty of room for the artist to work, and may be used to create many different phantom troupe tattoo designs.

You can get a realistic tattoo of one anime character or team it up with other characters to get a sleeve tattoo.

Get the design inked on your outside bicep for the best results. Although it will take a while, getting a tattoo won’t be uncomfortable. Additionally, a bicep tattoo will sparkle in the sunlight.

☆ Feitan Porter Tattoo

One of the relatively few adversaries in this programme who are well-known for their appearance and physical characteristics is Feitan Porter. His attraction is further enhanced because his hair resembles the e-Boy haircut.

Feitan’s character is partly well-known due to how many people can identify with his reticent demeanour. He doesn’t think twice about torturing others, yet he hardly ever converses with the other characters.

Given his naturally lean frame, the optimum placement for this tattoo is on the forearm. You can combine it alongside a phantom troupe spider’s tattoo to add subtle detail.

Feitan Porter Tattoo

☆ Kalluto Zoldyck Tattoo

One can easily incorporate the fact that Kalluto Zoldyck is the crew’s youngest member into how they live, especially when they are the smallest family member.

In addition to the aforementioned characteristic, Kalluto is renowned for having eyes the colour of ruby, which undoubtedly looks amazing as a tattoo. He is also famous for being watchful and obedient, which others can use as inspiration.

☆ Shalnark Phantom Tattoo

Shalnark was possibly one among the Phantom Troupe members who was friendlier. He frequently broke up fights and had a close relationship with the entire clan. His devotion to his crew also brought on his terrible fate.

His personality may be related to those interested in getting this tattoo. Additionally, his character’s colour scheme makes this tattoo equally attractive visually.

 Illumi Zoldyck Tattoo

☆ Illumi Zoldyck Tattoo

One of the Phantom Troupe members that is less intimidated is Illumi. Many individuals may identify with his risk-taking mentality and willingness to put his own life in danger for the good of his team.

Additionally, to the previously mentioned benefit, the Illumi Zoldyck character’s usage of muted colours also contributes to the popularity of his tattoos. His jet-black hair and olive clothing will look fantastic as tattoos, especially on body areas like the forearm and sleeve.

☆ Shizuku Tattoo

Shizuku is primarily renowned for her poise. She remains composed even when events don’t go according to plan, which many of us can initially identify with and take inspiration from. She is praised for her devotion to the crew and belief in oneness.

Additionally, despite being the group’s twelfth-strongest member, she has an e-Girl-like appearance, which makes her character’s aesthetic intriguing and could make her appear fantastic as a tattooist.

☆ Phantom Troupe All-in-One Tattoo

Although this tattoo caters to die-hard Phantom Troupe supporters, it also looks beautiful. Each character’s physical characteristics are entirely complementary to one another, & the colour combinations they each possess will undoubtedly add colour & enthusiasm to the artwork.

The potential need for time investment is the sole disadvantage. Nevertheless, it is unquestionably a tattoo having a lot of significance and artistic inspiration, making it the most effective tattoo option on this list, without a doubt.

Final thought

We hope you enjoy the Phantom Troupe’s artwork as much as we do after reading this article! Additionally, we hope it motivates you to design your version of the Phantom Troupe tattoo and urges you to consider the artistic splendour of Hunter x Hunter.

Those who haven’t heard of the manga and seen the series can tattoo the selections above on their flesh due to the aesthetic appeal of the artwork, although die-hard fans don’t need much persuading.

This manga’s highly imaginative artwork will undoubtedly appear when reproduced on the skin. When used in conjunction with other tattoos with phantom troupe members, the colour variations enhance one another & rarely occur out of place.


In conclusion, the article has attempted to explain “PHANTOM TROUPE TATTOO “. I hope the language in this post is clear and understandable. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q1. Describe the Phantom Troupe tattoo.

Ans. Each member of the Phantom Troupe has a tattoo on their body that features a twelve-legged spider. In addition to a numerical value, the tattoo also serves as a primary means of group identification.

Q2. What does a tattoo of a spider mean?

Ans. A spider tattoo represents knowledge, harmony, and balance. It is also appropriate for those who approach every goal in life with love and serenity. As the tattoo is typically modest yet elegant in size, it is also a suitable choice for minimalists.