sucrose intolerance

SUCROSE INTOLERANCEDisrupting symptoms like diarrhoea, bloating, gas, and severe abdominal pain brought on by digestive problems and diseases can have a significant negative impact on your life. Those intolerant to sucrose experience abdominal discomfort after consuming foods that include table sugar because they lack the enzymes necessary for sucrose breakdown.

The gastrointestinal specialists at the Millennium Medical & Dental Care Clinic are committed to examining your symptoms and making every effort to identify the underlying factors that are causing your sucrose intolerance. Medical professionals develop the best methods and treatments to relieve discomfort based on extensive research and knowledge of the gastrointestinal tract and potential problems and solutions.

Most individuals with digestive problems are sensitive to certain foods, which can aggravate the problem and cause uncomfortable symptoms, including gas, bloating, and diarrhoea. The digestive problems that ordinary white sugar leads to and the steps you must take to control your condition better may surprise you. Understanding sucrose intolerance along with how to treat it may be helpful for those experiencing these signs to find the respite they require. 

What Is Intolerance to Sucrose?

The inability to consume foods containing sugar without experiencing unpleasant sensations is known as sucrose intolerance (SI). You might be surprised to learn that table sugar, most frequently brown or white table sugar, is also known as sucrose. Since it constitutes a disaccharide, two distinct sugars are joined together.

Intolerance levels can differ. While some people only have minor symptoms, others may have life-interrupting severe problems.

These two connected sugars must be broken apart and digested by the body to be absorbed. The body’s enzymes disassemble the sugar and reduce it to a size that can be properly digested. Sucrose intolerance, or a failure of the body to absorb the sugars, is caused by a lack of or low amount of sugar-breaking enzymes.

How Sucrose Intolerance Develops

Two types of fructose intolerance exist. As follows:

Acquired sensitivity to sucrose

The amounts of enzymes that aid in the digestion of sucrose drop dramatically when the gut lining is damaged because of inflammation, illness, and other issues. The reason is that such enzymes are kept stored within the digestive system, and enzyme stores are reduced when the gut lining is damaged.

This type of sucrose intolerance is frequently observed in disorders including celiac disease, SIBO, inflammatory bowel disease, and other ailments that may harm the digestive tract lining.

CSID stands for congenital sucrase-isomaltase deficiency.

It refers to a disorder that exists from birth. Some people lack the genes necessary to produce the enzyme. The patient must adhere to a low-sucrose diet starting in infancy.

When a baby starts consuming foods or beverages containing sugar, signs and symptoms of the hereditary or congenital form appear. When nursing, babies typically don’t display any signs of sensitivity.

When Do Sucrose Intolerance Symptoms Occur?

Sucrose intolerance signs typically appear after meals. The microbiome, which includes sugar and other organisms like bacteria, is abundant in the intestine, which is why it occurs. These creatures feed when given a buffet of sucrose in food, and when they do so, gasses are created. It results in pain and a bloated and gassy sensation. Due to the effects sugar exerts on the intestines, diarrhoea can be a significant contributing factor in some circumstances.

Sucrose intolerance symptoms

The most typical signs of sucrose intolerance include the following:

  • Diarrheal diarrhea;
  • Odorous stools and gas
  • Chronic stomach ache;
  • Bloating.

Foods High in Sucrose

Numerous vegetables, fruits, and sweeteners contain sucrose. The quantity of food you eat affects how well you tolerate these items. Small amounts of sugar are not harmful; however, consuming these items in high amounts may cause unpleasant symptoms.

Sucrose-containing fruits include:

  • Bananas 
  • Apples 
  • Grapefruit 
  • Melon honeydew
  • Dates 
  • Raisins 
  • Pineapples
  • Peaches 

Sucrose-containing vegetables include:

  • Peas 
  • Beans 
  • Lentils 
  • Sweet pickles 

The following sweeteners contain sucrose:

  • Dark sugar;
  • Brown sugar;
  • Maple syrup
  • Molasses;
  • Sugar for table.

