A Complete Guide to Pet Cremation & Burial Services


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The loss of a pet cat, dog, horse, or any other furry friend is undeniably heartbreaking. Pets become such a significant and meaningful part of our lives that bidding them a final goodbye becomes extremely hard for us. If you have suffered from the loss of a pet, then you may honor their love by opting for the peaceful medium of Pet Cremation. If you have a pet and you wish to plan in advance about their departure rites, then too you may choose to go for Pet Cremation or Pet Burial services. You may search yourself or ask your veterinarian for reputed Pet Cremation services near me.

What are the options for respectable final rites for your beloved pet?

<span style=color ee3163><em><strong><a style=color ee3163 href=httpswwwgooglecomimgresimgurl=https3A2F2Fpbstwimgcom2Fmedia2FDO83PUSX0AAXjC9jpgimgrefurl=https3A2F2Ftwittercom2Fglobaltimesnews2Fstatus2F932024386231701504docid=1aA4E9qVh0uxbMtbnid=QncEBE6YPLc1XM3Avet=1w=1024h=683itg=1bih=625biw=1366ved=2ahUKEwixxt7mh5LpAhVHwzgGHVB0DFcQxiAoAXoECAEQGQiact=cictx=1>Image Source<a><strong><em><span>

In case of a loss of your cherished furry best friend, you may choose to opt for one of the following three options:

  • Burial or Internment

If you intend to bury your pet, you may ask for the ‘Pet Burial services near me’ from your veterinarian. However, in some areas, burying of the pets without cremation is prohibited. Also, this option is good when you are sure that you will be staying at that place and will not move out. So that you always stay close to your pet’s final resting place and do not leave it behind if you move out in the future. 

  • Communal Cremation

In a communal cremation, your pet is cremated with other pets. You may choose to collect the ashes after cremation. However, there may be chances that other pets’ ashes get mixed too with your pet’s ashes. But in some cremation services, there are partitions for pets, so there is extremely less scope for mixing of ashes.

  • Private Cremation

You can choose to go for the option of private cremation if you want that no other pet’s cremation must be done with your pet. Here, you can be assured that there is no mixing of the pet’s ashes with others. You may even ask the service providers if you can see the cremation process. They usually have an allotted room where the pet owners can see the process. This way, you will also be relieved that your pet was handled with dignity and care. It may also help in providing closure.

What happens in the cremation process?

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If your pet had their last breath in the veterinarian’s clinic, then your pet may be transported to the cremation center directly from there. However, if your dearest pet bid you goodbye at your house, then you may ask the cremation center for pick up services.

In the cremation process, your pet’s mortal remains are reduced thermally, which results in white-coloured powdery cremains. Any metal objects are removed beforehand and are not cremated. The same goes for plastic toys and other belongings of your pet because of environmental hazards. However, if you wish to cremate your pet’s blanket with them, then you may request the service providers for it. In some cases, if the blanket is made from a natural fiber, then the cremation firm allows a part of the blanket to be cremated with your pet. Then if you wish, the ashes can be returned to you in an urn, a plastic bag, or a box as a medium to memorialize them.

Also, you may be assured that the cremains you get are from your pet only as the cremation firms tag the individual pets properly, leaving no room for any confusion.

How much time does it take in the cremation process?

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The time taken in the cremation process differs primarily on the basis of the size of your pet. For smaller-sized animals like rabbits, hamsters, mice, and even birds, the process usually takes a maximum of 30 minutes. For medium-sized animals like cats and dogs, the process may take up to one hour. For large-sized animals like horses, the process may take up to two hours.

Once your pets are cremated, you will get the cremains within a few days. If you have a private cremation process, then you may take the cremains that day itself.

What is the cost of Pet Cremation?

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The average cost of Pet Cremation ranges between $50-$150. It depends on various factors like the size of your pet, location of your house, type of cremation, whether it is communal or private.

What can you do with the pet’s cremains?

You may ask the pet cremation service provider if they can handover you the ashes in an urn. You can also store them in a decorative box. You may then choose to keep the box or the urn at a place where your other family member’s ashes urns are kept. This will be a beautiful way to honor them as a part of your family. At some places, there are even options for getting jewelry made from the cremains.

You may even choose to scatter the ashes of your beloved furry friend in your backyard or near your family member’s burial place in the cemetery.

It’s all about deepest love and care

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Bidding goodbye to your adored pet may be a tough call for you, but that’s how the cycle of life is. Be its cremation or burial; you may always choose to still have prayer meets and pet memorial services. This will help you in offering condolences and showing your deep love in a serene way. You may also choose to have a quiet remembrance ceremony at your home in honor of your pet.