rocksmith plus

ROCKSMITH PLUS  – Today, September 6, marks the arrival of the Rocksmith Plus launch date, allowing us to discuss Ubisoft’s next computer game that teaches guitar and has been dubbed “Guitar Hero with real guitars.”

Rocksmith Plus indeed offers a video game that trains you how to play the guitar especially, but if you want to use it, you’ll need a PC or laptop running Windows 10; at this point, there are no plans to release it for the Mac, the PlayStation 4, the PlayStation 5, the Xbox One, the Xbox Series X/S, or Nintendo Switch. Of course, you’ll also need a guitar of your own. Both electric & acoustic guitars, along with bass guitars, are supported.

We at were given early access to an early evaluation version of Rocksmith Plus for the PC, and over the past several weeks, we have spent some time playing the game for extended periods. So far, we’re impressed! However, given that Rocksmith Plus is marketed as a subscription service, it’s important to remember that the platform will likely get a lot more information and modifications in the upcoming weeks, months, and maybe years.

Naturally, how skilled you are at playing the guitar will have a big impact on how well you do with Rocksmith Plus. In his adolescent years (more than ten years ago, if you wanted to know), the author attended a few years of traditional instruction, although he only advanced to as late as Grade One.

In a few university bands that followed, we played flimsy major chords and simple bass lines before letting our instruments sit inactive for years. During the pandemic, we did some doodling but not much. Even if we’d like to devote more time to the hobby, we’re never entirely certain what we’ll be doing on the guitar.

Given everything mentioned above, we purchased Rocksmith Plus with genuine excitement. Can this catalyse us to pick up the guitar again significantly? Could this game help us become proficient guitarists decades after we first picked up a guitar? Could this be the beginning of a massively popular musical career that will instantly make us rock stars? Okay, perhaps not the final one, but we felt certain about the first two.

To be honest, the Rocksmith Plus setup required quite a bit of tweaking, which temporarily dampened our spirits. In case you were curious, we had to access our audio preferences to enable the music at first (we had to turn off a competitive audio output), as there was initially no sound emanating from our television. Then, we needed to install the Rocksmith companion software for the game to recognise our acoustic guitar. If you’re using an electric guitar, you must connect it to your computer.

Everything fell into place once we could hear the game being played, and the game could hear our guitar.

The game prompts you to select a few genres right away so that it can suggest songs you might like. An inventory of every one of the chords that you require to be familiar with before beginning is displayed when you choose to play the rhythm part rather than the lead section whenever you click on a song. We discovered a strange Al Yankovic song that solely employed chords that we were familiar with, so we cued it and then got to work.

You’ll see a colourful scrolling tab on the display while you’re practising a song; it looks a lot like the Guitar Hero tab, but obviously, it’s more intricate. Most guitarists ought to be able to comprehend these after a few tries; however, maintaining up with their fingertips is a whole different issue.

Like Guitar Hero, the game will reveal how many notes or chords you accurately nailed after the song. You’ll get a grade for percentage accuracy and a couple of experience points you may use to unlock cosmetic items.

The audio is clear, the pictures used in the tunes are incredibly gorgeous to look at, and the experience of playing the loop is alluring. On the first day of rehearsal, we ended up playing for a full four hours nonstop while experimenting with various tunes, trying to raise our scores, and learning a ton of brand-new chords that we hadn’t previously come across before.

Even though we didn’t think we could, we even tried playing lead guitar sections. After a while, our fingers began to hurt, but it was quite gratifying to observe those percentage “mastery” ratings steadily increasing.

You can select the level of complexity you want to play at when performing a lead guitar part. You will only need to practice a small number of notes if you significantly lower the meter. The game will urge you to practice specific sections as you get better at them and progressively get harder.

You’ll eventually discover that you can play riffs you previously believed impossible. It’s an excellent way to learn songs, and I say that as someone who has tried numerous times throughout his life to do so using online tabs. The process can be really difficult, but Rocksmith makes it much easier and more motivating.

Aside from the setup’s hassle, the song catalogue is the only component we would consider to be a problem. Yes, there were over 5,000 tracks available for playback at launch, but if you look for your favourite band, it’s unlikely that you’ll find any of their well-known songs here; instead, you might come across an unidentified B-side or a song that appeared on a compilation album.

As such, don’t expect to find the complete discography of every one of your favourite musicians. However, because Rocksmith Plus is advertised as a developing service, let’s hope that additional of our favourite songs will eventually be added. We’ll happily keep jamming to the music that is currently available until then!


In conclusion, the article has attempted to give you information about ” ROCKSMITH PLUS”. I hope the language in this post is clear and understandable.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1) Do PCs have Rocksmith Plus?

Ans. Both PCs and mobile devices can use your Rocksmith subscription. To access your achievements across the two platforms, make sure to log in with the same Ubisoft Account. Can I include my music in Rocksmith+?

Q2) What is the price of Rocksmith Plus?

Ans. Rocksmith+ requires a subscription to use. For a month, it costs $15; for three, it costs $40; and for a year, it costs $100. There is also a trial period of seven days available, but if you don’t want to continue using the application after the first week, you must pay up for the yearly subscription and promptly cancel.

Q3) Can I use my phone to play Rocksmith Plus?

Ans. The acclaimed music education program Rocksmith+ is now accessible on mobile devices worldwide. Download the free mobile application for iOS, Android, or PC to have access to greater than 6,000 songs and to start studying guitar whenever and wherever you like.