The Five Facts You Never Knew About Brad Pitt


Brad Pitt is one of the most recognisable faces on the planet. He’d most likely be recognised well before any world leaders, or even the likes of the Queen or Prince Charles.

He’s lived his life in the spotlight having first hit our screens as a young mid-20s man, and has seen relationships with the likes of Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie all play out in the public eye, and has often been voted the world’s sexiest man.

But what about the layers underneath? And what don’t we perhaps know about Brad Pitt? Well, you’re about to discover exactly that…

The Five Facts You Never Knew About Brad Pitt

He was a stripper before getting his break

While women will fall at his feet today and tune in to all his movies, many will be wishing they’d known of him before he was famous as Pitt actually worked as a stripper during his university days.

A friend of Pitt’s recently revealed that whilst at the University of Missouri he was part of a seven man troupe called the Dancing Bares, where Pitt was also quite the entertainer within the group.

The friend said of his time dancing naked for other sister sororities, “When a girl from one of our sister sororities turned 21, the Bares would put her in a chair and come out butt-naked with pillowcases on their heads and do a choreographed dance for her. The girls would be laughing so hard. It was great!”

He added, “Once, during Spring Fling, Brad tanned the letters of the sorority house we were grouped with on his butt. He mooned the whole crowd. Everyone thought it was hysterical.”

He almost had his own casino

Casinos have followed Pitt around his career a little bit. He was well known within the celebrity poker circles and was believed to have been involved in games organised by the infamous Molly Bloom, while also he spent much time in Las Vegas filming the Oceans movies.

It was there he saw the casino industry as a good opportunity, of which it is even more so now given the rise of online casinos like 777, and joined forces with George Clooney to invest in a $3billion casino.

Sadly, the casino itself never game to light, with plans eventually being scrapped. We’re not entirely sure how much Pitt lost in the investment but we certainly would have loved to see him parading the casino floors, Terry Benedict style.

He actually had his tooth chipped for Fight Club

Actors can be very precious about their looks, and when you look like Brad Pitt you could certainly be forgiven for not wanting to take any knocks.

But such is his professionalism, the star volunteered to get his tooth chipped for his role as Tyler Durden, which is quite the gesture.

So that’s what they did, they chipped his tooth and then he went to the dentist to get it fixed. He’s certainly a braver man than us if he’s happily willing to visit the dentist!

He’s a serial eater on screen

We all know Brad Pitt likes to eat on screen, but do you know why?

Think about the Ocean’s movies and there’s barely a scene without him chomping on something. And the reason is that he simply likes to keep busy while in shot.

He claimed he’s very much a grazer by nature and by eating it makes him appear more natural and doing the things that are normal. Of his eating in the Ocean’s movies he said, “He [Rusty] was always on the run, always on the move, I figured he could never sit down and have a proper meal. So he always had to grab something on the run.”