HOW TO RESPOND TO A COMPLIMENT -Compliments can make you feel uncomfortable. What is your reaction? Do you hesitantly smile but remain silent? Do you behave kindly and as though getting compliments comes naturally to you?

Most of us have experienced this circumstance before, feeling inexperienced and unable to react most suitably. It’s unpleasant and awkward, and occasionally it may even be uncomfortable. However, things don’t have to turn out this way!

No matter what kind of statement is made about you publicly, you will feel more at ease and confident if you follow this advice on accepting compliments with grace.

This post will offer eight useful suggestions on HOW TO RESPOND TO A COMPLIMENT gracefully and like a pro.

Offering a compliment

Giving and receiving compliments is an effective way to spread happiness and uplift people. The same area of our brains that is stimulated whenever we receive monetary compensation is additionally stimulated whenever we accept a compliment. Complimenting someone, therefore, affects them physiologically and makes their day.

Giving compliments offers advantages for both parties involved. One of the simplest acts of kindness, complimenting someone, generally makes us feel better.

We can teach our minds to have a more positive outlook on the world by concentrating on and noticing the positive traits in others. In addition, whenever we let others know that we appreciate their efforts and are interested in their emotions and accomplishments, it helps to build connections.

Why don’t more people congratulate each other, given these advantages? According to a series of research published in the Social and Personality Psychology Bulletin, people frequently overestimate the negative impacts of receiving compliments (including making the recipient feel concerned, uncomfortable, or annoyed) while underestimating the good ones, which results in recipients receiving fewer compliments. 

The most important lesson is how to respond to a compliment. The majority of people value sincere compliments and enjoy receiving them. Therefore, feel free to compliment someone if you’re in the mood to do so. Be the cause of today’s smile for someone! 

Gaining Accolades

What happens if you get compliments? You could be surprised when you receive a compliment because people don’t give it as often as they possibly ought to or might. You might not find it bothersome, unsettling, or irritating, but you could be unclear on how to react.

Here are eight suggestions to help you gracefully accept compliments:

Accept And Recognize The Compliment

Whenever somebody compliments you, accept it graciously, smile, and say “thank you.” A simple “thank you” might go quite a way toward expressing your gratitude for their considerate action.

Imagine the person offering the compliment truly meant it and has no ulterior motivations other than wanting to share compassion. Take praise graciously and allow it to soak in. Keep in mind that you merit praise for your outstanding qualities.

Say “Thank You” for the kind words.

You might express gratitude for the compliment’s thoughtfulness by doing so as well. Use phrases like “Thank you, which means a lot to me,” “I truly appreciate your kind words,” or “I appreciate your time.” 

Consider these guidelines while expressing gratitude:

Displaying gratitude using your body language:

When expressing gratitude for a compliment, your body language can say a lot; be sure to make eye contact, smile sincerely, and stand straight. This exudes assurance and lets the other person know how positively their remarks have affected you.

Reflect joy and surprise:

It’s normal to feel surprised and happy when someone compliments you. Accept these joyous feelings, and express joy in your reaction. Tell them that you were pleasantly surprised by their words.

  • Wow, a big thank you.
  • “Thanks! Thank you for the warm words.
  • Thank you, that means a lot.

Share Your Reaction to the Compliment:

Tell us about the emotional impact that receiving that compliment had on you.

For instance: 

  • “Your comment made my day,” you said. 
  • “Your thoughtful comments truly mean a great deal to me,” you said. “I’ve been feeling a little down lately.”
  • I appreciate you noticing. I have more faith in my skills as a result.

Recognize Particular Elements Of The Compliment:

Mention what particular aspect of their appreciation stood out or had special meaning for you. For instance, if they complimented your presenting abilities during work, let them understand how much-required preparation. “I’m grateful. That presentation took a lot of work, so I’m glad it was worthwhile.

Inform them of the importance of their opinions:

Tell them if they are somebody whose judgment you value highly. They’ll be pleased that they might have a favourable effect on you and that you value their perspective.

Don’t ignore or minimize the compliment.

When people get one, deflecting, downplaying, or dismissing an acknowledgement is a common error. Not acknowledging or accepting how to respond to a  compliment by responding, “Oh, it was nothing,” or “I just got lucky,” is rude. Instead, it downplays your accomplishments and gives the impression that you lack self-worth.

Keep in mind that the individual who complimented you admires something about you. Instead of taking their praise personally, embrace it and answer confidently. Your role is to believe what they say rather than challenge it.

