The Mental Health Crisis College Students: 4 Most Common Issues


College is hard. Students have to deal with high expectations, challenging assignments, and a chronic lack of time. They hardly ever have enough time for self-care because of the constant flow of homework. We shouldn’t also forget about the financial burden that often puts additional pressure on a student.

In combination, these factors can trigger mental health issues. More than 60% of students report at least one mental health problem. Just think about it: every 3 out of 5 students are affected.

The situation requires creative solutions and effective support systems. Every student should be able to access counseling, get academic support, or write an essay online with the help of a paper writing service whenever they feel overwhelmed. We need to develop a wellness culture in our colleges to help students stay healthy and fulfilled.

To improve mental health care, we should start by understanding what it is that we’re dealing with. Let’s take a closer look at the most common mental health issues facing college students today.

1.   Anxiety (H2)

Anxiety is a top concern. A 2022 study reveals that about 50% of students experience it at moderate to severe levels. Anxiety is described as a feeling of worry, fear, or unease.

It’s normal to feel nervous or worried temporarily under certain circumstances. However, if this feeling persists and affects your daily life, it can be an anxiety disorder.

The typical symptoms of anxiety include:

  • restlessness
  • difficulty falling asleep
  • difficulty controlling worry
  • a sense of impending danger
  • trembling
  • increased heart rate
  • tiredness
  • gastrointestinal issues

Students are particularly at risk because of stress buildup. They have a lot of ongoing worries because of coursework and grades that often bring along this mental health issue.

To prevent anxiety, you need to develop a healthy diet and sleep routine, take time out to take care of yourself, and learn stress management techniques. These are simple things, but they seem impossible to a lot of students because of a hectic schedule. Luckily, you can learn to prioritize and let experts from top essay writing services write papers for money for you. This way, you can do only those assignments that are exciting and inspiring and have more time to maintain a healthy study-life balance.

2.   Depression (H2)

Depression is another mental health disorder that manifests itself in a feeling of sadness and lack of interest in activities you once enjoyed. It is a serious condition that affects how you feel, behave, and even think.

The symptoms of depression are diverse:

  • hopelessness
  • persistent sadness
  • change in appetite
  • crying
  • a feeling of “emptiness”
  • fatigue
  • loss of interest
  • irritability and anger
  • difficulty making decisions
  • thoughts of death, self-harm, and suicide

If you experience some of them every day for at least 2 weeks, it’s a sign to seek professional medical help. Don’t delay it.

What causes depression? It could be one or a combination of factors, such as:

  • chemical imbalance in the brain
  • hormone issues
  • genetics
  • prolonged physical or emotional pain
  • chronic illness and certain medical conditions
  • trauma

Depression results from a variety of physical, biological, and mental causes. This is why the prevention strategy requires a comprehensive approach with campus-based programs to promote healthy living, exercise, and stress management.

Depression can be effectively treated with psychotherapy that is combined with medication in severe cases.

3.   ADHD (H2)

If you experience severe difficulty staying focused and organizing your coursework, it might be a symptom of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

ADHD is typically diagnosed in childhood since it’s one of the neurodevelopmental disorders. In adults, hyperactivity usually decreases, but other symptoms persist. These are:

  • restlessness
  • impulsiveness
  • short attention span
  • poor time management and organization
  • concentration difficulties
  • poor planning and prioritization
  • problems with finishing tasks

How to live with ADHD and decrease its impact on your daily life and performance in school? The key is to seek professional support, as you may actually need psychotherapy and medication.

What you can do by yourself is develop effective behavior management strategies. You can learn to organize your coursework and prioritize tasks by delegating some of them to top assignment services. You should also make changes in your environment and routine to minimize distractions and improve time management.

4.   Eating Disorders (H2)

Eating disorders are associated with disturbances in eating habits and emotional distress connected to them. Some of the common types include binge-eating disorder, bulimia, and anorexia. Eating disorders affect what and how much you eat and how you think about food in general. Usually, eating disorders are also associated with weight.

Eating disorders are a lot more common than many people think. According to a review, they’re some of the most prevalent among college students, ranging from 19% to 48%.

Eating disorders have the following symptoms:

  • restricted eating
  • extreme thinness
  • obsessive weight loss and dieting
  • avoiding meals
  • fear of gaining weight
  • binge-eating

Physical symptoms can include:

  • fainting
  • stomachache
  • dizziness
  • menstrual irregularities
  • muscle weakness
  • dry skin
  • low hormone levels

Seek treatment if you notice signs of eating disorders. These are complex physical and mental conditions that can lead to severe medical complications.

Closing Remarks (H2)

The prevalence of mental health issues is a call for a major change in the way we approach education and wellness. Students need to know and be aware of the possible signs and symptoms of mental health issues to seek timely support.