Among the starches and carbohydrates high in sucrose are:

  • Cereal for breakfast;
  • Cereal bars;
  • Muffins;
  • Pies 
  • Cookies
  • Jam 
  • Pudding 
  • Pasta
  • Rice
  • Bread
  • Potatoes

Although there are no obvious causes for sucrose intolerance, it is important to be aware of its prevalence. Developed sucrose intolerance can appear in everyone having underlying digestive issues.

Living an active lifestyle requires learning to cope with common gastrointestinal problems and embracing them as commonplace. Similar symptoms also affect infants and children; however, because an adult’s digestive tract is longer, these symptoms affect them more frequently and severely.

Increased occurrences of loose stool, discomfort in the abdomen, and gas are signs of adult symptoms. When consuming foods high in sugar, many people get sporadic watery diarrhoea. Constipation and diarrhoea might happen back to back occasionally. It makes it difficult for medical practitioners to precisely diagnose this medical condition & recommend the best course of action.

Identifying Sucrose Intolerance and Digestive Issues

By ruling out potential causes of symptoms, your primary care physician will identify the intolerance towards sugar and any stomach issues. They’ll be on the lookout for ailments, including infections, celiac disorder, SIBO, or other gut issues.

It is simple to treat and alleviate stomach issues brought on by sucrose intolerance if the underlying issues are identified.

An intestine biopsy is the diagnostic procedure that diagnoses SI the most precisely. Due to the hazards involved and the need for anaesthesia, this surgery is uncommon. Congenital sucrose intolerance is more likely to be treated because it is a lifetime condition that requires greater attention. 

Other methods for detecting SI

There may be some additional ways to diagnose sucrose. They consist of:

  • Supplement with enzymes;
  • Checking for sugar in the urine;
  • Genetic analysis.

Sugar Intolerance Management

It can be determined what kind of sugar causes intolerance by keeping records of everything you consume during the day. Identifying the issue’s root cause can remove these trigger foods from the diet.

If you have a sugar allergy, you may need to cut out other meals containing or specific kinds of sugar to prevent responses. Additionally, you must avoid sugar if you feel intolerant to it until you have been properly examined and diagnosed.

Sugar Alternatives

Many individuals sensitive to a particular type of sugar might not experience any negative side effects from some sugar replacements. These alternatives consist of:

  • Stevia 
  • Xylitol;
  • Aspartame 
  • Saccharin;

It is significant to mention that individuals should be aware of any potential health risks associated with sugar alternatives. Artificial sweeteners, according to health professionals, may cause glucose intolerance. In the future, this could not be a wise decision.

They might advise clients to stop eating veggies, fruits, and carbohydrates while also keeping a dietary journal. The doctor will monitor the situation and suggest the best treatments to prevent sucrose intolerance and other food allergies.

Consistent symptoms, including persistent diarrhoea, unexplained discomfort in the abdomen, bloating and gas, decreased weight, and regular movements of stool, shouldn’t be disregarded since these could be indicators of sucrose intolerance.

Sometimes, severe sucrose intolerance is followed by gassiness, stomach distension, and vomiting. Make an appointment at the 21st Century Medical & Dental Center with a skilled and highly regarded gastroenterologist to learn more about what might affect these signs. 


In conclusion, the article has attempted to give you information about  “SUCROSE INTOLERANCE”. I hope the language in this post is clear and understandable.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1) How is intolerance to sugar treated?

Ans. If you have been diagnosed with sucrose intolerance, you will probably be treated with dietary changes and supplementary enzymes. Whenever dosed appropriately before a meal, a medically prescribed enzyme supplement may assist you in comfortably handling foods that contain sugar.

Q2) What foods should someone with a sugar intolerance avoid?

Ans. Most other sugar-based sweets, including chocolate. Condiments high in sugar include jellies, jams, sauces, chutneys, ketchup, sweeter relish, Barbeque sauce, mayonnaise, & salad dressings. Prepared meats such as liverwurst, pasties, sausages and bacon, ham, hamburgers, deli meats, & pâtés which might be sugar-cured.

Q3) How widespread is intolerance to sucrose?

Ans. One in 5000 people, according to some estimates, may be sucrose intolerant. It could reach up to 5% in some groups. The acquired type might appear in anyone who has fundamental digestive issues.