If you are having trouble taking praise, try telling yourself about your accomplishments and best traits. Although it takes work, increasing your self-esteem can be accomplished by developing your sense of self-worth and learning to accept compliments.

Share the Glory

Share the compliments with your team or coworkers if you participated in a project that has received acclaim. This demonstrates your understanding of the benefits of cooperation and your appreciation for the contributions made by others.

Thank you, although I couldn’t have accomplished it without my team, you can reply. They put forth a lot of effort with me to complete this assignment.”

Giving the credit exemplifies kindness and humility, two qualities widely prized in social interactions. You can foster relationships by earning the regard and trust of those around you. 

You demonstrate that you work well with others and aren’t solely concerned with your achievements.

Offer to reciprocate with a favor

If appropriate, repay the courtesy by giving your heartfelt compliment. Doing this can improve your connection with the person who complimented you and spread encouragement. To demonstrate that you are wise and considerate, take some time to consider something regarding the person whom you admire or appreciate.

However, be careful not to respond to the kind word if it appears forced or insincere. When you thank someone for praise, be sure to:

Be Sincere:

Only genuinely sincere compliments that flow from the heart should be given. Most of the time, people can sense when praise isn’t genuine.

Avoid Too Much Flattery:

While it’s good to be complimented, excessive flattery might come across as phoney and even make the recipient feel uneasy.

Personalize Your Response:

Try to customise your compliment based on your knowledge about the individual who complimented you. In return, mention particular qualities in your compliment, such as how well-dressed or on time they are for business activities.

Be Interested In The Views And Experiences Of The Other Person

You may utilize the compliment as a springboard for a conversation if you’re hoping to establish a rapport with the individual who complimented you.

Ask the individual about their knowledge or points of view when they have had an opportunity to take the compliment. The deeper dialogue that results from this demonstrates that they truly have an interest in discovering more about them. The conversation will become more interesting and entertaining for both of you when you turn your attention away from yourself and toward the other person.

Ask them, particularly, what they appreciated about it or if they possess any favourite artists, for instance, if someone complimented you on the work of art you created.

Be Original in Your Response 

Mix things up with a little originality if you want to be recognized as a polite recipient of how to respond to compliments. Don’t continually say “thank you” in the same manner. Instead, make an effort to customize your reply to the compliment. Think about being humorous or providing a personal experience highlighting the praiseworthy quality.

For instance, if someone praises your culinary abilities, you could respond with, “Thanks! My grandma’s secret recipe book taught me everything I know,” or “Thanks! I enjoy cooking for folks who value fine cuisine.

Using your imagination when responding demonstrates your sense of humour, spontaneity, and confidence, all of which can help the person who made the compliment feel even better about the exchange. Additionally, it makes the exchange more fun and memorable for both sides.

Motivate Yourself By The Compliment

Finally, utilize the praise as an encouragement to carry on with what you’re doing. Let the compliment motivate you to keep moving forward, whether you’re pursuing a personal project, striving for a goal, or simply trying to become a better person. Consider the fact that someone recognized and valued your efforts as motivation to keep working toward success. 

If you keep a notebook, note the compliment and refer to it later when you need a motivational boost. Reading the complement might be a cheery notion that helps you remember your abilities and positive attributes while you are facing difficulties or barriers.


Sincere praise is a gift, therefore, it’s crucial to recognize and value it when you get one.

Not boasting or being haughty is the opposite of accepting compliments; it shows that you value yourself and that other people do as well. So, the next time someone compliments you, accept it wholeheartedly and express your gratitude for their generosity.

Make it a practice to receive and give compliments with grace. One complement at a time, doing so can contribute to making the world an even more kind and compassionate place!

Are you willing to live a happier, more optimistic life? Then visit the Little Dose of Happiness blog, where we provide top-notch information with facts and insights supported by research to assist you in developing a more purposeful and joyful life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1) How Can I Continue After Getting a Compliment?

Ans. Accept praise gracefully, then proceed. When talking further, you can switch the topic or carry on with the conversation you had been doing before to the compliment being delivered.

Q2) How Should You React When Someone Compliments You?

Ans. If a stranger compliments you, all you need to say in return is “thank you” and smile. You don’t have to have a lengthy talk if you don’t feel comfortable.

Q3) What To Do In The Event Of A Flirty Compliment?

Ans. Consider your ease level before reacting jokingly or lightheartedly to flirtatious compliments. Use humor or make an equally charming comment if you want to exchange flirtatious remarks. However, if you feel awkward interacting with the individual in question, kindly express your gratitude while establishing any necessary boundaries.