Is Risk of Rain 2 Cross-Platform / Can you play Risk of Rain 2 with friends?

Is Risk of Rain 2 Cross-Platform

Is Risk of Rain 2 Cross-Platform – Risk of Rain 2 is a game that will make you laugh, cry, and question your life choices. It’s a game that will test your patience, skills, and ability to handle a rogue alien hurtling toward you at breakneck speed. It’s a game that will make you feel like a superhero one minute and a helpless hamster in a wheel the next.

In Risk of Rain 2, you play as a team of survivors stranded on an alien planet and fighting for survival. You’ll encounter strange creatures, face challenging obstacles, and uncover the mystery of the planet. But most importantly, you’ll experience the thrill of trying to dodge a massive, rolling boulder chasing you down a narrow path.

The game’s art style is a delightful mix of retro-futuristic, with pixelated graphics and a funky, synth-heavy soundtrack. The humor is off-the-wall, ranging from weird yet scary creatures to dark and absurdist jokes.

Overall, Risk of Rain 2 is a game that’s equal parts challenging, entertaining, and silly. So, grab a friend (or a bunch of friends), strap in, and get ready for an experience that’s out of this world. Now there are certain limitations to playing this game with your friends. And this brings us to the query of the day, Is Risk of rain 2 cross-platform?

Is Risk of Rain 2 Cross-platform?

Unfortunately, Risk of Rain 2 is not a cross-platform game. This means that players on different platforms cannot play together in the same game. For example, a player on a PC cannot play with a player on Xbox One, and vice versa. This can be disappointing for players who want to play with friends who may be on different platforms.

The lack of cross-platform play can limit the potential pool of players to team up with, as players are restricted to only playing with others on the same platform. This can result in longer wait times to find a suitable game or a less enjoyable experience; players may not be able to team up with their preferred partners.

However, despite not being cross-platform, Risk of Rain 2 is still a fun and entertaining game that offers players a challenging and enjoyable experience. With its fast-paced action, quirky humor, and randomized levels, it’s a great choice for players looking for a challenging and entertaining game on their preferred platform.

Why is a cross-play not provided by the developers of Risk of Rain 2?

Following are the speculated reasons why the developers of Risk of rain 2 don’t provide cross-platform gameplay:

Technical Compatibility

One of the main reasons is technical compatibility. Different platforms have different hardware, software, and networking systems, making it difficult to create a seamless cross-platform experience. Ensuring that the game works seamlessly across different platforms requires significant technical resources, which may be limited to the developers.


Another reason is platform-specific features. Different platforms offer unique features and capabilities, such as platform-specific controls, and integrating these into the game can be difficult and time-consuming. This can also lead to an inconsistent experience across different platforms.


Some platform holders may have strict security or privacy policies that prevent cross-platform play. In such cases, the game developers would have to choose between making the game cross-platform or not releasing it on that platform.

Additional Resources

Lastly, cross-platform play can be challenging from a business perspective. Different platforms may have different revenue models, and the developers may need help monetizing the game similarly on all platforms.

Wrapping up

In conclusion, Risk of Rain 2 may not have cross-platform play, but it offers plenty of fun. Players can enjoy quirky humor, fast-paced action, and challenging levels, all from the comfort of their preferred platform. So, whether on PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, or Xbox One, you can still experience the thrill of fighting for survival on an alien planet. 

I hope this article has cleared all your doubts about “Risk of rain 2 cross-platform”. Feel free to comment below if you have any other questions or information.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Why can’t I play Risk of Rain 2 with friends on different platforms?

Unfortunately, Risk of Rain 2 does not support cross-platform play, meaning players on different platforms cannot play together in the same game. This is due to technical and business reasons and restrictions imposed by platform holders.

Can I play Risk of Rain 2 with friends on the same platform?

Yes, you can play Risk of Rain 2 with friends on the same platform. You can join forces to take on the challenges of the alien planet together.

Will the cross-platform play be added to Risk of Rain 2?

It is uncertain if cross-platform play will be added to Risk of Rain 2. The developers may consider adding cross-platform play if it becomes feasible.

What platforms does Risk of Rain 2 support?

Risk of Rain 2 is available on PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

Is the lack of cross-platform play a disadvantage for Risk of Rain 2?

The lack of cross-platform play may disadvantage some players, but it does not diminish the game’s overall quality. Risk of Rain 2 is still a highly enjoyable and entertaining game that offers players a challenging and unique experience on their preferred platform.